Search results for query: reactive T

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  1. Sammy0225

    I still have reactive t but it’s not easily triggered anymore unless I hear a lawn mower or leaf...

    I still have reactive t but it’s not easily triggered anymore unless I hear a lawn mower or leaf blower then I get a flare up for 24-48hrs
  2. Sammy0225

    Diagnosed w/occipital neuralgia. Covid kick started causing reactive T and light sensitivity...

    Diagnosed w/occipital neuralgia. Covid kick started causing reactive T and light sensitivity. Neck stiffness and pain. Hope everyone is ok
  3. Soysauce

    How are things going with your reactive T?

    How are things going with your reactive T?
  4. H

    How do you deal with Reactive T and H? Do you force through noise or protect?

    How do you deal with Reactive T and H? Do you force through noise or protect?
  5. HighleyTall

    Hi Joe, how would you desribe you T sound? And is it bilateral, reactive...? thx

    Hi Joe, how would you desribe you T sound? And is it bilateral, reactive...? thx
  6. Sammy0225

    @cyberspace i had bad reactive t during the first year I developed T. Thankfully i can tolerate...

    @cyberspace i had bad reactive t during the first year I developed T. Thankfully i can tolerate the fan and AC again with the reactive component not being so fussy
  7. Juliane

    @MiaVIL All I can say is I was Lucky back then. My T was much milder than today and not reactive

    @MiaVIL All I can say is I was Lucky back then. My T was much milder than today and not reactive
  8. ErikaS

    I want to start working out to help my physical & mental state. But I am afraid to with my...

    I want to start working out to help my physical & mental state. But I am afraid to with my reactive T, have a fear it will worsen it..
  9. H

    Any advice on Reactive T? I wear protection almost constantly in home. Including sleep. Any...

    Any advice on Reactive T? I wear protection almost constantly in home. Including sleep. Any sound could trigger it.
  10. ampumpkin

    "Reactive" Tinnitus = Is It Hyperacusis?

    ..."reactive" T where the T is louder in my head around loud noises. When I habituated, this feeling went away completely. This time, the reactive T is back and worst... and I was wondering if it would eventually go away if I habituate once again (my T is louder than before due to more...
  11. Marshall

    Reactive H isn't really a thing imo. Took my reactive T and H about a year and a half of...

    Reactive H isn't really a thing imo. Took my reactive T and H about a year and a half of resting before I saw Signiant change. At 8 months is when I first notice subtle change. I also was carful with my ear and wore filtered ear plugs outside the house.
  12. Kiyomi

    Crazy how many tones there already are but they aren't really bothering me. It's the reactive T...

    Crazy how many tones there already are but they aren't really bothering me. It's the reactive T that makes it difficult.
  13. D

    This week marks a year since this (reactive t and loudness h) started. One year homebound. What...

    This week marks a year since this (reactive t and loudness h) started. One year homebound. What a fucking year lmao
  14. Zigs

    Aw I’m sorry to hear it came back but glad you are hanging in there! I have reactive T too and...

    Aw I’m sorry to hear it came back but glad you are hanging in there! I have reactive T too and currently dealing with a major spike or worsening so I sympathise
  15. DeanD

    Reactive severe T is so much easier to deal with than dysphagia. Never knew or could even...

    Reactive severe T is so much easier to deal with than dysphagia. Never knew or could even imagine that, until I got both.
  16. Kiyomi

    One month, got T, reactive T, H, some distortions and strange electric neuron sounds. The...

    One month, got T, reactive T, H, some distortions and strange electric neuron sounds. The distortions got a little better and I also had some angle grinder sound which was horrific but it went away 80%.
  17. Tryn2BHopeful

    8 months and reactive T seems to go up and down. It's terrible right now. I am so fed up.

    8 months and reactive T seems to go up and down. It's terrible right now. I am so fed up.
  18. Kiyomi

    Can't listen to any digital audio so I can't study for my exams. 2.5 years of effort and money...

    Can't listen to any digital audio so I can't study for my exams. 2.5 years of effort and money gone. Reactive T killed everything.
  19. DavidSupertramp

    Reactive Tinnitus

    Hi guys , hope you are fine .. So another thread from me again because now i have really bad reactive T , it gets louder in my right to every sound i hear , it can't be masked with anything . I wouldnt say it is severe yet but it is getting worse everyday .. Plus i have like a hairdryer sound...
  20. Tryn2BHopeful

    Reactive T sucks. Mine was alot worse the first few months than it is now... however fans...

    Reactive T sucks. Mine was alot worse the first few months than it is now... however fans, whitenoise, road noise, crowd noise still bothers me.
  21. HearingHell

    @4Grace Regular T may not bother him, but if he ever developed reactive T, hyperacusis...

    @4Grace Regular T may not bother him, but if he ever developed reactive T, hyperacusis, noxacusis, or distortions, he'd definitely go insane.
  22. Cmspgran

    That’s really great to hear, is your reactive T improving? I’m in a right muddle, moved onto...

    That’s really great to hear, is your reactive T improving? I’m in a right muddle, moved onto carbamazepine and it definitely helped lessen the reactive Morse tones but then created an additional electrical zap which was probably more annoying. Stuck now to know what to do best!
  23. MindOverMatter

    @ErikaS I would rather turn it around and say it is a greater chance for you that it will...

    @ErikaS I would rather turn it around and say it is a greater chance for you that it will actually help you - in total. It might wind up t from time to time, but nothing permanent. Unless you do something "stupid". I've worked out with reactive t for more than 3 yrs now.
  24. Kiyomi

    After 1 month and 10 days I still have H. It's better than at the beginning but pretty much the...

    After 1 month and 10 days I still have H. It's better than at the beginning but pretty much the same for the last 2-3 weeks. Also my reactive T is the same. Actually all of my tones seem to be reactive, except one 1khz tone which does not bother me. If I have any noise exposure, especially...
  25. ampumpkin

    Reactive Tinnitus Gone? What's Happening to Me?

    ...component of it went away as my habituation process went along. For 7 years, it was not reactive anymore. Fast forward May 2014, my reactive T comes back full force, much louder than in 2007 and impossible to mask (in city traffic, car, when I was turning out the water faucet, in public...
  26. Cmspgran

    Thinking of you mate. I’m hoping the shore device works for reactive t, if I’m as bad in another...

    Thinking of you mate. I’m hoping the shore device works for reactive t, if I’m as bad in another 12 months and it’s out, I’m considering flying to America im that desperate.
  27. Kiyomi

    So basically all of my tones seem to be reactive. So maybe snoring makes the T louder, but if...

    So basically all of my tones seem to be reactive. So maybe snoring makes the T louder, but if that is the case, earplugs would not work because of the occlussion effect?
  28. Kiyomi

    @4Grace The volume of my T never really was the problem. It's the reactive T and diplacusis that...

    @4Grace The volume of my T never really was the problem. It's the reactive T and diplacusis that are making things difficult. But I think i'm still in the mild category and now that I got my anxiety under control (most of the time) it is getting better.
  29. J

    Yeah, my reactive tones are humming! from the the AC. I used fan noise to sleep for years before...

    Yeah, my reactive tones are humming! from the the AC. I used fan noise to sleep for years before T. It was a tough road having to give that up and just listen to my head noise. It's much better now. Can sleep without benadryl or hydroxyzine and my head is LOUD.
  30. Juliane

    @MiaVIL I was struggling a lot from 2003-2007. Then I found a way to live with my T. Today it is...

    @MiaVIL I was struggling a lot from 2003-2007. Then I found a way to live with my T. Today it is hard for me to understand why I struggled so much because back then my T was not reactive. How hard could that be? But I guess it is all relative
  31. MindOverMatter

    @snizzleberry I have good news for you. If you can only hear it with ear plugged, and dead...

    @snizzleberry I have good news for you. If you can only hear it with ear plugged, and dead silence around you (aka sleeping), you will habituate very soon. I can hear it over most soundscapes, if I want - but most of the time it doesn't bother. Tinnitus that is (not talking about reactive t and h).
  32. gameover

    My T is still reactive 13 months later, but less. It was reacting to my own voice early on, now...

    My T is still reactive 13 months later, but less. It was reacting to my own voice early on, now it is just mechanical noises like car engine, etc.
  33. Kiyomi

    @TheCapybara If I stay in silence for long and do nothing, all tones calm down and I actually...

    @TheCapybara If I stay in silence for long and do nothing, all tones calm down and I actually have silence sometimes, but If I dare to do more than just existing or have some fun, reactive T or aural fullness will step right in.
  34. AndySomething

    Reactive Tinnitus Induced by Headphone Listening Fatigue

    ...really there in the mornings but seems to have a "winding up" effect so appears on days when I'm exposed to a lot of noise. It seems to be reactive too and sounds a bit like the background noise at 1:30 in this video: So here I am. I don't have hyperacusis except to very loud noises and my...
  35. MindOverMatter

    Reactive t/h/TTTS can be challenging and a struggle for sure. Even more so when you are pretty...

    Reactive t/h/TTTS can be challenging and a struggle for sure. Even more so when you are pretty new to it. Ive had t for 20 yrs and the latter for around 5 or so (I've stoppes counting). High frequencies has been quite a challenge for me too through the span of years. I was in a dark place in...
  36. CarloZ

    Can Reactive Tinnitus Feel External?

    ...first month. I was happy for a while. Still kind of am, but I'm full of fear again. 2 weeks a go I posted that I may have a wind sounding reactive T. Not sure I still do have the same sound or just forgot how it sounded. But for the past weeks I just thought to my self, maybe I'm just...
  37. D

    Reactive Tinnitus — How Does One Habituate?

    How does one habituate when their tinnitus changes pitch and tones around different things? I have loud reactive t and bad h. At first it was just regular tinnitus and then the day after onset it changed to reactive t and I developed h at the same time it became reactive. I just dont...
  38. CarloZ

    My Reactive Tinnitus Is Back...

    ...a lot more and I have been sad at all about my T. More like just bothered by it. Anyways, from my 2nd-3rd week of tunnitus I had developed reactive tinnitus, so around mid September or so. It was a ringing at first then it turned it something that sounded like an amber alert. Somewhat similar...
  39. AverageJoe12

    T sound is super super high pitched 'eeeeeee. ' Even though H is only in the right ear, it's...

    T sound is super super high pitched 'eeeeeee. ' Even though H is only in the right ear, it's hard to distinguish if the T is rooted in any single ear. The T feels very much central to me (bilateral) even though I bet the hearing damage is only in my right ear. It's 24/7 but also highly reactive...
  40. Kiyomi

    @Barry098 I still have something like this but it is not that bad. I thought it's just reactive...

    @Barry098 I still have something like this but it is not that bad. I thought it's just reactive T. I only notice it with static sounds. Sweeping through hair or bedsheets, showers and so on.
  41. BrOKeN_1

    @Kain On the pulsating tinnitus question. Its probably not to odd. I'm getting some crazy...

    @Kain On the pulsating tinnitus question. Its probably not to odd. I'm getting some crazy reactive T after 3 years of a pretty constant Eee!
  42. 4Grace

    @billie48 - I read your story again. Wow! You are incredible. I also have incredibly...

    @billie48 - I read your story again. Wow! You are incredible. I also have incredibly debilitating reactive T. I try to do things I enjoy. When every little sound worsens you how do you find a way? I have been home bound for a week. Had a few days in complete silence.
  43. K

    Hey, I’m 3 months into T that has developed into reactive/spiking from conversations-level...

    Hey, I’m 3 months into T that has developed into reactive/spiking from conversations-level volume in the past 2-3 weeks. How did you go about with your exposure therapy in the beginning? If I even put on white noise on my phone with the volume 1 button press above mute is enough to spike me.
  44. Tryn2BHopeful

    @Sammy0225 I use a fan all night on low... it doesn't mask it but by morning it's less...

    @Sammy0225 I use a fan all night on low... it doesn't mask it but by morning it's less reactive... but sadly it's rinse and repeat every night. My T would be much easier without the reactive component but I'm not that lucky I guess
  45. Kiyomi

    Were you already homebound since the start or after worsening? I'm able to go outside and...

    Were you already homebound since the start or after worsening? I'm able to go outside and somehow work a little bit with protection without the H worsening. But the reactive T usually has something to say about it.
  46. 4Grace

    Sorry, not saying it’s easy but you can habituate. Pain H reactive T constant worsening is...

    Sorry, not saying it’s easy but you can habituate. Pain H reactive T constant worsening is something else. Mine is related to the nerves plus major noise trauma. Not to mention concussions when I played hockey. A few months of meds. Every single thing that causes T. Not many had that happen to...
  47. Kiyomi

    Artificial audio seems okish now. Speaker quality seems to make a difference. If the speakers...

    Artificial audio seems okish now. Speaker quality seems to make a difference. If the speakers are bad, distance can make it ok: I can watch TV for some hours depending on the volume. Music sounds ok again. Sometimes reactive T kicks in tho.
  48. Marina Moon

    Interesting, first a vampire repellent and now a t cure. Garlic is powerful stuff! I think...

    Interesting, first a vampire repellent and now a t cure. Garlic is powerful stuff! I think, maybe, your friend has reactive t and the garlic was a perfect sized earplug to block sound XD
  49. Forever hopeful

    Massive spike. Been doing well. Went to restaurant on birthday with ear protection. Now reactive...

    Massive spike. Been doing well. Went to restaurant on birthday with ear protection. Now reactive even higher pitched T.
  50. Leine

    @RunningMan No, they have not offered me those, but may ask them on the next visit if there is a...

    @RunningMan No, they have not offered me those, but may ask them on the next visit if there is a possibility. Am also afraid of aggravating my T as it is very reactive. Have you tried TRT?
  51. M

    Hi @Cmspgran - I saw that your T is very much like mine - in the sense that it is reactive...

    Hi @Cmspgran - I saw that your T is very much like mine - in the sense that it is reactive morse-code like beeps that ride on the back of other sounds (especially white noise type sounds for me). May I ask what background noise you use at night (if any)? I've tried sleeping in dead quiet, but my...
  52. Travis Henry

    I have experienced the same things yall are and still do to a extremely bad state now. Please...

    I have experienced the same things yall are and still do to a extremely bad state now. Please don't listen to anyone's advice to keep exposing to sound to make it better. Michael Ls advice saying there is no such thing as reactive T & noxacusis got me fuked when I still had a liveable level.
  53. Moni97

    My H is still active tho I have seen some improvements and my reactive T seems tied to my H. If...

    My H is still active tho I have seen some improvements and my reactive T seems tied to my H. If I have a setback with my H than my reactive T gets worse as well.
  54. ErikaS

    Only have my EEG with reactive T, no EEG done before it :(

    Only have my EEG with reactive T, no EEG done before it :(
  55. D

    Reactive Tinnitus and Tinnitus Retraining Therapy (TRT)

    My T seems to be quite reactive. When I try white noise my T goes up quite drastically after some hours. Anybody with experience with this? Is TRT the right way to go anyway?
  56. Cmspgran

    How you getting on, mate? Been thinking of you and your struggle as a fellow reactive-t sufferer.

    How you getting on, mate? Been thinking of you and your struggle as a fellow reactive-t sufferer.
  57. BellaMia

    Since my onset of T I've had weakness in the upper part of my thighs. It feels like pins or...

    Since my onset of T I've had weakness in the upper part of my thighs. It feels like pins or needles and my reflexes become over reactive. It has settled for the most part but if I have a flare up it will come back. It may be a nervous system issue.
  58. Makrohn

    Tinnitus Goes Reactive After 20 Years

    I have had tinnitus for 22 years this spring, and I have been living OK with it for most of the time. The last couple of months it has changed, and from what I read, it is now reactive. Some people will call this Hyperacusis, but to me it makes no difference what we call it. Is it possible...
  59. MindOverMatter

    I know 100% where you are coming from @ErikaS - and this is "working in progress", even after...

    I know 100% where you are coming from @ErikaS - and this is "working in progress", even after 4-5 yrs with reactive t. The fear response still kick in, and it stresses me out too from time to time. But not to an extent where it dictate my life. You got this - one step at a time.
  60. Marina Moon

    @Tryn2BHopeful You're right, (T is still reactive though...) i should be looking at the bright...

    @Tryn2BHopeful You're right, (T is still reactive though...) i should be looking at the bright side, because lately i hate living.