thats my kind of t also. and came from a very clogged ear only, no infection, nothing, just a reactive reaction to a mold in the external ear canal which totally closed up my middle ear for weeks. they gave me nothing but drops and sprays saying is etd.wanted to ask , is your kind of t all over...
My T hasn't been reactive, and I confess to not paying enough attention when reading posts by people with reactiveT. Hopefully someone with this type of T will be able to answer your question.
You might also consider avoidance.
Please tell me what's AED. And, does reactivetinnitus get solved by itself with time? It sucks to hear it everywhere. Is reactivetinnitus any form of T + Hyperacusis cocktail?
Hey there just filled it at the compounding pharmacy and waiting for it to be delivered. I ended up starting Propanolol last night it’s at least calmed down my reaction to the T & seems to lower it a bit. Still reactivetho.
According to her, at one point you said that as long as T is not reactive, one ought to be fine. This seems to imply that if T Is reactive, one might not be fine. Her T is reactive...
I am not oveprotecting. Flipping a switch and flushing the toilet actually hurt my ears. T consists of 7-8 sounds, loud, reactive. I think I am spending my last money on hookers and other stuff and then I am done.
I have reactiveT along with the normal T and I'm really struggling with it. While the normal T could be masked with background noise, it makes my reactiveT noise go nuts, it sounds like a jet engine. So makes it near impossible to habituate to.
If you have reactiveT/H I would consider giving LLLT a try instead. My reactive effects are mostly gone by 80% and it was quite bad a few months ago.
Won't cure baseline T but habituation will be a lot easier once the reactive part is out of the picture.
And sound quality better too