Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. J

    Chit Chat and All That...

    ...or so I thought, to try to get on with the main event and not listen to it. Things like loud trucks and buses passing by, electric drills, ambulance sirens drive it up... I think this is reactive tinnitus... What I have to say is that since this COVID-19 appeared my tinnitus appears much...
  2. T

    Woke Up to No Hearing in Right Ear, Room Spinning & Tinnitus — Labyrinthitis & SSNHL

    Yeah, all these websites say that people get a full recovery from labyrinthitis but I'm learning that this is likely not true because every ENT says "learn to live with it". The information is conflicting and it is annoying. Sounds kind of like labyrinthitis with those symptoms...
  3. D

    I Think My Tinnitus Is Related to Herpes

    First time I had that rotational spinning, I thought I was going to die.
  4. Cityjohn

    How Can You Bring Down or Lessen Your Hyperacusis?

    Apparently many people here are helped by ear light therapy for H. It doesn't work at all for T though.
  5. Alue

    Don't You Hate It When Noisy Motorbikes Go Past! the gas station last week. I could tell he had custom exhaust to make his bike louder. When he took off his helmet he had ear plugs in. What an idiot. I hate ambulance and fire trucks too. I drive around with ear muffs in my passenger seat just in case I hear one coming from the...
  6. geg1992

    It's Got Worse, Panicking and Have to Fly Saturday!

    Hi all, My tinnitus has been very nice recently until yesterday. An ambulance came past with sirens blaring, about 30 feet away. Since then, my ears have been really loud and I've had H which is not something I'm used to. IS this likely a spike? I'm worried as I have to fly soon too, any...
  7. Lilah

    Is Prednisone Dangerous for People with Ototoxic Induced Tinnitus?

    ...borrowed cash from a neighbor and took a cab to the ER. This was a big decision by the way, as I was not insured. I was about to call an ambulance, but someone in the apartment lobby thought it seemed like a panic attack. Even after stopping Prednisone, I had some lingering panic attacks...
  8. SueR


    ...I said I can't wait that long.... I'm in crisis mode. (diff size pupils, headaches, dizzy, H....) I'll be going to the ER. I'm going to rest a bit and see if that'll help the dizzy subside until tomorrow. I'm so dang tired!! I have no ride at the moment anyway. I'd have to call an...
  9. Christiaan

    Can Tinnitus ACTUALLY Drive You CRAZY?

    ...anti-depression meds to counter the effects of severe tinnitus. I have also developed PTSD-ish reactions to loud sounds. E.g. If I hear an ambulance from 3 miles away, then I would run into the first shop that I could find. But then again, I don't think I'm as tough as most people here when...
  10. Red

    My Severe Hyperacusis To-Do List was 2-3 weeks ago. I was in pain pretty much the whole time. Well after today I need to bounce back again after hearing a somewhat close ambulance 100-200 ft away but I've been managing to listen to the tv on low which has been good. My computer speakers are cheap so I may invest in...
  11. P

    Suffered a Silent Heart Attack

    ...have nausea, dizziness, shortness of breath or other identifiable symptoms of a heart attack. It was mostly sharp pain and really painful too. Kinda scary and lying back made it worse. It subsided after about 15 minutes. I called an ambulance but decided not to go. Blood pressure was...
  12. Croaker

    Epilepsy Related Brain Measurement, Interested to See If Tinnitus Shows Up

    I'm sorry to hear about your condition, but it's good to see you are optimistic about finding the cause behind your tinnitus. Every case like yours brings us one step closer to understanding the wet buggy mess inside our skulls. Good luck to you!
  13. P

    What Kind of Noise Caused a Permanent Spike?

    A screeching, high pitched speaker noise in a ghetto pos grocery store. I think my tinnitus worsened after that. I also have numerous ambulance sirens around me and various traffic. But, I think the loud noise in the store did something. Just before that, I often wore foam ear plugs in...
  14. cspc

    Learn from Others' Mistakes

    One ear was exposed to more noise that the other (maybe the speakers where to the side of the affected ear, car horns on that side, ambulance sirens, or even firecrackers). I started having T in one ear (right ear) and then got it on the other. Most of the time one ear at a time rings louder...
  15. Tommi_boi

    Hyperacusis for 4 Months — Can It Still Get Better Without Treating It?

    ...about it. Expose yourself to sound sensibly and do not gocrazy with it such as concerts and stuff. I caught hearing sensitivity after an ambulance blasted its sirens practically right next to me and it injured my hearing up to the point I had hearing sentivity, even sounds of money...
  16. Honky

    It's Raining in My Head

    ...I was in the big city and tripped on the sidewalk. I scraped myself up pretty bad. Just after this as I was putting myself back together an ambulance came down the street with its siren full blast. When I say full blast I mean probably there will be some new members on this site soon. It...
  17. S

    Pain Hyperacusis Recovery Rate?

    ...per se as they are quite transient so it didn't really affect my ears. My issues seem to stem more from constant, more moderate noise levels e.g. my laptop speakers at like 10/100 volume for 20 minutes will give me worse hyperacusis symptoms than a car horn or ambulance siren for a few seconds.
  18. H

    Does Anyone Live Near the Street? Is It Safe for Me to Give Up My Earplugs? deal with my sound sensitivity much faster than I would have preferred to. At the same time I think that helped me. I gave up sleeping with ear plugs within the 1st two weeks, but will grab my Peltor muffs if an ambulance is going by - window opened or closed. My muffs travel with me...
  19. Michael Leigh

    Headphones — I Can't Give Them Up Altogether

    @dpdx I believe you have read my post: Hyperacusis, As I see it. If you haven't please click on the link below and you'll find the answer to your question in more detail. I don't think you have anything to worry about but I...
  20. Michael Leigh

    Extreme Hyperacusis and Tinnitus — Noises Trigger Dizziness and Panic

    ...earplugs and earmuffs on this person, to guard himself from any potential sound that he deemed to be harmful, especially if a police or ambulance was coming towards him with their siren blaring. I remember Bill saying supermarket trolleys could be incredibly noisy, and therefore he would wear...
  21. J

    These Thoughts Are Driving Me Mad now. I get so dissapointed in myself for doing this that I can't bear it.I woke up on my birthday today and my wife almost called the ambulance because we thought I was having a heart attack. Chest was tight as hell and I felt like I was on fire and just kept dry heaving in the bathroom...
  22. dpdx

    Loud Wedding, Big Spike

    But i cant understand how i can have more hearing loss if an ambulance passes by me without me wearing earplugs. How the **** is that possible? IT took me 12 years to damage my hair cells by playing loud music on ipod and being three hours at a loud concert. How can a fire alarm damage me...
  23. J

    2 Firecrackers Blowing Up Just Now!

    ...a medication that prevents me from driving myself and there is no bus or other connection to the rehab place with the HBOT therapy. So the ambulance takes me there. After the HBOT therapy was finished, I go sit into the ambulance and the driver literally slams the sliding door shut loud! How...
  24. dpdx

    A List of Places Where You Could Be Exposed to Loud Noises. Places to Watch Out for.

    I would also add perhaps playing audio in a car, vaccum cleaner, blender, ambulance, fire trucks, police siren, fire alarm, washing mashine, music at stores, it also appears that talking on a cellphone also causes a spike. Of course, in addition avoid earbuds, loud venues, concerts, cinema...
  25. Faizaan A.

    My Personal Story About Tinnitus Gone

    Same. My eeeee started a month ago, also due to acoustic trauma (an ambulance drove by me on a narrow city street and the echoes intensified the siren). I've been hearing a high-pitched tone (around 13.5k) and a static similar to the really old TV's the author of this thread commented on. I hope...
  26. Margaret21

    Hi, I'm Mar and I Have Tinnitus Too! It's Been 6 1/2 Years Now. Also, I Have Occipital Neuralgia.

    Oh my goodness. I will share this great advice. Glad you are better. Thanks again and warm regards to you!
  27. Kate Winstol

    Engine Backfiring. Massive Worrying!

    ...damping in hearing with maybe 10%?!? who knows. all i know is that i heard a bang and it was loud. I got scared. I was once 3 meter from an ambulance and that hurted, this was much shorter and didnt feel pain?!? But still 140db at source And it could be much much louder. we dont know after all.
  28. A

    Acoustic Trauma — Dealing with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis

    You make a good point. Tinnitus is like a fingerprint. If I make a recovery I'll stay here to help others and give them the mental positivity they need to keep going. Tinnitus is a very lonely condition. We all need to pull together.
  29. Tommi_boi

    Coping Mechanisms for Fear

    ...intermittent tinnitus for a few months, unfortunately being a little bit of a hypochondriac I find myself nervous around noise. When an ambulance drove past I nearly jumped into a manhole! Ok slight exaggeration, but they do leave me nervous as this is what caused me hyperacusis in the...
  30. Wrfortiscue

    My Hyperacusis Journal — Sound Therapy and CBT with Tracy Holcomb (Treble Health)

    Damn, that’s terrible. I really hope it settles down or you eventually habituate. Like you said, you and I are fairly similar, sucks man. We got to keep hope, that’s what got me through the first year. Lots of setbacks are disheartening.
  31. Dana

    Ways to Draw Attention to Tinnitus! Not for Newbies!

    ...such a TN (both sides) that I couldn't help it, I started to holler in the building when I got home. Very very loud. My neighbor called the ambulance to be taken away, but not for me, to get some help, but for him, to get some peace. Exactly like in the joke of Steve. I have lived that...
  32. Geo

    Why We Don't Hear Tinnitus in Our Dreams and Why It Is a Clue

    Well i didnt say i heard my actual t but yes my mind in the dream remembers the t its so weird but yeah like u said from suffering all day through it it wouldnt cross my mind if it made its way through a dream..
  33. robHing

    Need a Little Advice from the Pool of Knowledge

    Hi... Welcome ... So far, you have handled your T well. In order to heal your tinnitus, trying to stay away from loud environment. Keep your ear plugs handy and wear them in case any sudden noise occurs (eg. alarm, ambulance siren).
  34. Mila9828

    Acoustic Shock... Does It Ever Go Away and How to Help It?

    Did you also have a decrease in volume? Did sounds appear a bit muffled to you or quieter? Also, I agree, ambulance sirens freak me out LOL I always try my best to cover my ears, but the good news is that it'll get better. The ears just take forever to recover.
  35. B

    Reactive Tinnitus and Sound Distortions: How to Move Forward? take on overprotection: It’s easier to undo noise sensitivity than to deal with the damage caused by sudden loud noises, like when an ambulance whizzes by out of nowhere with a 120 dB siren blaring just three feet away from people. I’ve found that overprotection indoors can be a bit...
  36. DRobi

    Newbie Checking In with Questions: Is It Common for Tinnitus to Show Up for No Apparent Reason?

    ...I will read you previous post for sure. Do you think it is possible to have a delayed reaction to an acute acoustic stress such as the ambulance siren going off right next to me, or is it more of a cumulative phenomenon? Also, is hyperacusis typically caused by acoustic stress or is it an...
  37. R

    Can Nasal Steroid Spray Cause Permanent Damage to Inner Ear?

    ...had easy passage to the inner ear. While using it I could feel my ear drum feel wet and moving constantly with a weeoooo sound, like an ambulance. Since then it has died down, with intermittent tinnitus. But I still feel some dull pain there from time to time, I read it can take months to...
  38. Jcb

    Miss Reading a Book So Much

    I didn’t know, I’m sorry I know that can make things a lot more intense. Have you had any sound therapy or something similar. I’m still learning about T and know less about reactive tinnitus.
  39. Michael Leigh

    Ear Protection All the Time? aware. When a person fully habituates to their tinnitus and the hyperacusis is cured or significantly reduced, loud sounds such as a ambulance siren even in close proximity won't usually cause a spike. Please read my post: Hyperacusis, As I see it, in the link that I sent you. You may...
  40. fishbone

    Can Tinnitus Cause Headaches?

    You know, I will agree with @Michael Leigh on this, having such fears and obsessions can get the best of us at times. Live your life, protect your ears. If you feel that a place can be loud, use ear plugs. If you see a hot rod starting its engine protect your ears. There is no way to prevent...
  41. Red

    How Is It Even Possible to Avoid Loud Noise?, an apartment because houses are expensive, then for example...we have the windows down, enjoying the autumn air and then suddenly an ambulance and two firetrucks show up to a neighboring building. I honestly don't know what to do with this recommendation. People talk about as if they...
  42. FGG

    I Think My Tinnitus Is Related to Herpes

    ...frequent full rotational, fully incapacitating vertigo episodes that lasted between 6 and 48 hours. I will probably be paying off the ambulance and hospitalization bills for the next decade but it's the one ear thing that did fully resolve for me and I would encourage anyone with "Meniere's"...
  43. NimQ

    Headphones Accident! What to Do?

    ...loud burst would be enough to damage. The decibel meter I bought today said 97 dB, which is very loud, but it's no gunshot, right? Like, an ambulance might pass with sirens blaring or one of those really loud motorbikes. I would believe those situations to usually cause just a temporary...
  44. Bill Bauer

    Afraid of Getting Into an Accident

    I decided that, for now, I will wear ear protection whenever I am outside of my home. When I am in the car, I am concerned about ambulance sirens, trucks and motorcycles accelerating, cars using their horns, etc. I live in at the top of a tall hill. I used to wear earplugs, but I noticed...
  45. DreiT

    Is Prednisone Dangerous for People with Ototoxic Induced Tinnitus?

    Do I need to taper the one dose of 50mg Prednisone? I'm scared to take more :(
  46. Ed209

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    ...was awful as our 8-month-old son became very ill. He had a high fever of 40 degrees and was breathing heavily. We were going to call an ambulance at one point as it was getting concerning. Our daughter also had a fever, but she was fine. We found out yesterday that my wife's family all...
  47. object16

    What About Tinnitus Scares You?

    ...better, never back to the same as before. I used to be able to enjoy nice DVD with music, not any more. any loud noise such as fire truck ambulance harley davidson cars with bad muffler buses etc all create a spike, gradually get more and more isolated, having to end it all prematurely...
  48. E

    What Is the Loudest Thing You've Ever Heard in Your Life?

    IMHO it is remarkable how they allow such devices that they know for a fact are harmful for your ears, just shows how little regard they have for people as long as they don't get sued.
  49. Fish

    Hello from Poland

    ...I doubt I could ask Silensio for help since I'm new here. The noise woke me up at 3:00 AM, since I couldn't stand it anymore I called an ambulance. They did some basic ENT checks to rule out ear infection, ophthalmologist looked in my eyes, I had head CT done, everything looks fine so...
  50. ZFire

    Mild Tinnitus Got Much Worse + Developed Moderate to Severe Hyperacusis & Distortions

    ...slow because there’s bump stop on the road. No construction because it’s illegal at this time, very little traffic, few people walking their dogs... the only thing to watch out for is an ambulance in the distance. But honestly the sounds it produces isn’t all too bad (I still protect regardless).
  51. M

    Trauma or Everyday Noise (Cracking a Yogurt Pack)?

    It’s pretty much what you predicted: after the stress and worry about the yogurt pack, there was a passing ambulance while I was in my car, a door slam, helicopter flying over me etc. It’s a vicious circle. I read your suggestion for someone else in a post to use ear plugs or muffs...
  52. ZFire

    In-Ear Maskers Exacerbated My Symptoms of Pain Hyperacusis

    I’ve noticed inconsistencies in your posts lately. I thought it was after “huge” noise exposure that miraculously turned the tide in your favor. You went as far as to say that the pain aspect was gone in that recovery thread of yours. So which was it? Was it silence OR noise (along with time for...
  53. ZFire

    Applying for Jobs with Tinnitus Is Exhausting and Soul Crushing

    ...are willing to take working in one. Traveling to this location was a pain in the ass though. I had to put up with construction noise, ambulance sirens, residential porters using power washers in front of their buildings, and constant car honks as I made my way to the office and back (I’m...
  54. Ed209

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    There’s no chance of that happening.
  55. Ichigo

    Single Exposure at Nightclub

    ...Dont do drastic things like wearing plugs all the time, but be mindful when the sound may be too loud, for example cover your ears when an ambulance passes by. Secondly, I feel really angry that such things-People getting T from single noise exposure- still happen eventhough there have been...
  56. BobDigi

    I Feel So Dumb for Ignoring My Instinct to Protect

    ...trying to do the right thing. That isn't dumb. I have health anxiety and OCD so I get the place you're coming from. I cover my ear when ambulance or fire engine goes past me with its siron (can't spell it) going. But with normal day to day noises I don't worry. I would say sirons (still...
  57. Ed209

    A Lot of Commotion Last Night

    ...he wouldn’t choke on the blood running down his throat. He was in a very bad way. In the mean time my neighbours wife had already called an ambulance and whilst we waited we tried to talk to him and give him some reassurance, but he was like a zombie, and totally unresponsive other than some...
  58. AZeurotuner

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB

    I wouldn't worry about impulse noises, less than a second with double protection isn't gonna hurt you unless we're talking about explosions and such.
  59. Tommi_boi

    Afraid of Ear Damage

    ...what can't. I've read loads of horror stories on the web about even baby screams causing tinnitus , while this probably possible I think it's also extremely unlikely . Here on the UK I believe that Ambulance sirens are at dangerously loud levels and they should use a different sound for them...
  60. Julien87

    Poll: Have You Experienced a Permanent Worsening of Your Tinnitus?

    ...hours (but wore protection for those longer than 4h) - several weddings without plugs - a gunshot a few meters from me, without plugs - lots of people honking, without plugs - lots of ambulance/police cars with siren passing by, without plugs (but now i put my fingers in my ears when that...