Search results for query: ambulance

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  1. Kriszti

    Anyone Else with "Pfff Pfff Pfff or Tchh Tchh Tchh Atonal Tinnitus?

    I have something like a strange cuckoo clock in my right ear since February (or doves, or an ambulance in the distance, I can't really describe it, but it's repetitive, but not consistent, if that makes any sense.) That's the quietest of my tones, but because it's not constant, irritates the...
  2. KristinOde

    1) How Old Are You? 2) Are You Able to Function with Your Tinnitus?

    ...I somehow got used to it and did not really care about it. I was just carrying earmuffs in my bag, if something loud was happening, like ambulance etc. I was going into restaurants with friends and wore ear protection only if I knew that I was going to some too loud environment (plane...
  3. Matt9

    Can Tinnitus ACTUALLY Drive You CRAZY?

    My fear is that it will ruin my life forever and I will be miserable enough to kill myself.
  4. Hendre Vlad

    Feel I Can't Do This Anymore

    ...i put music on my pc , always helps , sometimes i have this funny exercices ...i plug my ears with my hands and think the tinnitus is a ambulance whit loud sirens that is getting far far away from me and the sound of the siren slowly fades away...helps releve tinnitus for a few moments as my...
  5. Tommi_boi

    Game Made Me Realise I Had Hyperacusis

    ...about a week and a half ago... for a second let its siren blast and startled me almost as if the auditory was a little fired up after the ambulance Also, I have do have intermittent Tinnitus which only seems to come on periodically... its weird I really don't know if this is hyperacusis or...
  6. Bill Bauer

    Learn from Others' Mistakes go to an event/place that they know will be loud and staying there for some time. When I advised the use of earplugs, I was talking about being accidentally exposed to a loud noise (e.g., an ambulance drives by, someone turns on loud music [in which case you could proceed to leave], etc.).
  7. ChineseHazel

    Does Anyone Live Near the Street? Is It Safe for Me to Give Up My Earplugs?

    Thanks for your reply!I wear my audio-technica muff when i go out
  8. ZFire

    Mild Tinnitus Got Much Worse + Developed Moderate to Severe Hyperacusis & Distortions

    ...I can hear things I’ve never heard before. I hear freaking electricity running through light fixture much louder. My ears will pick up ambulance sirens almost immediately when the source of the sound feels very far away. Loud sounds like silverware clanking or doors closing don’t necessary...
  9. Stacken77

    Mild Tinnitus Got Much Worse + Developed Moderate to Severe Hyperacusis & Distortions

    I can see that being a problem. I've actually been in NYC once, and yeah, it's a noisy city. Yes, it's a though question that depends solely on what everyone can handle in each individual case. Some benefit from decent amounts of silence, while others may need to enrich themselves with sound to...
  10. victoria9273

    Calling All Who Experienced Getting Better Hyperacusis-Wise

    That's quite true. I just block my ears whenever I had to pass by the power tools, motorbikes, ambulance, etc, so I really can't tell, I'm sorry. If background noises are sufficient, I think I can handle them but never tried. It all depends on my condition and what kind of noise it is to affect...
  11. aberob

    Trip to Hospital from Anxiety

    Just got home from the hospital. I had to call an ambulance as I woke up at 1am with chest pains. I have not been eating or sleeping well the last week. My heart is good from all the tests they ran thru the night and morning. They said it must be from anxiety as I have been stressing about my...
  12. Tinker Bell

    Are Earmuffs Really Needed? (Traveling / Flight)

    In the first month of your tinnitus, did slamming doors cause three-day spikes? Or did that start after you began wearing earplugs every time you left your house? Thanks to everyone for the information on noise canceling headphones! It's been very helpful. I think I'm going to try out a pair.
  13. Vincent R

    Damn Fire Engines! Can They Permanently Damage Already Fecked Ears?

    Last autumn, an ambulance started its sirenes just behind me. My T didn't get worse afterward, at least not as I could notice. I had foam earplugs inserted deep enough to cut five decibels and maybe a bit more. You plugging your ears should generate a comparable protection.
  14. Tommi_boi

    Ear Sensitivity or Hyperacusis?

    ...sensitivity in my ears. Like many of you, I seem to have the problem of certain frequencies after a noise trauma accident involving an ambulance. Little over a week ago, I went on holiday and since then (for whateever reason) , have felt that car brakes in particular feel louder than usual...
  15. Adaś

    Be Honest. Do You Still Enjoy Life?

    ...that these guys are actors hired by some sadistic supreme being just to watch me suffer. But it can be anything. Car alarms, cars honking, ambulance sirens, loud exhausts. All the stuff normal people don't give much damn, but us (me), we (I) care because we don't want this damn thing to get...
  16. Rust

    Bad Spike Not Subsiding After Loud Bar — Despite Wearing Properly Inserted Earplugs more so and not worrying about it. Though, I am now going though the worst spike I have ever had due to being stuck 3m away from an ambulance siren for 20 seconds on a bus with open windows! I had my fingers in my ears hard the whole time, but that didn't seem to work. It's been going...
  17. Flyingsheep

    Frequency Therapeutics — Hearing Loss Regeneration

    If I have minor damage that sparked this beast, there is no additional damage going on in the past 6 months. Taking a shower or having an ambulance drive by while staying inside and hearing the sound through walls isn't going to damage your hearing. That's just scientifically impossible. It...
  18. Martin G

    The ENT Told Me Not to Protect from Everyday Sounds by Using Earplugs

    Yes . . . I can personally relate to the sudden, unexpected noise exposure thing . . . thanks to a super-loud security alarm a couple of months ago. I definitely want to keep prepared (at least as much as is possible) for things like that.
  19. emmalee

    Chit Chat and All That...

    Scary, indeed. :wideyed: I am relieved to know that the little girl is doing alright, Star. Her Mother must have been in quite the state. How does something like this even happen? :dunno:
  20. Star64

    Chit Chat and All That...

    ...called Seroquel in a plastic bag that was given to her with candy in it... The poor thing ingested it and had to be rushed to hospital by ambulance after she went into a coma... The police have investigated and said it was an accident but the mother is adamant that how could anybody make...
  21. Tommi_boi

    Heeeeellooo Ringing! :). I had Tinnitus on and off for a while until it dissapeared. Now I have mild sound sensitivity (primarilly to car breaks) due to an ambulance deciding to blast its siren next to me. Four months in with mild sound sensitivity, while I am cautious on not to make this worse I am not...
  22. L


    Frequency Therapeutics and Audion Therapeutics may come out in a couple of years time if their clinical trials allow them to skip phases. Audion has already finished Phase 2 so maybe they could release the drug since there are no alternatives. If that’s the case it will be good cause if...
  23. shasta0863

    Is There Anything That Can Be Done from Increased Tinnitus Due to Bad Cold/Bronchitis?

    ...and now showing additional side affects even almost 3 weeks after. Looks like I'm done. Tried to go out and got stuck in traffic with ambulance and fire truck blaring their sirens hitting me, and I felt no protection in my car from that 130db stupidity that they use. I'm sure that will be...
  24. C

    Tinnitus for 2 Years: I Was Fully Habituated — A Month Ago Things Got Worse

    Hi, sorry to hear your plight. I would consider yourself lucky that these sounds do not emerge at night as at least for me, that's when the trouble starts. If you think it's the medication, definitely consult with your doctor before making any changes as it could make it worse. Hopefully these...
  25. Gosia

    What Kind of Noise Caused a Permanent Spike?

    ...I'd like to ask you about your experience : Have you experienced a permanent spike from any outside noise ? ( a car horn , train horn , ambulance siren ?) Or maybe your spike appeared but was only temporary ? I'd like you to write also about the sounds that are often suspected to cause damage...
  26. Gosia

    If You Already Have Hearing Loss, Are You Susceptible to Noise Damage?

    ...can reach 115 :/ So how loud would that be at the source given that the sounds dissipate quite well in the open space ?I also read that an ambulance siren can be 125 db at 20 m ? Aren't those a bit exagerated ? All I have are some maybe lame websites. Maybe you have better sources of...
  27. Ed209

    Coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2 / COVID-19) and Tinnitus

    ...this doesn’t make you question your previous opinions then you are a lost cause. Also, yesterday was the busiest day on record for our ambulance service. 15 ambulances were stuck waiting outside our local hospital, and handover times were so long that it was the equivalent of taking 63...
  28. Telis

    Are Emotions Really Involved? are anxious and to work on your reaction, this gets me more anxious than anything. I have been to the best T and H experts in my city, the best they have for me is that I need to work on my reaction. I give up, I will never see another doctor unless I'm dying and someone calls an ambulance.
  29. kingsfan

    How Do You Handle Static-Hiss Tinnitus?

    ...well. The important stuff: After a bout of drinking of drinking alcohol too much, a COVID-19 infection, a vacuum cleaner as well as an ambulance incident, I began regularly having spikes in which my mild hissing would become increasingly loud, usually in my left ear, but sometimes in my...
  30. Bill Bauer

    Just Learned the Hard Way That My Phone Beeps When the Battery Is Low

    I will wait to find out what the long run impact of this is going to be, before answering your post. If the unthinkable happens, proving you wrong will provide some (unimaginably minor) consolation. ;)
  31. Valentin

    I Won't Leave the House Without plugging. Is This normal?

    ...pretty safe in case there's a noise coming in, i don't talk about a bomb or a missile but something noisy like a jet taking off or an ambulance passing by. Of course if you're visiting a noisy place like a factory, have earplugs in your ears, you"ll look less strange than with your fingers...
  32. M

    Best Noise-Cancelling Headphones for Tinnitus Sufferers?

    Yes the higher frequencies are suppressed, just not as much as the lower ones. Though I suspect the high frequencies are repressed naturally more due to the surround muffs of QC-35 rather than by the electronics. I also have standard trade ear muffs . They suppress noise fairly evenly across...
  33. dpdx

    Headphones — I Can't Give Them Up Altogether

    @Michael Leigh I had an ambulance right by me when i was driving, will i be ok?
  34. J

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB

    Hello all, the story: I was driven to one of the hospitals in Prague where they specialize in Tinnitus in a crappy old ambulance. Each time the driver would slam the sliding door shut it'd generate a noise of 114 dB (obviously not a long time in duration but still, it was inside a small closed...
  35. dpdx

    Ridiculous 4 Days (Firecrackers + Ambulance Siren) — Advice Needed

    I think you will be ok. One time an ambulance passed right by me on the street and I wasn't wearing earplugs however I did cover my ears fast. No spike happened..this was back around New Years.
  36. Tommi_boi

    Calling All Who Experienced Getting Better Hyperacusis-Wise

    ...induced , I've been though the same as others: Experienced tinnitus for a few years , then developed a sound sensitivity due to an loud ambulance driving past with blaring sirens. It's been a tough year and a half since this begun for me, but I can honestly say it has gotten better for me...
  37. fishbone

    Trip to Hospital from Anxiety

    Glad you are ok :)
  38. Bobbie7

    Advice Please: Use of Earplugs Outside All the Time?

    ...not wear earplugs since I don't want to become dependent upon them and over-protect. Of course, when I'm out and about and the occasional ambulance screams by or a fire engine passes with sirens blasting it may be too late to place my earplugs in but I realize we can not protect from...
  39. Bill Bauer

    Are Earmuffs Really Needed? (Traveling / Flight)

    I was trying to say that the noise at a pub might be 85dB, exactly like the constant noise inside of an airplane cabin at cruising altitude. I know that I get 3-day spikes after a door slams. That slam is probably not as loud as 105 dB. I wear earplugs whenever I am outside of my home. I...
  40. Brian Newman

    Hough Ear Institute's Hair Cell Regeneration Project

    ...or I’m going to be done for. Crazy man, little squeak through double hearing protection leaves me in severe pain. I’ve almost called an ambulance the past 3 nights. Then I think of wait, what are they going to do? Give me morphine, and I get relief for a few hours. I started LDN again...
  41. Jason C

    Safe Noise Levels?

    ...this is the damaged frequency. Music sounds like it is coming from a broken speaker. And too top off my day today. I was blasted by an ambulance siren for about 5 seconds this morning as it turned a corner and stopped right in front of me. This actually sounded louder than the alarm that...
  42. P

    Personal History

    ...But I've learned the danger zones after all these years. Although every once and a while I can be taken by surprise,like when there is an ambulance I don't see and that suddenly turns on its siren! That's "fetal position' time. Sporting events are out[I'm a huge fan]. The singing choir at...
  43. ZFire

    REVIEW: Round and Oval Window Reinforcement Surgery for Hyperacusis — The Silverstein Institute

    ...because I can still hear well through them mainly when sound is coming behind me. My ears pick up sounds from far distances as well, like ambulance sirens. My ears also can feel the vibrating and sonic booms produced by a plane/helicopter. Plus sound sensitivity to certain sounds like...
  44. papu

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    ...i will call the "nills" effect, could not move, could not talk, wife was very worried, it lasted for about 5 to 10 minutes, almost call am ambulance. Started taking it with food, the effect might not be as quick or pronounce and i dont get that funny and wonderful drunk feeling ,but the pill...
  45. Dana

    Freaked Out By My Symptoms!

    I had this experience a few times myself, but didn'T figure out the cause of that. It was so bad I wanted to call the ambulance, besides needles down my spine I was almost paralyzed, and when I was moving, the move triggered louder and louder T. I felt like I was being electrocuted. I think it...
  46. Zimichael

    Poll: How Often Do You Wear Earplugs?

    ...whenever I leave the house I DO have three types of earplugs in my pocket - always. 6dB + "impact" plugs; 25 dB etymotics; pull baffle plugs with maybe 35 dB protection...Ready for anything except getting run over by a fire truck or ambulance at close range. Best, Zimichael
  47. Xstyle

    Random Earaches, Normal Body Temperature?

    ...the next day except for mine. And yes I was stupid enough to go the next night again! I didn't even notice it until 2 weeks later seeing a broadway show and an ambulance siren at full blast was brutal. It didn't hit me until then that this shit hasn't gone away yet and finally bought ear plugs.
  48. Christian78

    Retigabine (Trobalt, Potiga) — General Discussion

    ...And it say in envelope 300-400mg max. I took by incident 300mg and then i forgot did i took it i wait 2h and took 200. And I had to call ambulance. My hear was jumping, i could not breath normally, i was lost, i did not know where i am. eyes totaly lost. Before when i would take a pill i...
  49. Gman

    Why Do People Here Go to Drastic Measures to Protect Themselves?

    Yes, it’s better to be safe than sorry for sure. But it doesn’t seem to be a view that some around here seem to support.
  50. yonkapin

    Poll: Driving. Earplugs, Earmuffs or No Protection? car windows up. Never had to use ear plugs or ear muffs during that time and my hyperacusis was overall really, really bad. If I saw an ambulance coming right next to me I'd just plug that side of my ear and would be fine. Never had any spikes or incidents driving around, even during my...
  51. IvanRus

    Psychopharmaceuticals a help for many people with tinnitus. Just use benzodiazepine tranquilizers (xanax, diazepam, clonazepam, etc.) as an "ambulance", take them no more than 2 times a week at moments of desperation as needed. The antidepressants of the SSRI group can also help - but you need to choose the...
  52. RichardGuy

    Did I Damage My Hearing Further by Pushing Quickly on the Tragus?

    Hello, I've had a very difficult week so far. Probably shouldn't have taken that Ibuprofen, probably should have run away when I heard that ambulance siren, and probably should not have stayed in that very loud arcade. By the end of the week I was in the ER being given Ativan for a major panic...
  53. bellecooper77

    Has Prednisone Helped Your Tinnitus?

    ...down and I can remember that it did temporarily help. However, I was in NYC when I was taking it, and in the middle of Times Square an ambulance passed by, siren at full blast, before I could cover my ears, and the tinnitus went back up to the volume it was before I started taking it (thats...
  54. J

    Pregabalin (Lyrica)

    Well, tbh I have a mad spike as of now but that's because I was exposed to one loud explosion and like 4 days later to an ambulance siren... Yes, forum members. I asked specifically 4 psychiatrists who are the ones that normally prescribe these type of drugs (for anxiety i.e.) if it's ototoxic...
  55. SugarMagnolia

    Ear Protection All the Time?

    ...were to give up concerts, my ipod, and the subway. It got to the point where I didn't think about it much. I had a few scares. Like when an ambulance went by the car I was sitting in with the window open. But until last Tuesday, no sound has ever caused the tone in my ear to change and I...
  56. Bill Bauer

    Do I Have to Wear Earplugs When I Go Out Now? How Do I Know Where to Wear Earplugs? had promoted my healing. If you get T spikes or a full ear sensation following being exposed to noises like that of a slamming door, an ambulance driving by, etc, then that is your body's way of telling you that you need to protect yourself. If you are not getting any spikes, then...
  57. J

    A Quick Question — Double Protection & 114 dB pants and blaming myself for not using the public transportation instead. The free ride just wasn't worth it. The irony tho, you go to see the best outta the best tinnitus specialists, you think to yourself 'oh an ambulance - I'll be safe' and then this keeps happening.... I'd slap...
  58. S

    Headphones Accident! What to Do?

    @NimQ , give few days and let's see what happens. I know it's easy say than done ..I have spike in and off after from past 2-3 months because of loud exposure and it does sets a crazy panic .
  59. Z

    Punched in Ear. Will My Tinnitus Go Away?

    It’s high pitch static in both ears I can still hear but there’s hardly any sound when I put my left ear on my pillow and there’s the alarm ambulance in the background I’m gonna go insane from this No one believes me and says go see an audiologist High pitch super high pitch in both ears it’s...
  60. V

    Our Prime Minister Just Got Tinnitus + Hearing Loss

    ...bad we are not public figures. Here in Greece after calling the emergency in case of possible death , it would take over 20 minutes for the ambulance to arrive. There have been reported deaths due to lack of infrastructure and bad timing. For the former prime minister who was bombed two days...