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  1. F

    Audion Therapeutics Trial

    There's not much scam in the medical industry. It costs too much to develop medicines for anyone to develop anything they KNOW won't work at all. But there are good and bad drugs, of course. And there is lots of crap in the business. But there is NO SUCH THING as "big pharma", just as there's no...
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    Inner Ear Hair Cell Regeneration — Maybe We Can Know More

    The clue here is "as of now", or "until science discovers otherwise", isn't it? Of course, a practicing doctor will have to relate to what is actually known. If they should discuss or involve themselves in every research area or project in their field, they wouldn't have time to be practicing...
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    St John's Wort (Hypericum Perforatum)

    As someone says over here, SJW is basically a natural SSRI. But as far as I know, it's a lot weaker than chemical SSRIs. I have previous experience with two different SSRIs for depression, and in the 15 years since I've concluded that they probably did me no good. I AM using SJW now though, just...
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    SciFluor Receives US Patent for KCNQ2/3 Activator to Treat Epilepsy and Neurological Disorders

    That seems to rhyme with the fact that Trobalt has been entirely pulled from the market here in Norway due to severe side-effects, and by the producing company's own wishes.
  5. F

    Back to Silence

    @I who love music: (Which I do myself. A lot.) I'm a lurker here, but I just have to say: What a fantastic person you are, judging by what you've done and contributed with in here. Since I occationally actually wear a hat, I take my hat off for you. Kudos. The best.