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  1. Frankie Nazzaro

    What I Learned About Tinnitus Thus Far. If You Got Tinnitus Recently, This Info Will Be Useful.

    interesting, I sure hope that's not the case because I definitely didn't notice any fullness in the right ear until today. Then again, the weather here went from 80 to 48 overnight and I've been waking up in cold sweats out of nervousness so i'm hoping its just something to do with sinuses or a...
  2. Frankie Nazzaro

    What I Learned About Tinnitus Thus Far. If You Got Tinnitus Recently, This Info Will Be Useful.

    Thanks so much, this gives me hope! One last question, the stats involving the soldiers that have recovered, is that all just related to T? I would imagine some of those soldiers had to suffer H as well, I'm wondering if those stats took that into account or if there are other stats from that...
  3. Frankie Nazzaro

    What I Learned About Tinnitus Thus Far. If You Got Tinnitus Recently, This Info Will Be Useful.

    Thanks friend, reading those stats made me feel a lot better. I noticed the ringing has gone down in the last 2 days, spikes don't seem as bad, and the H has maybe gotten a little bit better as well. I supposed if a soldier can withstand an explosion or repeated machine gun fire right into their...
  4. Frankie Nazzaro

    What I Learned About Tinnitus Thus Far. If You Got Tinnitus Recently, This Info Will Be Useful.

    Bill, I am suffering tinnitus and hyperacusis from a single gunshot in a small room. I went to the ER two days later and she prescribed me prednisone but I was skeptical about taking it as 2 days later I saw an ENT who did not give me prednisone. I saw another ENT 3 days after that who also did...
  5. Frankie Nazzaro

    My Left Ear Has Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, My Right Ear Is Popping

    Thank you for the response! I was going to see my dentist soon to get a mouth guard anyway because of how much I grind my teeth. Hopefully that helps!
  6. Frankie Nazzaro

    My Left Ear Has Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, My Right Ear Is Popping

    Also I forgot to add that the "pops" are a few minutes apart and happen about 2-5 times before it stops
  7. Frankie Nazzaro

    My Left Ear Has Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, My Right Ear Is Popping

    I got tinnitus and hyperacusis in my left ear from noise induced trauma 2 weeks ago. While the symptoms seem to be slowly and slightly getting better, i noticed that my right hear sometimes starts popping on its own. It happens mostly when I'm waking up in the middle of the night from anxiety...
  8. Frankie Nazzaro

    Spontaneous Recovery Stats: Many Recover (3 Studies)

    Hey i'm curious, hows your tinnitus doing? I'm 2 weeks in, also suffering tinnitus, hyperacusis as well as slight hearing loss from a gunshot. i'm only 21.
  9. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    I'm quite sure my own anxiety makes it seem a lot worse than it is. When i take my Xanax, i barely notice the ringing as much and I actually feel confident that I'm getting better. Being anxious, not sleeping and not eating is starting to have more negative effects on my body and in turn are...
  10. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    yeah i'm sure i could still keep my career with the 10db loss, it's really the sensitivity that's killing me though. I can't listen to music at the volumes i used to. if the sensitivity goes away of course i would never outright blast music again anyway, but who knows if it will even go away..
  11. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    Also I'd like to mention that the ringing is barely present when I first wake up. Like right now, i have to focus hard to hear the ringing, but if i smoke or start going about my daily activities, or even if i get a little too anxious about it, it will spike up. I think that's an improvement...
  12. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    Thanks for the bit of hope! I was surprised that neither ENT gave me prednisone. When I see the third ENT next Thursday I'll ask about prednisone. I mostly write film scores but I also do hip hop/pop/outrun style music, and I am also an aspiring audio engineer which may never happen now that I...
  13. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    aw man that's terrible, i'm sorry that happened to you :/ I really hope your T and H improves. I can't give any advice, I'm really new to this myself :(
  14. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    Yeah it's really annoying I can't even talk at my normal volume without buzzing my ear. At the very least i'm hoping that gets better.
  15. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    yikes, that's unsettling. i'm seeing another ENT and an audiologist next Thursday, i do want my hearing tested again but i'll try to make sure they don't do any tests that could damage it further. i feel like mine is already getting worse but it's likely just cause i'm not sleeping or eating and...
  16. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    Thanks, I hope so. Yeah, I guess "pop" is the right word. It feels like what happens when I yawn except there's no fullness beforehand, so it doesn't clear anything out since that ear feels fine. It seems to only happen in the middle of the night, and it's likely because I'm grinding my...
  17. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    Hi all, I'm a 21 year old musician who has suffered his worst nightmare. One irresponsible slip up after years of having stellar hearing, and my dreams are crushed. I accidentally set off a shotgun at an indoor shooting range without ear protection on. I'm begging not to be mocked for my...
  18. Frankie Nazzaro

    buzz buzz buzz

    buzz buzz buzz