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  1. E

    From Dry Eye to Tinnitus

    Stay away from concerts, stop using earphones. You may have some damage in the ear nerves it will not improve it only can get worse. nortriptyline Can cause blurred vision and other problems in the eyes. Always read the side effects of the medication. White noise can help you to distract from...
  2. E

    Tinnitus and Bruxism

    Hello Jay That was the video that helped me to understand my ringing was coming from my neck muscles.
  3. E

    Tinnitus and Bruxism

    Hello I had bruxism for long time without ferling pain or discomfort in my eras. After having an otitis my left ear developed tinnitum a very high level that make my life miserable to a point that I had a spam in my neck, then my right ear start earring a noise like a tv on o electricity, the...