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  1. Spartan3


    Hello. I went for it because of ostosclerosis. I had lost hearing due to stapes fixation. My T is just High Frqeuency single tone. My operation was a success in tha I regained hearing but it caused T, but now it is not an issue. Hope this helps.
  2. Spartan3


    My Success Story "Faith is taking the fist step even when you do not see the whole stair case" - MLKJR I wanted to wait writing and sharing my success story until I was certain T was no longer a negative issue in my life. Although for some time it was more than an issue, it has been one of...
  3. Spartan3


    Patience and non resistance is the key... I agree that sometimes too much negativity on this forum. I have asked questions to muteButton and they have responded very professionally, I think they are legitimate.
  4. Spartan3


    Excellent post Steve. That definitely sounds like a response from a serious reputable organization. Agree with you 100%.
  5. Spartan3


    It might make sense for them to be secretive about details and trials until they have permission to launch in more countries for copyright / commercial reasons. They just launched in Ireland and are planning Europe and US in 2015 / 2016.