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  1. C

    Boyfriend & I Got Tinnitus After Two Concerts → His Tinnitus Went Away, Mine Did Not

    UPDATE: I went for two hearing tests this week - to check how my hearing is doing eight months after the noise trauma. To my surprise, both tests came back OK, with no hearing loss, which is positive. That said, my ears are really painful today. I thought I was making headway on the slow road...
  2. C

    Life Robbed by Tinnitus, TTTS and Hyperacusis

    This is very comforting to read. I’m experiencing hyperacusis myself. I’m 8 months in, along with tinnitus, & it’s driving me potty! But persevering, one day, it’ll get better.
  3. C

    Boyfriend & I Got Tinnitus After Two Concerts → His Tinnitus Went Away, Mine Did Not

    I don’t find I’m enduring this god-awful pain continuously, though. Is that, in a roundabout way, a good thing? Apologies, but what does TRT mean? I’m going back to protecting (not that I completely stopped), but as you said, I should not overprotect, as I found that in the beginning, my ears...
  4. C

    Boyfriend & I Got Tinnitus After Two Concerts → His Tinnitus Went Away, Mine Did Not

    Thank you for your response; much appreciated. I’ve been going to clubs and bars from the age of 18, albeit not every weekend. I am now in my late 30s. I went to 2 x gigs last year (I hardly ever go to gigs/concerts), & I now find myself in this situation in which I’m trying to remain positive...
  5. C

    Boyfriend & I Got Tinnitus After Two Concerts → His Tinnitus Went Away, Mine Did Not

    I often hear what sounds like a radio station that’s trying to be tuned. My tinnitus is about a 7-8, and it’s been nonstop since the incident last August. I hear it when I go to sleep; however, it’s never kept me awake. I sleep well, which I feel very lucky to be able to do. Thank you for your...
  6. C

    Boyfriend & I Got Tinnitus After Two Concerts → His Tinnitus Went Away, Mine Did Not

    Hello, I'm new here. I will try & keep this short to the point. In August 2023, my boyfriend and I went to two concerts. Our ears were ringing, and we assumed they’d settle, so we thought nothing more of it. My boyfriend's ears got better. However, mine did not. The ringing continued. A few...