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  1. MAH1970

    Hello Sharon, I was noticing after tasing some of your posts my tinnitus seems similar to yours...

    Hello Sharon, I was noticing after tasing some of your posts my tinnitus seems similar to yours. I have to taken alot of medications over the years that were otoxic, do you take Gabapantin or notice that if you alter seratonin it increases your T?
  2. MAH1970

    Hi Sir, it’s so refreshing to hear you were able to shut this beast off. Your case sounds very...

    Hi Sir, it’s so refreshing to hear you were able to shut this beast off. Your case sounds very similar to mine and I have noticed when I used low dose regular nicotine patches at a low dose, 2mg the noise goes down. Is chantix going to possibly give even better results? I’m desperate as I have...
  3. MAH1970

    Hi there. I noticed you had a sinus infection and was wondering if you finally were able to take...

    Hi there. I noticed you had a sinus infection and was wondering if you finally were able to take care of it and it if reduced or removed your tinnitus?
  4. MAH1970

    Oh ya soon as I stop the antidepressants the noise will come back to baseline. And when my...

    Oh ya soon as I stop the antidepressants the noise will come back to baseline. And when my depression lifts which it does a few times a year, the seratonin levels rise and my tinnitus goes through the roof just as it does when I take antidepressants. Def related
  5. MAH1970

    I take Gabapantin as well and it’s helped me a lot. In fact it will totally shut off my noise...

    I take Gabapantin as well and it’s helped me a lot. In fact it will totally shut off my noise but then I have to play the tolerance game to keep it going and after 3 years it seems like I am getting g more of the drowsy affect. I take 300mg x 3 times per day and if I want it to shut off I take...
  6. MAH1970

    Hi Spencer, I can really relate to a lot of your story. I too got my tinnitus actually the day...

    Hi Spencer, I can really relate to a lot of your story. I too got my tinnitus actually the day after my second Covid vax and it is intermittent as well. However, mine is like 3 days on and 3 days off. I have found some relief from Gabapantin. Anyways, wanted to say hi and that our stories are...
  7. MAH1970

    Hi Paul, it sounds like we have identical tinnitus as I can’t use any medications that seem to...

    Hi Paul, it sounds like we have identical tinnitus as I can’t use any medications that seem to have anything to do with seratonin. I am about to try ECT but kinda nervous after reading your experience. I thought perhaps it was the chemical makeup of the medications that is setting off the...
  8. MAH1970

    I have my uniform on

    I have my uniform on
  9. MAH1970

    I’m here

    I’m here