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  1. G

    What do you do when you can't fit in your earplugs?

    What do you do when you can't fit in your earplugs?
  2. G

    Putting a new status so people don't think I'm dead (again lol). Didn't visit the site for a few...

    Putting a new status so people don't think I'm dead (again lol). Didn't visit the site for a few months.
  3. G

    I am still on minoxidil almost daily (topical form) cuz I do forget it some days; I'm also on...

    I am still on minoxidil almost daily (topical form) cuz I do forget it some days; I'm also on finasteride 1.25mg (5 cut in quarters) 3-4 times a week. Started both in late medications late September. Effect on tinnitus seems negligible.
  4. G

    Putting a new status so people don't think I'm dead

    Putting a new status so people don't think I'm dead
  5. G

    I am almost a week into topical minoxidil. Finasteride gives people periods of shedding that can...

    I am almost a week into topical minoxidil. Finasteride gives people periods of shedding that can last months, losing more hair, before growing back. I think minoxidil does that less...? For now I am using minoxidil and covering my losses with hair makeup. Because I can't afford the shedding now...
  6. G

    If I was in your shoes maybe I would think the same, so fair enough.

    If I was in your shoes maybe I would think the same, so fair enough.
  7. G

    My newest prize in the gene lottery is starting to bald from the crown. Feel ashamed even...

    My newest prize in the gene lottery is starting to bald from the crown. Feel ashamed even writing it here. Will take some time to accept it
  8. G

    Comparing yourself to others is the kill of all joy. Even if you were completely healthy, you...

    Comparing yourself to others is the kill of all joy. Even if you were completely healthy, you may have still envied him for his girlfriend. The attitude is flawed. Life may kick him in the nuts later, but you shouldn't care about that either.
  9. G

    Hello. I do wear double protection on the street. I do hear my tinnitus more loudly with...

    Hello. I do wear double protection on the street. I do hear my tinnitus more loudly with protection on. You are not spiking your tinnitus because you are using protection. If what you feel now is that you prefer staying at home, then do that. You will decide one day on your own when to go out...
  10. G

    Still alive and dealing with this tinnitus crap

    Still alive and dealing with this tinnitus crap
  11. G

    My ringing is so loud and so intrusive that at this point it barely makes a difference. New...

    My ringing is so loud and so intrusive that at this point it barely makes a difference. New sound? Welcome aboard. Random increase? Sure.
  12. G

    Sorry for the late answer. I have truly been inactive here. My "solution" is driving to...

    Sorry for the late answer. I have truly been inactive here. My "solution" is driving to university with double protection. X4A earmuffs and 3m foam earplugs on the street too. When I go inside buildings, I switch one of the foam plugs for a silicon 25db plug. Otherwise I very rarely hang out and...
  13. G

    I am doing fine, thanks for aksing. If things continue the way they are now, I will be able to...

    I am doing fine, thanks for aksing. If things continue the way they are now, I will be able to finish my studies and not die homeless. How are you doing?
  14. G

    Update: I do think I got a small permanent increase in my left ear. Well....that's how life will...

    Update: I do think I got a small permanent increase in my left ear. Well....that's how life will probably go until I die :/
  15. G

    My right ear canal has a weird shape and is harder to fit earplugs. I could dedicate an entire...

    My right ear canal has a weird shape and is harder to fit earplugs. I could dedicate an entire post to it lol. And fitting plugs in general.
  16. G

    I am on day 3 after incident. Didn't feel any pain, just hearing the increased ringing in my...

    I am on day 3 after incident. Didn't feel any pain, just hearing the increased ringing in my left ear that was towards the bike.
  17. G

    Spiking cause stupid motorcycle went 2m by me while driving. Was wearing double protection, but...

    Spiking cause stupid motorcycle went 2m by me while driving. Was wearing double protection, but still very loud. Louder than many powertools
  18. G

    Computer science

    Computer science
  19. G

    I was absent from here for a while, busy with university. Just recently I passed all my exams...

    I was absent from here for a while, busy with university. Just recently I passed all my exams for this semester.
  20. G

    You know that feeling when you get lucky and avoid a loud event? I wish everyone the same luck...

    You know that feeling when you get lucky and avoid a loud event? I wish everyone the same luck that I had today.
  21. G

    My area was quieter this year compared to last year. But what's annoying is you'll still...

    My area was quieter this year compared to last year. But what's annoying is you'll still occasionally hear fireworks for 1-2 weeks AFTER the new year.
  22. G

    Watch out for loud fireworks!

    Watch out for loud fireworks!
  23. G

    Merry Christmas to the TinnitusTalk community!

    Merry Christmas to the TinnitusTalk community!
  24. G


    Thank you for the kind words. They did not go unappreciated. Yes, life is about how much you can take and keep moving forward. I cannot will more friends into existence but by going through life, they shall eventually show themselves. I did a few workouts recently and have university projects to...
  25. G

    Heyy. Happy Birthday! In spite of tinnitus, we go on.

    Heyy. Happy Birthday! In spite of tinnitus, we go on.
  26. G


    I came back here to take another look at the site. I looked at the Research News section and it's mostly the same. Still holding onto hope for FX-322 and FX-345. Various other research going on as well, in incipient phases. At least tinnitus is not falling into obscurity. I haven't felt...
  27. G

    I didn't spike after that incident, after all.

    I didn't spike after that incident, after all.
  28. G

    I am still alive. The tinnitus still sucks.

    I am still alive. The tinnitus still sucks.
  29. G

    How is your tinnitus after the car accident? I assume you didn't have other injuries from it...

    How is your tinnitus after the car accident? I assume you didn't have other injuries from it? Wishing you well.
  30. G

    Try using Firefox on android, since it allows browser extensions. I tried dark reader on TT for...

    Try using Firefox on android, since it allows browser extensions. I tried dark reader on TT for a bit and it seems serviceable.
  31. G

    Oh man. Today I had to brake hard cuz a bus was trying to turn right into a narrow street...

    Oh man. Today I had to brake hard cuz a bus was trying to turn right into a narrow street, cutting me off. My brakes screeched for about 2 seconds, but no accident. You got more unlucky than me. I'll be even more careful from now on. Also, hoping you'll recover.
  32. G

    I had to brake hard today and my car made a screeching sound for about 2 seconds. I had double...

    I had to brake hard today and my car made a screeching sound for about 2 seconds. I had double protection, so hoping not to spike.
  33. G

    Oh Goddd stop with the loud noises everywhere I goooOo

    Oh Goddd stop with the loud noises everywhere I goooOo
  34. G

    Right ear stayed at the same level since last update. Been really busy though.

    Right ear stayed at the same level since last update. Been really busy though.
  35. G

    Haven't really improved since last update. I'm starting to think my right ear will not go back...

    Haven't really improved since last update. I'm starting to think my right ear will not go back to the previous baseline.
  36. G

    Tinnitus After an Outdoor Concert — And a Big Thank You

    I wish more countries had these kinds of public debates. There's a lack of awareness for the danger of loud noises.
  37. G

    Exposed to Loud Noise While in the Process of Removing Earmuffs

    I honestly don't know about that. I guess it would make the sound seem louder after being more noise deprived, but I don't know if it makes you more prone to damage. You should also consider loudness gets lower with distance, so you probably weren't exposed to 92 dB.
  38. G

    Improvements for People with Burning Pain (in Silence) Hyperacusis?

    Hi. I have never taken any kind of antidepressants. How did you get it prescribed? Did you go to the psychiatrist? Did you have to go multiple times? Did you ask specifically for this medication? And was the doctor reluctant to give any? Sorry for the barrage of questions.
  39. G

    Exposed to Loud Noise While in the Process of Removing Earmuffs

    I think you're going to be ok. The earmuffs aren't a negative aspect in the equation. The insides have foam and are made to absorb noise. Also, a slammed door will not cause hearing loss / tinnitus. It's OK that you're being careful but there are other much louder sounds that are the actual...
  40. G

    It's not dangerous. What is the cause of your tinnitus?

    It's not dangerous. What is the cause of your tinnitus?
  41. G

    If I end up in a loud event I say I took the best decisions with the knowledge I had at the time...

    If I end up in a loud event I say I took the best decisions with the knowledge I had at the time or that the situation was out of my control. Because it's one of these 2. It helps actually not being very reckless with your hearing as if you're healthy.
  42. G

    The spike in my right ear has come down a little bit. Still hoping for more improvement.

    The spike in my right ear has come down a little bit. Still hoping for more improvement.
  43. G

    Slammed Heavy Sliding Patio Door → Muffled Hearing & Big Tinnitus Spike — Prednisone?

    @frischky, I think sleeping on it is a good idea. I would not be too worried about the door slamming, but the car exhaust. Since you did shut the door after all, that is also good. I don't know if you can get an audiogram quickly where you live, but you could also do one if you think your...
  44. G

    I see, fast food instead of a fast :)

    I see, fast food instead of a fast :)
  45. G

    Now I got a pretty big spike in my R ear cuz of the power tool used near me, that I encountered...

    Now I got a pretty big spike in my R ear cuz of the power tool used near me, that I encountered while driving yesterday. Hope it goes away.
  46. G

    Tinnitus and hyperacusis are a heavy burden on us 24/7. It can be hard for close ones to always...

    Tinnitus and hyperacusis are a heavy burden on us 24/7. It can be hard for close ones to always be supportive towards us because of their own hardships / not understanding our suffering. I know people around me will get tired if I always complain to them.
  47. G

    Could Chainsaw Outside Worsen Tinnitus or Cause Hearing Damage?

    @ajc, this is actually the kind of response I was expecting. Because on a logical level I know I should be ok, but I have this fear of power tools because of the very "harsh" sound. I have encountered loud cars and motorcycles that were around the same loudness but those don't seem to bother me...
  48. G

    Could Chainsaw Outside Worsen Tinnitus or Cause Hearing Damage?

    Would you believe it. I sure am a lucky individual. This time there was another neighbor, 2 houses away cutting a tree with a chainsaw in his garden. This time the noise inside my house peaked at a little over 60 dB on a few occasions. Then I made a decision that I now regret in hindsight. I...
  49. G

    Catastrophic Tinnitus Worsening After 7 Years — Caused by a Kiss on the Ear

    @Theezy, yeah it sucks getting these setbacks. Always have to prepare for the worst and hope for the best. But even if you take all the precautions in the world, you will still be exposed to loud noises. So we might as well try to achieve goals and live. If you don't mind sharing, what kind of...
  50. G

    Spike could be temporary. It has to go down to some extent. You'll feel better as time passes.

    Spike could be temporary. It has to go down to some extent. You'll feel better as time passes.
  51. G

    Did NAC, Vitamin E and/or Prednisone Give Me Tinnitus?

    I take 2x NAC 600 mg per day. I will take a break every 1-2 months for a week. If I'm having a really bad day, I will even take 1800 mg NAC total. I also take 1 daily multivitamin that has 18 mg of vitamin E. Ever since I started taking these, I can't say they have done me any harm. Did they...
  52. G

    Could Chainsaw Outside Worsen Tinnitus or Cause Hearing Damage?

    I hoped I wouldn't have to use this thread again... but I do. Because I have been through another incident. :( Yesterday, September 12, I guess my neighbor finished the job of cutting the tree. So this time it was even louder. At first I heard some kind of cutting noise so I put on 27 dB...
  53. G

    T since 2018 but only since last few months got dreams related to it. I'll be in a loud...

    T since 2018 but only since last few months got dreams related to it. I'll be in a loud situation, freak out and wake up realising I'm ok
  54. G

    I also think about that. I don't think it's crazy to think ahead if you might suffer more. It...

    I also think about that. I don't think it's crazy to think ahead if you might suffer more. It makes you take precautions. Plus, normal people literally don't understand the struggle of tinnitus.
  55. G

    Classic one today. Plate dropped next room. I'll be fine, but it still sounded loud.

    Classic one today. Plate dropped next room. I'll be fine, but it still sounded loud.
  56. G

    I think it's normal to hear a low rumble.

    I think it's normal to hear a low rumble.
  57. G

    Should I Change My Future Plans for the Military Because of Tinnitus?

    Hello Thomas. Perhaps you have been considering serving in the military for a long time, so this is a tough thing to think about. So, only regarding the tinnitus, soldiers are notoriously exposed to loud sounds for extended periods. Even with hearing protection, the years of exposure will...
  58. G

    Could Chainsaw Outside Worsen Tinnitus or Cause Hearing Damage?

    Update: I think my tinnitus went 90% back to the previous baseline. Maybe even completely in my right ear. I don't think my hearing was affected, since I can still listen to audio on the same low volume. I can't draw any conclusions about the Prednisone, but I will continue abstaining from...
  59. G

    Could Chainsaw Outside Worsen Tinnitus or Cause Hearing Damage?

    @GeorgeLG, I agree with the Prednisone. I got much better at not taking it like it's candy. Last time I took some was over 3 months ago, which is progress for me. I like your idea of using spikes as a pretext to do something fun. I picked up again "Discourses and Selected Writings" by the Stoic...
  60. G

    Could Chainsaw Outside Worsen Tinnitus or Cause Hearing Damage?

    My bad. Should have worded it more clearly. At certain intervals they were cutting wood with the chainsaw. During one of the breaks I lifted one of the cups of the earmuffs and recognised it was still idling. I certainly have phonophobia, especially towards any sort of construction tools or...