Thought I coulld handle anythng in the beginnings ...felt like I had something to prove. This yr I ended up screaming un the psych ward..they had to sedate me couldn't take it anymore
Sorry to hear this. The can't help myself part I get. T causes a new layer of difficulty in a persons life. You have to deal with all the regular challenges plus t. Its the 800 pound gorilla a person carries with them on their shoulders every day
I have trouble with self care these days. Looking after my needs in a basic way. Not sure why. What I care about has become small. My interests narrow. I lost my about ability to do thungs without constant need for reassurance
Talking about it is one thing but when it gets to rhe point that that its all you talk about like me it does ruin your life.
Therapists are ok but orhers its useless. Its like talking to people about what its like to live in entirely different world. Sympathy is Nice sometimes but useless unless...
T didn't ruin my life complaining to people about it did. Ended up nearly hospitalised from stress of t. Pretending to be ok and able to wrk sith it is hard. I think positivity is great but its an act for me. If I can let off steam in this forum that helps me.
Alot of people say stay off the...
My challenge to myself is not to complain about tinnitus outside this forum or with a therapist. Complaining about tinnitus to people has really ruined my life and relationships.
I really need to say zero to people about it because it's never helped me in any way. One exception is really close...
No meds. Loud. I really need to say zero to people about it because its never helped me in any way. I exception is really close friends and family and even then its disaster. I have to vow not to talk to anyone except a therapist or 1 close feiend from now on. Its harder than t rhe not sharing
So love to hear (no pun intended) that there is a lot of pretendimg to be ok going on. I know its the only way now. All rhe world's a to love Shakespeare. LOL
When it 1st started 12 years ago I thought WTF ...I will live with it and see dr.s to get answers. No answers. Tried to work. Always felt like I was acting @ work. I had a secret. Felt odd and defective. It was worse in my personal life. Couldn't act there. Does anyone feel like they have to act...
Everyone treats me like shit. Tells me that I have zero to complain about. Irony is they all complain about their shit but if I complain about mine they gang up on me.
Most tinnitus sufferers are prone to illogical thinking. I know that when the tinnitus is bad I talk negatively about everything. I am irritable and can drive people away. It's hard to be positive when tinnitus eats at you.
Please T has returned. No one understands. Need to talk about feelings. No one to listen. Can't function any more. Unable to communicate with anyone. Please help