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  1. S

    How Are You Successful at Work with Hearing Loss and Tinnitus?

    The main problem I found with T was working in quiet offices where you could hear a pin drop. If you can listen to music in headphones it's not so bad, but a couple of places were awful. To be honest though it may have been more of a problem because I found the job boring and the atmosphere in...
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    Sinus Rinse or Paracetamol

    Any caffeine in what you took? That can make my T go crazy even in smallish doses
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    New Member - Musician here

    Are those earplugs custom made for your ears?
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    Habituate with new level of tinnitus when sleeping

    If the noise is genuinely too much to sleep my advice would be some intensive exercise so you are physically shattered every night. Then go and lie down and try and watch a film or the tv and hopefully you will struggle to keep your eyes open. If it is still difficult try reading a book in a dim...
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    How Do You Work with Tinnitus?

    I must admit I have always struggled working in a quiet office environment with T, now I am a teacher I don't get a chance to think about it at all. If I was to go back to working in a quiet environment I think I would ask about being allowed to listen to headphones at least on days where the T...
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    MDMA (a Component of Ecstacy) Potential for the Treatment of Tinnitus

    This is interesting but as someone who took a fair amount of MDMA in my early 20s I can't say my T was ever cured. While out partying, I don't think I ever really noticed the T but that is probably because of the noisy environments. I know for a fact that alcohol makes my T worse but I never...
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    Suggestion: Cut Out Green Tea and Caffeine From Your Diet for at Least 3 Months

    Hi everyone I haven't posted on here for a while but thought I should share this information, apologies if it is common knowledge. I have had T for as long as I can remember in my right ear, certainly since the age of 16 and I am now 30. It's always quite loud but I can live with it. Last year...
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    Standing at the gates of tinnitus

    haha now there is an interesting experiment!
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    Tinnitus in the Long-Term: Anyone's Gotten Better or Stayed the Same?

    I think most people learn to live with it. I have found it gets worse when I have been doing boring jobs in a quiet office as I start to focus on the sound. I agree with what Darren says, live life to the full, keep yourself busy and you will hopefully forget it most of the time!
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    Anyone from the UK?

    I am from the UK too, just moved to Japan though, anyone else frustrated with the way the NHS deals with tinnitus sufferers? Anyone have any recommendations for good specialists?
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    Ginkgo Biloba

    I have been taking Gingko Biloba for about 6 months. My T is still there, part of my thinks it has got a bit better but maybe it is just a placebo effect? I have been taking vitamin supplements as well for a skin condition. That study about Gingko Biloba causing cancer is putting me off a bit...
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    Standing at the gates of tinnitus

    Hi Darren, in an effort to spur you on, I stopped smoking around 5 years ago from about 20 a day and my T definitely flares up less than in those days! Good luck!
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    Hey everyone

    Hi Karen thanks for your response. Yes I think to my knowledge the pulsating sound has always been there. I don't know if this is the same for you but it is the lower pulsating sound which tends to flares up (especially when stressed or ill), which then causes me to really notice my T. I can...
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    I Manage to Stop the Ringing!

    it makes me feel like I am going to pass out and seems to have made it louder haha!!
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    Hey everyone

    Hi everyone my name is Chris, I am from the UK and currently living in Japan. I have had tinnitus almost for as long as I can remember and I am almost 30. Predominantly in my right ear, just a constant high pitch static noise and a lower pulsing sound. My hearing is also bad in my right ear...