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  1. H

    Water in Ear Makes Tinnitus Worse

    Hi @Chapppy I'm in no way an expert on these things but if you are getting a full feeling in your ear it is perhaps worth looking into Eustachian Tube Disfunction (ETD) or issues with the ears draining properly after getting water in them. Both these things worsened my tinnitus but thankfully...
  2. H

    Can ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) Last for a Long Time?

    Hiya @Luman - I used it twice a day religiously for the 3 months (when I woke up and before I went to sleep). The only advice I can give really is to stick with it - the doctor told me it would take up to 3 months to make a difference which, for me, was true. I'm not sure if the Eustachi works...
  3. H

    Can ETD (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction) Last for a Long Time?

    I used an otovent (which is essentially the same as the device listed above) every day for about 3 months and it cleared up my ETD but sadly ETD has since come back so will have to start using it again.