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  1. Anxinnitus

    22, New to Tinnitus, Pretty Damn Sad Right Now

    Hi Bill, I did the same thing accidentally yesterday with an online hearing video. Heard high pitch that was aggravating and I turned it off quickly. How is your "new tone" since April when this happened to you?
  2. Anxinnitus

    Hi! I listen to a man named Julian Cowen Hill on YouTube. He had tinnitus very bad and is...

    Hi! I listen to a man named Julian Cowen Hill on YouTube. He had tinnitus very bad and is extremely helpful to me. I also listen to Joey Remenyi who has tinntius and is a vestibular audiologist.
  3. Anxinnitus

    Tinnitus Disappears When I Lie Down — Does Anyone Else Experience This?

    If my T lowered in volume when I lay down I would live life horizontally!
  4. Anxinnitus

    The ringing is not a threat, my reaction to it is.

    The ringing is not a threat, my reaction to it is.
  5. Anxinnitus

    The ringing in my ears WILL NOT steal my joy that easily! Maybe for now, but not for long.

    The ringing in my ears WILL NOT steal my joy that easily! Maybe for now, but not for long.
  6. Anxinnitus

    Tinnitus for Many Years, Recently Got Worse: I Don't Know How to Go On

    Hello!, Have you recently started or stopped any medications? I always develop a humming noise, kind of like a cargo plane flying by when I take certain medications. I have had this noise start after stopping medications and while taking them.
  7. Anxinnitus

    Trying to run away from the sound in my head is impossible. My mind is waiting for itself to...

    Trying to run away from the sound in my head is impossible. My mind is waiting for itself to realize that its in its own way of progress.
  8. Anxinnitus

    Can Anxiety Really Increase Tinnitus?

    Hi Tara, I am 3 months in with some nasty T in my ear from the Valsalva Maneuver. I hope I can ease your mind a bit. Your brain wants to fixate on the new "threat". The ringing that was never there before is now here. We often miss all of the "new normals" that we adjust to every year we are...
  9. Anxinnitus

    How to Cope the First Few Months with Tinnitus — Suggestions Appreciated

    Hi LindaS, I am on month 3 of my Tinnitus. It began after I performed the Valsalva Maneuver and my left ear "popped". No perforation or any damage that the ENT could see without looking beyond the eardrum. Probably Barotrauma. My Tinnitus is continous high pitched that rides a roller coaster...
  10. Anxinnitus

    Currently trying to gain control of who I was before tinnitus began. Hope is not gone, but is...

    Currently trying to gain control of who I was before tinnitus began. Hope is not gone, but is certainly lost. I am on the hunt.