If you are not familiar with Sam Harris this audio would be a good intro. He is a neuroscientist, philosopher, author, atheist, and fellow tinnitus sufferer with a great sense of humor.
Check him out...
Thanks for everything you have done @Markku. You are my friend for life.
Being part of this forum has been a rewarding experience for me. I've met lots a great people and learned lots along the way.
Here's what happened recently in a nutshell.
I've been a sailor for years. Turns out it's a...
This another article written by Brian Dunning over at http://skeptoid.com/
This is very relevant to tinnitus community in that are so many quack/scam peddlers out there.
Today we're going hide our crib notes in our hats, pull our sleeve down to cover the notes written on our arms, and dive...
I lifted this article from Skeptoid http://skeptoid.com/episodes/4037 written by Brian Dunning.
It's a pretty good guide to pseudoscientific claims, not perfect but close.
How to Spot Pseudoscience
Carl Sagan was one of the first to bring to the mass public a toolkit for deciphering...
I bought the Tipa Tinnitus product through Apple iTunes recently. The app is free to download to your iPod, iPhone. Once the app is on your device you purchase "Playpacks" of 50 plays from within the app ($50). It is very easy and simple to use. I have only used it 3 times so far. I have not had...
I just received the latest American Tinnitus Association newsletter and copied a couple interesting links to current studies and research.
I thought I would provide a link to this book on TRT (Tinnitus Retraining Therapy) by Jastreboff & Hazell. It's long and a bit dated (first published in 2004) but has lots of good info.
Interesting section at about page 111 on "sound enrichment"...
I found this on the web today and gave a quick read. I have not read every word yet. It gives a nice description of the mechanisms of tinnitus and how habituation works. // the BadTinnitus site is unfortunately now gone so the resource is no longer there //
Let me start by saying that getting good quality sleep was the single most important factor for me in getting the tinnitus under control. Without good sleep the tinnitus just wears you down more and more. I have two elements that have really worked well for me. I know everyone is different so...
My name is Jim. I have had T for about 5 years now. Mine was caused by loud noise exposure. I tolerated it well for several years. About two years ago I had some other stresses in my life that triggered the T and it really got a lot worse. Almost intolerable. I spent a year getting back under...