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  • Users: Mike K
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  1. Mike K

    Ear Wax Discharge?

    I've been having some issues with my ears (eustachian tube dysfunction) for the last few months. Every time I stick my pinky finger in my ear (don't worry, I'm not being forceful or shoving it in there too deep haha) it comes out with a waxy goo-like substance. I'm sure it's just earwax but it...
  2. Mike K

    Left Ear Pops When Nodding Head Up and Down

    If I put my chin down to my chest and then quickly (not too fast but not slowly) pull my head back up, I can hear a small pop in my left ear just as I am lifting my head back up. It doesn't sound like my jaw, and isn't like a normal popping sensation in the ears. I can just hear a faint pop 75%...
  3. Mike K

    Things Are Getting Better

    It's been a few weeks since I have posted, mainly because I am sure of my cause of T and have been coping much better. My T is caused by this ongoing sinus problem (I just noticed tonight that my tonsils still have not rid themselves of these grayish spots. I plan to ask the doctor about that...
  4. Mike K

    Dizziness Is a New Thing Now

    Today I found myself slightly dizzy in class. I've been having sinus issues for the last 3 months and a little over a week ago my right ear filled up with more fluid. It caused me to have patulous Eustachian tube where I could hear my breathing slightly. When I looked down at my keyboard at my...
  5. Mike K

    Hearing Breath and Voice in One Ear

    For the last week I've been able to hear my breathing in my right ear. One week ago I went to bed with my right ear feeling full and pressured, and it almost felt like fluid was pouring into it. I woke up unable to open the eustachian tube. Even the valsalva maneuver wouldn't open it for an hour...
  6. Mike K

    Patulous Eustachian Tube

    Recently I've been hearing my breath in my right ear, as well as a subtle reverberation when I speak. The autophony is not terribly loud, and I do not have any hyperacusis. I can just hear my breath when I exhale in one ear. I've been dealing with sinus problems for a while, and a week ago I...
  7. Mike K

    Eardrum Can't Hold Air Pressure

    When I plug my nose and blow air, causing my ears to fill up, my right ear doesn't quite hold the air pressure in there. Normally both ears hold the pressure until you pop them. But with my right ear kind of inflates then deflates without me popping them. Is this a sign of a blockage, or a...
  8. Mike K

    After Feeling Better, I Feel Worse...

    A few days ago the ringing subsided and I felt like all I had to get over was the clicking in my ears. I wasn't even waking up in the morning with my ears feeling full (I've had a sinus infection/clogged sinuses for almost 3 months now. I've taken amoxycillin and prednisone which reduced...
  9. Mike K

    Tinnitus Virtually Gone, Does This Mean My Ears Will Eventually Stop Clicking?

    The title essentially explains it all. In the last 3-4 days the ringing has been basically nonexistent. There were a few occasions where it eeked back through, but I can attribute it to caffeine, stress, and dehydration from drinking a few beers. My tinnitus was caused by a sinus infection. The...
  10. Mike K

    Not Sure What Normalcy Is...

    So my tinnitus-inducing sinus infection must be getting better because I've heard no ringing (bar very small instances) for the last two days. I feel clearer and my ears feel like they are getting better. My eustachian tube must be clearing up if the ringing is gone. But I'm not sure if I know...
  11. Mike K

    Ears Feeling Like They're Being Tugged

    Every so often my ears feel like they are being pulled back, kind of like if you were to "wiggle" your ears and keep them held back, if that makes any sense. Has anyone felt this before? It never lasts long, but if anyone has experienced this, what is it?? It's not painful, it just feels sort...
  12. Mike K

    Best Bath I've Ever Taken (Ringing Ceased for 45 Minutes)

    I just took a very hot bath which not only soothed my mind, but it made my ringing cease for the duration of the bath. I did hear an intense beating in my left ear, which is the ear that is primarily affected by T. This is great news, seeing as I have a sinus infection, my body temp going up was...
  13. Mike K

    Gone, Back On High, Drops Lower, Then Is Gone Again.

    First of all I would like to apologize if I have made too many threads in the last few days. I just have a lot of questions that arise and my anxiety compels me to look for answers here. The ringing in my ears (primarily left) has been fluctuating the last 3 days, with some periods of no...
  14. Mike K

    When Will My Eustachian Tubes Clear Up??

    I'm getting very anxious, impatient, restless at this sinus infection. I've had it for over ten weeks now and I'm wondering if the crackling in my Eustachian tubes is a permanent thing, meaning the tinnitus is too. I get reassurance from doctors but a few days later I talk myself out of what's...
  15. Mike K

    Only in Left Ear Throughout the Day, But...

    At night with my head against the pillow it's in my right just as loud and not in my left? I know the noise is the brain creating the tone but this still confuses me, and worries me. I'm probably annoying as I repeat this, but my tinnitus is most likely from a sinus infection that has lasted 2.5...
  16. Mike K

    Just Got Out of a Show, I Hear No Ringing.

    I just got out of a show that lasted about 4 hours, and had earplugs that cancel 32 dB. Before the show I had slight ringing (and my tinnitus is very likely from the congestion I have) and after the show I hear no ringing. It feels almost too quiet though...has anyone else experienced this? And...
  17. Mike K

    About 95% Gone... Then Back Again

    So I've been sick with a low grade cold for 10 weeks now. I've produced mucus in my throat and I'm congested (more so in the morning, which is normal). My ears make a clicking noise when yawning and swallowing, although my right has gotten much better, and overnight it seems like my left is a...
  18. Mike K

    Joining the Club

    Good morning everyone. My name is Mike and I have had tinnitus for 10 weeks now. I'll try to sum up the past 10 weeks... It just happened one night to be honest. It wasn't after loud noise exposure. What came soon after was sinus congestion that was really nasty. For the first 10 days, the...