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  • Users: Tommi_boi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Tommi_boi

    Ear Sensitivity or Hyperacusis?

    Hi guys, It's been a little over a year since I developed sound sensitivity in my ears. Like many of you, I seem to have the problem of certain frequencies after a noise trauma accident involving an ambulance. Little over a week ago, I went on holiday and since then (for whateever reason) ...
  2. Tommi_boi

    New Victim of Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hi everyone, I've recently become more conscious of my pulsatile tinnitus. I've had this before in the past but have always shrugged it off. I feel this time round it's gotten worse and have decided to write in. Im hoping it's due to a long term ear infection which im only just getting over...
  3. Tommi_boi

    How Effective Is Olive Oil in the Prevention of Ear Wax Buildup?

    Sightly gruesome topic, but as I am prone to creating a fair bit of ear wax. I might have pokes inside and given myself an ear infection to which I've only just gotten over! Funny enough, the ear drops I was given has cleaned my ears out for me, but as this is really ear medication I can't use...
  4. Tommi_boi

    Corticosteroid Ear Drops — Ototoxic or Safe to Use?

    Hey there, I've just been prescribed ear drops which act as an anti-inflammatory and the label says its a "corticosteroid". Anyone know if these are Ototoxic / safe to use? I've always been a little apprehensive about putting any kind of drops in to my ears :confused: Any wise words would be...
  5. Tommi_boi

    Betnesol and Betnesol-N

    Hey guys, Hope all is well here. I've got a question about a prescription and was hoping someone could shed some light on it. I was prescribed some ear drops called Betnesol for an ear infection I've got which, when I Google'd might be Ototoxic? I then realised the image above referred it...
  6. Tommi_boi

    Coping Mechanisms for Fear

    Hey guys, I've had mild hyperacusis and intermittent tinnitus for a few months, unfortunately being a little bit of a hypochondriac I find myself nervous around noise. When an ambulance drove past I nearly jumped into a manhole! Ok slight exaggeration, but they do leave me nervous as this is...
  7. Tommi_boi

    The Gym — My Sanctuary

    Just typing this as I'm at the gym, if you are having a bad day with tinnitus, seriously, sign up for the gym. You get so many benefits : 1. Fitness 2.Get out of the house 3. Gets you looking good 4. But most importantly, machines like the treadmill can definitely help drown out the T in your...
  8. Tommi_boi

    Wisdom Tooth Removal Advice

    Hey guys, I am in need of dental advice - I have to get a wisdom tooth pulled out... Not only is it my first tooth to be pulled out (yikes!) , I am am quite nervous about Anything aggravating my tinnitus (noise induced). I've recently been exposed to a little hyperacusis thanks to an...
  9. Tommi_boi

    Stupid Headphones

    Hi everyone , I currently suffer from mild Hyperacusis and I did something a little dumb, I plugged my headphones into my phone and a message came on full volume - naturally I tore the damn things off my head straight away, but I got about a second and a half of full dosage but not anymore...
  10. Tommi_boi

    Game Made Me Realise I Had Hyperacusis

    Hey guys, I have an interesting story on a particular frequency I have become sensitised to and ultimately how I realised something wasn't quite right with my hearing :bag: I used to play a game called Mortal Kombat to (not for the feint hearted!) to which I'm sure a couple of you have heard...
  11. Tommi_boi

    Support Groups in London?

    Hey all, I was wondering if there were any support groups in London that anyone knew existed? I've had a look on the BTA website (British Tinnitus Association) but struggled to find one - perhaps there aren't any' to which I'm actually quite amazed about :bored: My Tinnitus tends to actually...
  12. Tommi_boi

    New But Not New to Tinnitus

    Hi my name is Tom and I decided to join since I've literally gone through another spike in my Tinnitus. Mine seems to come and go, which although am grateful it isn't permanent , when it does come on it is quite intrusive . I just went to Brighton with my girlfriend for the weekend and...