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  1. M

    Endolymphatic Hydrops vs. Meniere's Disease?

    Hey guys, I want to know if these two are the same, or are different. In my case, I have had tinnitus for two years, and have had super mild episodes where I feel like I'm in an elevator and this year I have had 2 episodes where I feel dizzy in the morning (right after I get off from bed) or...
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    Sleep Apnea / Fibromyalgia at the Same Time...

    Hey guys! Well basically I'm posting here, because in previous situations I have had a lot of help from you guys! Not so long ago I posted a success story... and thank god my tinnitus remains the same. I think my main health problem comes from my sleep apnea... And then I guess the sleep apnea...
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    So This Is My Success Story :)

    Hey guys, it's been a while since I last posted here. But today I was at a place that reminded me of those days when I first got tinnitus. First of all please excuse my "bad English" as I haven't been able to practice it in a few months, and second ... please know that I deal with "brain fog"...
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    My Tinnitus Doesn't Spike Anymore?

    So I don't know where to post this. I've noticed that thank god, for more than 8 months my tinnitus doesn't spike at all. I mean don't get me wrong, I have better and worse days. I do no longer notice them since I've habituated so tinnitus is not a problem to me. In the past, sugar, salt and...
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    I Think Frank Ocean Has Tinnitus...

    Used to perform like this... And now performs like this... I really love his music, I hope he doesn't have tinnitus. But at the same time if he really has it, I'm glad he's taking care of his hearing... And he makes Peltor muffs look cool!! plus I'm also a singer and now I won't feel...
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    Flying & Sound Exposure Attending Events

    Is there someone out there who also has to fly a lot or attend events?
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    Concerned About My Ear After My First Aeroplane Trip (Since the Onset of Tinnitus)

    Hey you guuys, as you might remember I posted 2 days ago asking if earmuffs were necessary for flying... Well I had my first flight since getting tinnitus and I had a weird outcome... 1-first flight was in the morning and it went PERFECT; I went to capital city, the noise was normal, I wore...
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    Are Earmuffs Really Needed? (Traveling / Flight)

    Hey guys I'm having my first flight since tinnitus started. I'm kind of worried but what worries me the most is barotrauma because in the past everytime I took a flight my ears used to hurt a lot because of the pressure. Anyways... if my tinnitus comes from an "Endolymphatic nature"...
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    Hey Guys, Since yesterday I have felt a little bit dizzy, but I think it's more like lightheadedness because I can walk, and do things normally but my head hurts a little bit and feels like I'm about to faint or get dizzy but it never happens.. I don't know if I'm explaining my self. I have...
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    1 Year and 5 Months of Tinnitus (Current State)

    Hi guys! Just wanted to drop by and say hi, I just wanted to share that something weird happened to me last Saturday/Sunday. I was on the studio making music (finally living my dream despite of tinnitus). Some of the musicians were playing music at 90 dB, but I wore foam plugs all the time...
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    I Stupidly Triggered the Alarm at the Office

    I feel soo stupid, because I've been careful all this time, and now this... I've been exposed to loud sounds before and I haven't had a spike. Maybe because my tinnitus doesn't come from noise exposure who knows? This time the alarm went off for more than 15 seconds and it was louder and...
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    I Was Exposed to an Alarm Again But This Time It Was Freaking Loud

    So I was at the office, obviously I wasn't wearing earplugs. All of a sudden, the alarm that is very close to me made an awful sound for 1 or 2 seconds, it was very loud. Haven't heard anything that loud since my onset. Let's say 120 or 110 dB? I don't know. Obviously it was for a second or...
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    Who Wants to Guess What's Wrong with Me?

    So, this past few months have been a total roller coaster for me. I don't even know where to begin... so I'm just gonna make a "short" list of my symptoms Everything started on February 2016: I woke up one morning with tinnitus in left ear... Went to an specialist who told me it was ETD, I...
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    Scared of a High-Pitched Scream

    A coworker just screamed in front of me. She made a high pitched sound kinda loud. It was brief, I didn't know how to react So I couldn't even cover my ears. Could this incident spike my tinnitus?
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    Noise Exposure When You Have Tinnitus Related to Meniere's or Other Ear Disease

    Hey guys I've been wondering this for a long time. I have had a number of "accidents" related to noise exposure. I've been avoiding clubs, concerts etc... but i have went to bars and cinema with ear plugs on. But of course I have had accidents with people screaming next to me, dropping noise...
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    I Was Exposed to an Alarm...

    Well tbh it was more of a beep from an alarm, I clicked a button and it made a very loud beep in the house... To be honest I don't think a second of a loud beep will cause damage or a spike... But what do you guys think? I also knew that by clicking that button it will make a loud sound...
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    Reversible Tinnitus?

    Is there any case of reversible tinnitus? I mean when there is a condition causing tinnitus as a side effect, can it be reversible? Like that case of the kid who had tinnitus because of Lyme's and it got cured, are there more cases out there?
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    I'm Being a Little Paranoid... (Afraid of a Possible Spike)

    So I'm at my office and I was going to use somebody else's phone and I had it very near to my "bad" ear and suddenly the telephone rang at its loudest. Of course it was very quick. After that I heard a weird ringing or clicking in my ear, but it hasn't caused a spike. Should I expect a...
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    Do I Have Lyme's Disease?

    So since my onset a lot of weird symptoms have appeared. Kinda scary, but I've been trying my best to keep active and cope. I've seen all kinds of doctors, and I'm getting blood work for a lot of stuff this week. These past week have been great, I feel with energy I've been doing lots of...
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    People with Bi-Lateral Tinnitus: How Do You Sleep?

    I have sleep apnea so I have to sleep on one side. These past months I was sleeping on my right side (where I didn't have tinnitus) and N notice that by doing this, the hissing would be so soft that I wouldn't notice it for the rest of the day (I think this has something to do with the blood...
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    So My Tinnitus Went Bilateral...

    So... just after a few days from my tinnitus anniversary, now I have tinnitus in my right ear too! There is a hissing and a noise. It sucks, but.. what the hell! It all started on Friday, all of a sudden my right ear cracked and it produced a mild pain, whenever I touched it felt like I was...
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    Things You Enjoy Even with Tinnitus...

    So I decided to make a list of things that fulfills my heart even when my ear is ringing and I can't go to loud concerts like I used to (they made me so damn happy). okey here is my list... Netflix (Santa Clarita Diet, Once Upon a Time, Crazy Ex Girlfriend, Bojack Horseman, Unbreakable Kimmy...
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    So I Think I Have an Ear Infection in My Good Ear

    So today all of a sudden I felt like something popped in my good ear. It was weird like a bang. So I decided to touch a bit with my small finger.. the ear canal, and it hurt so bad, and it cracked and stuff... WTF?? I'm kinda scared again. I don't have T in this ear. It feels like if I had...
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    Having a Spike, Please Help!

    Hey guys, I don't know if you have noticed but I've been very absent from this place since my tinnitus has gotten so so soft and so easy to handle these past months. I have been living almost like if i was tinnitus free, but just avoiding the noise and watching my diet (since salt, sugar and...
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    I Think My Tinnitus Is Going Bilateral... Suggestions?

    After almost a year of constant tinnitus in my left ear: Today I have had this blocked ear sensation in my right ear (just like when I got tinnitus in the first place) and I notice a hissing kinda high pitched... To be honest I still don't know the cause of my tinnitus. Last time I saw a...
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    Last Night I Went to a Night Club...

    So after 11 months of tinnitus, yesterday i made the decision to go to a night club because it was my bday and also because we were supposed to be in the terrace, but the terrace was empty and it started to rain. so i got into the club to be honest i was there for at least 30 minutes. with foam...
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    Current State... After 11 Months of Tinnitus

    Hey guys just an update of how ive been feeling and the symptoms I have after 11 months of tinnitus. These past two months my tinnitus have been very quiet, just a few random spikes but i guess it some hows has settled OR i might have got used to the sound, it lingers between a 2 and 4 (on a...
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    Surreal Life, But It Seems Like My Dad Just Developed Tinnitus Too

    And I don't know how to feel or how to support him. He's very active for his age (64) and looks way younger. He's had health issues in the past (heart attack 10 years ago) he's been telling me since 2 weeks ago that he perceives a noise in the left ear. but tbh my dad is very hypochondriac, so...
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    Feeling Very Desperate

    Hey guys, I don't have anyone to talk about to be honest. My family is kinda in denial, or just don't wanna hear about my health issues. first of all as you all might know, i've had tinnitus for at least 10 months already. obviously something very unfortunate but i've been able to manage, and...
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    Ear Crack Is a Bit Worse...

    well i'm still in my first cold since T. it's been normal, i guess my tinnitus is acting up a little i guess. it spikes and settles or gets very quiet. right now tinnitus is virtually gone. but the ear crack is painful every time i swallow i feel like there is a glass breaking in my ear (bad...
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    I Have a Hypothesis on What Might Fix Tinnitus?

    ive been reading a lot of stuff related to MS lately. and i remember that someone posted that music and earphones damages the auditory nerves just like ms damages the body. is myelin the most affected in the nerves and thats why tinnitus happens...
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    First Flu/Cold Since Onset

    I have had T for almost 10 months already! and it's been getting quieter thank god. I've been taking care of my self and to not get the flu but it was impossible!! now I have it. I haven't notice a spike... BUT my left ear (with t) burst for moments and feels kinda blocked. is this normal...
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    Vision Problems / Floaters?

    Hey guys, Since my onset I've been having floaters. And now a certain sensitivity to light. A few weeks ago I went to an Apple Store and it was so white it kinda bothered me. So many floaters. Yesterday I woke up in the middle of the night and there was some sorta colorful pattern of...
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    Did I Screw Up My Ears Again? (And Other Unfortunate Events)

    hey guys... last night i went to this event about gender and stuff.. i thought it was only a photograph art show so i went very confident. and yes there wasnt loud music or dj. but there was people talking in their microphone and a speaker. of course i stayed away from the speakers. while my...
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    It's Been a Rough Day, Your Knowledge Is Very Welcome :)

    in my previous post i reported that i had a very delightful month of no T (i had to cover my ears to listen for it) right now my T is kinda bothering, its been almost a week, since the high pitched t has make a wonderful (sarcasm) return, but its not super loud. but i dont know overrall i feel...
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    Ear Muffs (Going Out to a Party) — I Need Help...

    so i'm going to a halloween party... and i want to wear ear muff inside my mask or disguise. this is what i found and that i can afford... what you guys think? i think its mostly for guns/shooting... but it should work with...
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    Halloween Costume Ideas for People with Tinnitus!

    or that want to protect their hearing! im not skipping halloween this year, since is my favorite holiday ever! can you guys help me with ideas for my halloween disguise lets get creative haha so far i have this... RANDOM SHOOTER DEADMOU5E (LOL super lame) Shia labeouf werewolf??? my own...
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    Kitchen Incident!

    Just wondering have you ever had an spike from using the blender or accidentally being in the kitchen when someones star using it? i was in the kitchen playing with my nephew and my sister started the blender it was so loud, havent been expose to something that loud since onset 8 months ago...
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    New Symptom? New Noise? Distorted Hearing? Please Support

    Hey guys, as i said a few days ago my tinnitus remains pretty much calmed. and doesnt bother me... tinnitus still remains very quiet right now. BUT... this is what scares me.... i was feeling a little bit weird today... then a friend called me, and of course i putted my iphone on my right...
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    Current Situation: My Tinnitus Has Improved Greatly in the Past 2 Weeks

    My tinnitus has improved greatly in the past 2 weeks. like right now, im alone in an empty room and its there, but its low and it doesnt bother me. a few days ago i woke up in the middle of the night and the noise was extreme. im not sure if that is how "severe tinnitus" sound like. i had...
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    Valacyclovir for Meniere's?

    Hey guys I've been "Researching" and I came across a Meniere's forum and some people in there have had an excellent outcome using valacyclovir to treat their MD symptoms. I'm gonna copy paste what one of the users stated "I have been taking Valtrex (valacyclovir) since last Feb. I found relief...
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    Orthokine Available for Meniere's? Any Other Information?

    Does anyone know if it's available for Meniere's? Or have any other type of information?? I haven't heard of anyone besides Dana White getting this procedure with success! i would love to try this.
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    Will I Make It Through? Time to Ask for Support?

    Hey guys, the only reason im posting this is because i feel very lonely and there isnt anyone around who would be able to understand me. i have been into this beautiful and secret T world ( sarcarsm ) since february of this year. when it started obviously i panicked and as the months went... i...
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    So My Doctor Thinks I Have Endolymphatic Hydrops...

    I had an appointment yesterday with a new ENT, I was kinda excited about it, cause he seems to be very passionate about the subject. He performed a pressure test and told me my ears were fine. And then an audiogram (he hasn't sent me the results) and he told me like "wow your hearing is great...
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    Child Screaming!

    So basically my nephew who is 5 years old, loves to scream like a little girl and very high-pitched. He's like that kid in that movie "Problem Child" who likes to misbehave and be a litle pain in the ass. So he discovered that my "ears hurt" every time he screams. So whenever I tell him to...
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    Tinnitus Spike / Neck Pain... Is There a Relationship?

    Hey guys, for some reason my tinnitus "spiked" today. I don't know the reason, but also I woke up with neck pain. I think I might have slept in a wrong posture. Do you think there is a relation?
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    How Common Is It to Have Tinnitus Only in One Ear?

    How common is to have tinnitus in one ear only? I'm asking this because if my tinnitus came from loud noise exposure/ concerts, bars, earbuds etc, then why the damage or tinnitus would be in one ear only?
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    "Travelling Tinnitus"

    Hey guys, I only have tinnitus in my left ear. For some reason I feel like I can tune it in my right ear as well when its very loud. But in the first month I had this "travelling tinnitus" that would change ears for a few seconds. Anyone has also had this?
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    Fullness and Blockage — Part of the Tinnitus Journey?

    Are fullness and blockage part of the "Tinnitus Journey" ? I have headr that it's very related to Meniere's or labyrinthitis. But it's also pretty common in noise induced tinnitus right? Maybe it just means that your ears is not working right?
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    Who Else Has Sleep Apnea and Tinnitus?

    I hear there is a huge relation between sleep apnea and tinnitus/Meniere's disease. Who else has these two?
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    Who Else Had Their Onset While Sleeping?

    Just wondering how many of us had their tinnitus onset while sleeping. For me... I went to sleep in total silence and woke up in the middle of the night because of a nightmare and I had with tinnitus, then I went to sleep again. Then I woke up the next morning with a blocked left ear and ear...
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    Wearing Earplugs... Maybe Not a Good Idea?

    Hey Guys, 7 months since onset. i rarely wear earplugs (foam plugs in my case) unless im in a loud place. but ive been choose it not to wear them at the streets, calm restaurants and malls. but this past week, ive decided to wear them for a few hours at the mall and a restaurant that had lots...
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    Noise-Induced Tinnitus Symptoms (Do You Have Them Too?)

    Hey guys! i believe my tinnitus is noise induced... (a little background, ive been listening to loud music in my earbuds and attending rock concerts, loud pubs, punk gigs, and some of them where in front row or next to the speakers) i would experience tinnitus after the concerts and it went away...
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    My Tinnitus Story and My Doubts About Symptoms

    Hey there People, First of all thank you so much for all of your support its been a delight to have a place to vent, and ask for support, Everyone has been very supportive. Well its been.... Over 7 months since my Onset, and i think its about time to set the record straight and write down my...
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    Ear Pain (Not Hyperacusis)

    Lately I've been having seconds of ear pain. Like air / pressure etc (the kind of pain i would have after a flight) i was wondering... is this a "normal" tinnitus noise induced symptom?? How often does it occur? This pain usually comes and goes, it doesn't stay like that forever. But it has...
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    Some Drilling Two Rooms Away... Could It Cause More Damage?

    So, there was some drilling in my parents room, two rooms or one away from mine, and I didn't know... The noise was a little too intense, and unexpected. As soon as I could I covered my ears. The drilling was not long though... SO... Do you think it could cause more damage u___u I know some...
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    New Symptoms, Let's See If Someone Can Relate

    Hey guys these past 3 days I have had my tinnitus a little bit stronger and unstable. My tinnitus so far fluctuates, but it changes during sleep. These past 3 days it changes from moment to moment. Lots of "fleeting tinnitus", weird hissing etc. Also I have a mild pain in my "T Ear"... I...
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    New Study in Mice Proposes the First Gene That Could Help Prevent Tinnitus

    This discovery was just posted TODAY New study in mice proposes the first gene that could help prevent tinnitus, that ringing in the ears inside one's head when no external sound is present. This discovery is a first step to identify the molecules that could be targeted in treatments to silence...
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    People with 0% Emotional Response to Tinnitus

    I know it's unlikely to find one of those cases around here... But, do they exist? People who has 0 emotional response. They eat whatever they want despite of the spikes, isn't afraid to make it worse with medicine or more noise exposure. They would be able to go to parties, concerts etc...