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  1. K

    Hearing Loss, ETD, or Something Else?

    Hi all. I have been having hearing loss since feb of this year. It was sudden and kinda over night. Fast forward to now and it's still there. My doctor and ENT said its Eustachian Tube. My hearing in my left is far more bassey then right.If I listen to something with bass and put my head...
  2. K

    Hyperacusis or Hearing Loss?

    Long story short about 8 weeks ago woke to have hearing, bass etc more to my right ear, 2 weeks after hearing is more to my left hearing including bass sounds. My left ear things sound much louder, more so bass sounds. Things are not painful but are very annoying if too loud or bassy Wondering...
  3. K

    Blocked Eustachian Tubes or Hearing Loss?

    I am seeing an audioigist tomorrow. 3 weeks ago I woke to having my hearing to more the right side of my ear. Bass sounds would gravitate more to this ear aswel. But today it seems now like the bass and hearing is more towards my left ear? Could it be a blocked eustachian tube? or something more...
  4. K

    Hearing of Bass Frequencies Different in Both Ears

    Hi everyone. Im new on here. About 2 weeks ago I woke up one morning and while listening to some music on headphones it was like my hearing was at 12.05 instead of 12. It was more over to the right side of my hearing. I went to the doctors he put me on steroids and I've been on them for the...