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  1. Ricardo1991

    Popping Candy Helps My Clicking and Electrical Wires Tinnitus

    Hi guys, I just wanted to share something that works for me to calm down the “loose wires” sounds I get some days: I eat popping candy (pop rocks). I don’t know why or could not tell you that there’s a science behind it, but every time my head is clicking and sounds like electrical wires are...
  2. Ricardo1991

    Experiment: Listening to Tinnitus in Complete Silence

    Hi guys, Here is something that I have done for quite some time now. I've done this for years and I don't really know what to do with this or how it helps but I hope that maybe it can provide some sort of data for anyone studying tinnitus? I've brought this up to my ENT but unfortunately they...
  3. Ricardo1991

    What Happens to Our Brain During Sleep with Regards to Tinnitus?

    Hi you guys, I don't know where to put this but I was wondering if there's any information out there as to what happens to our brains during sleep with regards to tinnitus? When my tinnitus first started it was during my sleep, I don't believe I did anything that caused my tinnitus (aside from...
  4. Ricardo1991

    Possible Meetup in London, UK?

    Hello people of the world! I was just reading through twitter and spotted that the BTA has been asking people to #ShareYourSound, and have said that the majority of people living with tinnitus feel isolated. I'm just thinking if anybody here would be interested in meeting up one of these days...
  5. Ricardo1991

    I'm Doing Good!

    Hi people, Just thought I'd share my story. So back in 23 December 2015, I woke up and had a buzzing in my ears; that is the day my life changed forever. Now, I won't go into the trauma side of things because I want this to be a very positive post. (As you may already know the kind of party...
  6. Ricardo1991

    I Have Habituated! (Or at Least Pretty Much There!)

    So I have had tinnitus since Christmas of 2015. Yes, it is up and down and up again! I feel as if I am pretty much better! As time goes on, I find that many people have Tinnitus like me, many real people. I wanted to share my video for 2 reasons: 1.) Help support the British Heart Foundation...
  7. Ricardo1991

    Doing Well

    Hi everyone, I have been dealing with Tinnitus for about 6 months already. How am I doing? Pretty good! Yea, it sucks but I've learned to manage and to be more at peace within myself, with the world. Just living life and being happy. I'm going to have my wisdom teeth extracted this Friday so a...
  8. Ricardo1991

    Wisdom Teeth

    Hi all, Hope you're having a great day. So question, I am getting my wisdom teeth removed this upcoming Friday. However, I just want to know if that wisdom teeth can actually cause tinnitus? Does anybody know for sure if that's a thing. They never really bothered me so much. Just getting rid of...
  9. Ricardo1991


    Funny, I work for a University, having a chat with an older student (50s) and she told me she had tinnitus for the longest time. She said it went away when she cut down on her coffee intake. She was like, "yea maybe it's that. Well, good luck!" Just thought I'd share! Remember that it can go...
  10. Ricardo1991

    What Does My Tinnitus Sound Like?

    This isn't to scare anyone or to give anyone anxiety or even help, more of like "what goes on inside my head!" My left ear sounds like this My right ear has the typical kshhhhhhhhhh sound. How do I deal with it? I don't know, I just do. I have work to do! Ricardo
  11. Ricardo1991

    Do You Need Help Sleeping?

    Try this one! I listen to this one every other night if my T is annoying; I turn it down low and boom I'm asleep in no time Hope it helps! Good night, Ricardo
  12. Ricardo1991

    It Will Get Better for Everyone Who Wants It To

    I would like to start this by saying that I still have tinnitus. This isn't a letter to say it goes away or whatever; all I want to say it gets better. The last time I posted on this forum, I was attacked by people who want me and others to live as miserably as they do. Truth is, they were...
  13. Ricardo1991

    How Will I Date? Have a Relationship? Anything?

    Hi all, Just thought I would share my thoughts on this conversation that seems to be a recurring theme. Yes, it's scary; it's a thought that passes my mind often but then I tend to think of my current relationship right now. Over the past 3 months, tinnitus is ALL that I talk about. To my...
  14. Ricardo1991

    Restless Leg Syndrome

    Hey all, Just posting this because my friend made me feel not so alone today. She has RLS, she's 28 and she said she's had it all of her life. She doesn't know why but she said that her mom used to take her to the ER when she was a baby because she would cry and kick all the time. She showed me...
  15. Ricardo1991

    Success Story!... Sort of.

    So I guess here's an improvement. Today I was listening to this song; What is successful about his? I couldn't hear it in my left ear about a month ago! Like I checked the speakers and everything and for the life of me, I couldn't hear it in my left ear! When this happened a while ago, I got...
  16. Ricardo1991

    What Caused Your Tinnitus? Hair Bleach Maybe

    Hey everyone, Just curious; what caused your tinnitus? Or at least what do you think caused it? What did the doctor say? Mine, like everyone else is a mystery. However, I think mine was caused by a viral infection in my right ear. The doctor said that it migrated to my left ear and caused a...
  17. Ricardo1991

    Hyperacusis Gone!

    Hey everyone, Just wanted to spread a note of positivity. When I first got Tinnitus back at the end of December, I had a month of hyperacusis; I can confidently say that I don't have it anymore. I don't know exactly what I did, it just sorted itself out. I'm very confident that one day my...
  18. Ricardo1991

    I Might Be Getting Better, Not Sure

    Hi there, My name is Ricardo. I live in Denver, CO. I'm happily married to my husband and I think I might be improving either that or I'm habituating. I'll admit, I'm a lurker; I feel like I check into this website every day since I got tinnitus. (Actually, my therapist told me to stop because...