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  • Users: bekker
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  1. B

    Peripheral or Central Hyperacusis?

    I have hyperacusis in both ears. The hyperacusis in my right ear is only much more sensitive. I feel it much more. The strange thing is that when my doctor checked my hearing with a metal device it hurt in my left ear and not in my right. Now is my question do I have central or peripheral...
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    Holidays with Two 8-Hour Flights and Evening with Music Were Maybe too Much?

    Hey I have tinnitus and hyperacusis. I was a little bit scared to do this vacation because of my condition. I have 33 decibel earplugs which I put in during the flights and the nights that I went in the music. During the holiday I had so much fun that the hyperacusis and tinnitus were really...
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    How Can You Bring Down or Lessen Your Hyperacusis?

    I read somewhere that bringing down your hyperacusis can solve your reactive tinnitus or lessen it. I've got ambulance noises triggered from sound outside. My hyperacusis is not so strong, I can walk in a big city with loud trucks and so, but some noises hurt like knife and forks or a horn. Or a...
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    Need a Little Support — New Sounds

    First of all i feel good no anxiety and so but i hope it all Goes away. I have t and h . The t were 3 sounds and Some times i heard an ambulance sound and another sound triggerd from sound outside( the shower and car). Recently i worked on my laptop for 3 days straight and i noticed my ears...
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    Should I Take Corticosteroids?

    I have got a very very mild tinnitus in August 2015. I didn't notice it really. Then in December and February it got worse. It now has influence on my live. I got it from loud noise. Two weeks ago I went to a bar with earplugs but i think it got worse but I'm not so sure. If i take...
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    Bad Sleeper. I Wake Up 3-4 Times at Night.

    I've always been a bad sleeper even before my tinnitus. But when i got my t it went bad. I woke up 3 to 4 times at night. I thaught it had Also something to do with my smoking because i quit smoking when i got T and i had a period after that i could sleep throughout. But now after a homeparty 4...
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    Can I Go to Festivals with My Tinnitus?

    hello people, i've got my tinnitus since august 2015 from partying. it wasn't that bad and i didn't noticed the tinnitus anymore so i kept going out without earplugs. Then in december after a night out it went worse and know im suffering from bad tinnitus. I went going out 2 times since...