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  • Users: DDD
  • Content: Threads
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  1. D

    Looking for Any Advice?

    Hiii, I know I haven't posted in a while, but I mostly come to this forum to lurk in the frequency and the inner hair cell regeneration research threads because that's the only thing thats giving me hope. If I read anything else about how people ( including myself) are having such a rough time I...
  2. D

    How Long Does It Take for a Spike from a Cold to Leave?

    Pretty much the title.. I don't know if it's my perception or what but when I got a cold everything got worse...
  3. D

    Opinion on Benzos?

    I have really bad anxiety and stress from tinnitus and other stuff. I have bad muscle and joint pain all over my body, my joints pop alot and stomach cramps. I don't know if this is all from stress or if I developed fibro. So I'm trying to get my stress levels down to see which one but I can't...
  4. D

    Does TMJ Make Hyperacusis Worse?

    Ever since my tmj got bad I feel like my Hyperacusis also got worse. I also think its making my TTTS worse too because every time I swallow it spasms. Part of me once to believe that's why my H is worse, and the other part says its just coincidence. Any experiences those with tmj and H? I...
  5. D


    I wanna try meditation to reduce stress and to just be a better person. Those who meditate.. do you meditate on the tinnitus sound or a masking? Which is better? I was thinking on the tinnitus sound so my brain can be getting used to it but some people say that it makes you focus on it...
  6. D

    External Sounds Get Louder with Turning My Head

    When I turn my head to the side it seems like external sounds get louder than when I'm facing straight. Anyone else experience this or have an idea what this is?
  7. D

    Depressed, Depressed and Depressed.

    If my tinnitus was the only thing I was dealing with, then I feel like I could habituate. It's severe and reactive and my moderate H is a bitch.. but I have enough faith in myself (kinda) that I believe that in time I would eventually get there. But it's not. I have bad jaw pain, headaches...
  8. D

    What Do Y'all Do for Fun?

    One of the (many!) problems and constamt anxiety i have with T is that I feel isolated and very limited about what I can do for fun ... I have reactive t and (mild to moderate) hyperacusis. I'm just turned 18 and I wanna know what fun things I can do with my friends/family that doesn't require...
  9. D

    Reactive Tinnitus — How Does One Habituate?

    How does one habituate when their tinnitus changes pitch and tones around different things? I have loud reactive t and bad h. At first it was just regular tinnitus and then the day after onset it changed to reactive t and I developed h at the same time it became reactive. I just dont...
  10. D

    Any Idea? Does Hyperacusis Hurt When You Physically Touch the Ears?

    I'm new here unfortunately.. I'm 17 and I got reactive tinnitus with multiple pitches and tones and hyperacusis as of last week due to loud ear phones. Both are really bad. I know this is permanent because I always had short bouts of it but then it just goes away but this time I listened to...