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  • Users: Kazue
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  1. Kazue

    Here’s Hope

    Hello, I was extremely active here years ago (2 years to be exact). I just want to let you know it gets better. I was in a dark place of my life when I got tinnitus. It was funny because I was trying to eat healthier and learn Japanese and here comes tinnitus to ruin my life. I went through...
  2. Kazue

    Boat Horn Near My Ear

    I was enjoying my time outside while riding my bike and a boat was behind me. While they were taking off, they decided to be a butthole and blow the horn right near me. I was literally a few meters away from it. It didn't affect me or my tinnitus at first but now I'm feeling stuffiness. It...
  3. Kazue

    First Cold Since Tinnitus

    I just got a cold after going to the ENT, ironically. I need some help on what to do to ensure my T doesn't get worse. It's not that bad right now. I don't want to blow my nose too hard and push mucus into my ear. I hope my ear drums don't burst...what precautions should I take?
  4. Kazue

    How to Stop Therapy?

    I recently went to a therapist a few weeks ago. She's a nice lady who also has tinnitus. I think she does her job well. However, I do not feel comfortable with her. I do not like talking about my feelings/life towards people I do not know. It's even more embarrassing when my mom is in the room...
  5. Kazue

    It's Not Anxiety Doctors

    Sigh. I'm tired of doctors telling me I have anxiety. Why am I diagnosed with a condition that's so serious. So, just some background information. I've been back and forth between the hospital and urgent care. My heart pounds very loud and fast. My throat tightens up because it's not...
  6. Kazue

    How Does One Stop Crying

    So I have been crying way too much for these past 3 months. Its annoying but I cant help it. I never used to cry when I was younger, never. Now I cry just watching a sad movie. I cry when someone is talking to me. Wth is going on? How do I stop crying. I just want to shut my tear ducts off...
  7. Kazue

    Any High Frequency Hearing Test Near Me (Midwest, USA)?

    Yo yo GUTEN TAG MEINE FREUNDS..??? Not sure if I spelt that right, haven't studied German in years. Anyways, for my American friends, where did you get your high frequency test done at? I've been searching up and down for one and I can't find it. I want to see if I have any damage in the high...
  8. Kazue

    How's Life?

    Hello hello. Names Kazue. My goal is to spread positivity throughout the forums. I wish to know how everyone's day was. Rant about anything and everything. Some people may have lost their loved ones and friends trying to cope with this beast in their ears. Can't even express how their day was...
  9. Kazue

    Medrol (Methylprednisolone) Helping Tinnitus?

    So I took Medrol for an allergic reaction and my tinnitus is just a small sizzling now. So what does that mean? There's swelling somewhere in my ear? I notice it increases in volume when the medicine is starting to wear off.
  10. Kazue

    Anxiety from Tinnitus: Suggestions?

    Okay, I think unnecessary antibiotics made my serotonin levels very low. I received antibiotics from an suspected infection in my ear, when I first got T. Afterwards, I started getting anxiety attacks and worrying a lot more. I've been constipated and have a loss of appetite as well, which is...
  11. Kazue

    Tinnitus or Imagination?

    So I'm happy to say my T is 95% gone for the past 12 hours, even with a short nap. I FINALLY READ A BOOK IN SILENCE. I took advantage of the moment since this will be short lived. I woke up this morning with a very quiet hiss like usual. Then I noticed at school, I didn't hear it anymore. It...
  12. Kazue

    Depressing Mark of Tinnitus

    It isn't the tinnitus that kills me. It's the fact that I can't enjoy the things I used to do. That is why I break down over 5 times a day. Silence. Something that is precious to introvert like me. Stolen. Now I hear this buzzing sound as I read books and write stories. Simply pampering myself...
  13. Kazue

    The Vent Thread

    Hello everyone. I just wanted to create a thread where everyone and everyone can vent without getting judged. I know some people, like myself, cry over 3 times a day due to the struggles of life. This is because we have no one to turn to. Yes, you can talk to your parents or friends but they...
  14. Kazue

    Naproxen Sodium and Tinnitus?

    So I was recently given Naproxen Sodium for menstrual related migraines. My doctor said it was in the Motrin family. I happen to look at the discharge papers and it said ibuprofen right next to it. I knew right then, I wasn't taking that shit. Advil was how I got into this mess plus my loud...
  15. Kazue

    Finally Found the Cure (Don't Waste Your Life Wishing for the Tinnitus to Go Away)

    I'm sick of all these medications and magical potions that claim to take away tinnitus. Wanna know the real cure? Well here it is. It's called living your life like before. Don't sit there and waste your time trying to wish away something. Things happen for a reason. You have T because...
  16. Kazue

    Anyone Else with Reactive Tinnitus?

    Yooo! I've had T for 3 weeks now. I've accepted that this will be a permanent condition so eh. Please do not tell me it will get better because I'm young. I have abused my ears during healing to cope with this. I've went to a loud ass IMAX theater and I've played music very low through my...
  17. Kazue

    What's Causing My Tinnitus

    Okay, so I'm a 15 year old and there's this sound in my ear. It sounds like a really old television turning on. It's maybe a 3-4 on a scale of 1-10. It's not really bothersome but I don't want to hear that when I listen to music. Went to the doctor and they said my hearing was excellent and my...
  18. Kazue

    Advil Caused Tinnitus

    I took 6 Advils in one day the week before my tinnitus and 2 on the rest of the days. It was for my constant headaches due to dietary changes. I believe this is what caused my tinnitus. Can this be cured or do I have to live with this my whole life. I'd say I had higher than average hearing...
  19. Kazue

    Young with Tinnitus

    I'm 15 with tinnitus. It came nearly 2 weeks ago out the blue, probably due to loud music and places. I will admit that I have abused my poor ears over the years. I got my taste of temporary tinnitus after sitting behind a speaker. Now I'm stuck with it permanently. Went the urgent care and they...
  20. Kazue

    Ear Wax or Hearing Loss

    Hello everyone. I'm new here. I'm quite saddened to say I think I have tinnitus. I'm only 15 by the way. A few months back, I went to a party. I was sitting next to a speaker (such a dumbass), when I got home, I had temporary ringing. I was so scared. I didn't know how to live with that constant...