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  1. Steve-Watto

    Sticking Finger in Ear to Hear Spikes

    I have this habit, every time I hear a noise I stick my finger in my ear, like in trying to listen if the tinnitus has spiked, I must do it 50-100 times a day, what it's actually doing is reminding me of the T, which I know isn't helpful.... does anyone else do this? and does anyone have a way...
  2. Steve-Watto

    Foods and Drugs Which Make Tinnitus Worse?

    Hi All, Just wondering if anyone has a list or link to a list of pharmaceutical drugs and foods that are proven to make T & H worse. Or foods that should be avoided, understanding if you eat something and you have a spike, avoid it.
  3. Steve-Watto


    Hi All, just introducing myself to the forum. My situation, and how I came to be here. I am in the Military, During 2012 I was exposed to rifle gun fire during a shooting incident/accident where someone fired a rifle next to me (about 1 meter away) - unfortunately my hearing protection had...