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  1. CricketEars

    “The Blob”

    I don’t know if you guys have seen this creature called “The Blob” on display at the Paris zoo. It is a real enigma — no brain, but has the ability to learn, and can heal itself in about two minutes if cut. I wonder if this organism can be studied and used to regenerate areas of the human...
  2. CricketEars

    Do Those with Tinnitus and Hearing Issues Talk Too Quietly?

    For those with tinnitus and hearing issues, have you ever had people tell you that you talk too quietly? I’ve noticed people have regularly struggled to hear me or tell me to speak up when my voice seems normal or maybe even loud to me. I never noticed this before having tinnitus and hearing...
  3. CricketEars

    Acid Reflux, Chest Pain, Followed by Sore Ears, Jaw and Tinnitus Spike

    I know some people have acid reflux and it exacerbates their tinnitus. Way before I had my initial bout of tinnitus, I got a really bad inclination in the lining of my lungs & esophagus, which was causing chest pains. I haven’t really dealt with that since, but lately I’ve been having that...
  4. CricketEars

    Talking on the Phone Caused Noises (Squeaking) in the Opposite Ear

    Today I was talking to a friend on the phone, with my cell phone up to my right ear. I happened to notice that every time she spoke, my left ear would make a squeaking sound almost as if the muscles were tensing up. It went to the exact rhythm of her speaking. Anyone experience anything...
  5. CricketEars

    Eardrums Are Black

    I saw an ad for a USB camera that you can look into your ears with. I was curious, so I ordered it and looked in my ear canal. The eardrums looks fine, but there was some wax build up, so I used over the counter drops to help clean it. Yesterday I looked with the camera and there was much...
  6. CricketEars

    Chirodontics for TMJ

    Has anyone heard of or had experience with something called Chirodontics? My new dentist practices this, is very thorough and is the only person around here I could find that specializes in TMJ/TMD. He’s a great dentist, but with the TMJ he doesn’t just tell me to live with it or make me a...
  7. CricketEars

    Anyone Have Their Tinnitus Disappear for a Second?

    Does anyone else have moments where your tinnitus just goes completely silent for a second and then resumes? I'm not talking about it being masked or ignored, just GONE for half a second or so. Lately this has been happening to me once or twice every couple of days. I almost feel like I've...
  8. CricketEars

    Tinnitus Went Crazy Four Months Ago and Hasn't Resolved

    I've been lurking on this board for about 3 months and figured I'd post something. It seems to be a great resource and there are a lot of knowledgeable people here! About 10 years ago, I noticed something didn't sound right. while listening to a CD. At first I thought the EQ got changed on my...