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  • Users: Aschenherz
  • Content: Threads
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  1. A

    Can Tinnitus of Unknown Origin Also Go Away?

    Hello, Dear Reader, I have read many posts in the success stories section about tinnitus that has gone away after several years. But all posts from there are about acoustic drama or loud noises as causes. Are there stories about tinnitus with unknown origin that got away after some time?
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    How Would You Describe "Mild" Tinnitus?

    Hello there, After quite a hardsome time I'm not hearing the tinnitus 80% of the time, when I'm around people or in public. I still have days where it's louder, but the trend is me hearing the tinnitus only when I'm at home alone. Is this a mild tinnitus? I still have trouble with it and...
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    How Can You Change the Mindset on Good Days?

    Hello, dear users. After 4 months in I've got three (!) good days on this week. Today it's so soft, I thought in the morning it was gone. My question is: even on good days I'm still worrying about the future, about tomorrow. "Will it be loud again?" "Or am I lucky and it's fading?" All...
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    4 Months In — Update with Some Tips

    Hello there, I wanna give a little update about my condition. Tomorrow it will be 4 months without silence and .. it got better. :) Hopefully that is a huge relief for the beginners. BUT it's still very hard to not focus on the tinnitus. Every week I have some good days and some bad days plus...
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    Tinnitus Is Playing Pong in My Head

    Hello all Is it normal for the tinnitus to jump from the right to the left and so on? Today it did this very funny game three times. When it jumps in my right ear, it's even better for me, because the "overall" tinnitus is not so loud. But when it gets back where it belongs... it... not...
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    How Long It Took You Until You Slept Better with Tinnitus?

    The last days it has been hard to sleep. So I want to know how long did you take to sleep like before your tinnitus? Did you mask during the night? I know that everyone is different with this, but I want to have a little insight :)
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    How Can You Live with Tinnitus When You Are Alone?

    How can you live with tinnitus when you are alone all the time? Pls help me with this. It's very hard, not to fall in despair. Is it even possible? Or do you need a good support system?
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    Please Don't Say Anything Like That Things Will Get Better

    Hello. This post will lead to harsh criticism. I want to die. Not like "it's hard" or anything like that. I really wanna. My body is a real mess and got me nightsweat, diarrhea etc. Every time I fight out of it, I fail. Don't have the power to move on. Couldn't be the kind of guy, who is with...
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    Let Me Get This Straight — Are These My Only Options?

    I'm three months in and it seems, that every day is fighting for a really hard goal. The only option, as I see it, is to get as much activity as you could, so you can eventually habituate within years. I'm a very sensible person and was that all of my life, but is there no other way to get...
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    Using White Noise from myNoise App as Treatment Against Hyperacusis?

    Can you use the white noise from the myNoise app as treatment against hyperacusis?
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    Need Help — I'm in Shock

    Today after someone threw some stones on a Mosaik, every hit was unbearable. Stress response and shaking. What can I do in such situations? Is this hyperacusis or tinnitus? Please help me, I'm in shock.
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    Can High-Pitched Tones Go Away During the First Year?

    Is it possible, that in the first year of the tinnitus, the high pitched noises could go away? Have one in my head, 13000 hertz, which was very low under prednisolone. When this shit goes away, I'm back to life..
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    Just Listen to the Sound

    Hi there. I'm two months in and already have had enough of it. The tinnitus becomes so highly rated in my personal view, he got gold in very few weeks. Today it was a shitty day and I thought, i could give it a try with protecting my ears, even, when I'm alone at home. To my surprise, to...
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    Is Listening to This Tone Dangerous?

    Hello there, Today I was looking for some relief through sounds on YouTube and found this tone: (only listen to it on very low volume!) While this tone plays, my hyperacusis is simply gone. I've tried many things, but it isn't there. After this file, mytTinnitus is another tone for ca. 30...
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    Struggle with Life

    Hello, Dear Members. Unfortunately I'm into the club of us all, too. Nearly two months ago I've got tinnitus. Long story short. I'm afraid, it consume me. Dealt a lot with depression in my twenties, overcome it, God knows how, and had a good life for 1,5 Years. Then the T began. I don't know...