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  • Users: Sheamus
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Sheamus

    Given Time, It Does Get Better

    When I first posted on Tinnitus Talk 20 months ago, I was in a pretty dark place as a result of my tinnitus. I think I contracted it from a bad combination of genetics, stress, insomnia and overmedication for the insomnia. It just appeared one morning out of nowhere. For the first year, my...
  2. Sheamus

    My Four Month Anniversary

    Four months ago this morning I awoke with ringing in my ears, triggered by my stress and sleep medications. I can't honestly say it has gotten better, but I can say my attitude towards it is improving. I no longer scream into my pillow at night, which is a relief to my long suffering English...
  3. Sheamus

    Some Advice for Habituation

    Well, today is my three-month anniversary of my tinnitus. Since it is as loud as ever, I know I must replace my hope that this medication induced tinnitus might be reversible with the hope that I can habituate to it. I look forward to the time that I can say, like many in this forum, "yeah, it's...
  4. Sheamus

    My First Post; Thank You

    Dear fellow Tinn. Soldiers, Sorry for the bad pun, but tinnitus does feel like a battle at times, and this forum makes me feel I am not in it alone. I have read many wonderfully empathetic and encouraging postings, from Glynis, Jelena and many other members. It has been very comforting, and I...