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  • Users: Carlyi
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Carlyi

    Vibrations Causing Spikes?

    Hi everyone, I'm suffering from tinnitus for over 6 months now. Some days are good, others bad, but so far I'm coping. I'm having a cold now so my tinnitus is a bit worse than usual. Anyway, what I have been noticing is that my tinnitus always spikes when I'm driving my car, after driving a...
  2. Carlyi

    Screaming Babies

    Hi all, I don't have noise induced tinnitus. My tinnitus is related to my jaw, that I'm trying really hard to fix at the moment, but since having tinnitus I'm very scared of it getting worse and permanent and therefore I'm very cautious with loud sounds. I have a 5 month old baby and sometimes...
  3. Carlyi

    Is Tinnitus the Last Symptom to Go If It's Related to the Jaw?

    Hi everyone, I have been fighting tinnitus now for the last couple of weeks. I have a feeling it is going slightly better. I'm having short periods of silence, but it always comes back. The reason why I have tinnitus is related to my jaw. Or at least that's what I have been thinking as my...
  4. Carlyi

    TMJ Treatment

    I have been searching high and low what is causing my tinnitus. I have a clicking jaw and intense muscle pain on the right side of my jaw where the tinnitus is on it's loudest. I also have ear pain, and my doctor thought I have ETD. Never did I realize that there are actually muscles in our...
  5. Carlyi

    New to Tinnitus and Falling Into Depression

    Hi everyone, I developed Tinnitus a few months ago. It started as a very low white noise kinda sound. And it would come and go. It did create alot of anxiety and panic attacks, and even a visit to the ER. A few weeks ago it was gone for several days and i thought it was permanantly gone. I was...