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  • Users: Luman
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  1. Luman

    Loud Crash of Dishes — Tinnitus Spiked, Hearing Reduced

    My tinnitus has been improving lately, but I was upset at something and had an accident about 15 minutes ago. I dropped several large dishes into my empty bathtub, making a very loud noise, and my ear went half deaf for about one minute. Now the tinnitus in that ear is higher, and I notice...
  2. Luman

    The Decline of American Tinnitus Association's (ATA) Tinnitus Today Magazine

    The official publication of the American Tinnitus Association (ATA) is Tinnitus Today. I used to subscribe, but eventually lost interest and didn't renew, because it became very repetitive. Today, perhaps a year after I received my last issue before the subscription died out, I received what I...
  3. Luman

    Musician Brian Setzer Cancelled 2019 Annual Xmas Tour Due to Severe Case of Tinnitus

    Brian Setzer had to cancel his annual Xmas concerts, due to "Severe Tinnitus". Here is the story: On Monday (Nov. 11), Brian Setzer canceled his Christmas Rocks! Tour with the Brian Setzer Orchestra. According to a press release, Setzer was diagnosed with a severe case of tinnitus, a condition...
  4. Luman

    Old Time Dental Equipment Which Did Not Cause Tinnitus

    Before the high speed drills which are loud and high pitched, the electric ones they used "rumbled", which probably did not cause hearing loss and tinnitus. The drill had a foot pedal, which was used by the dentist, to operate it. I should add that your teeth smoked when they were drilled...
  5. Luman

    The Zero M Sonic Blaster — 1960's Loud Toy

    This commercial features a young Kurt Russell, with narration by William Conrad, demonstrating a Mattel toy called the Zero M Sonic Blaster. It's anybody's guess as to how many children suffered injuries to their hearing from this powerful, dangerous toy. You could also put dirt and rocks into...
  6. Luman

    Reliable, Effective Noise-Cancelling Headphones without the High Price Tag?

    I want to purchase a pair of lower-priced over the ear noise-cancelling headphones for protection only. I don't want to listen to music with them, at all. I don't need Bluetooth, or anything like that, and they must be over the ear. I would likely wear earplugs under them, as Bill Bauer does...
  7. Luman

    Hyperacusis and Panic Causing Insomnia

    I've somehow developed a bad problem with any noise when I'm trying to go to sleep, which has resulted in near-severe insomnia. As soon as I drift off, the slightest sound will cause me to wake up in a panic that has actual physical symptoms, and can't get back. This can happen a number of...
  8. Luman

    "Knocking" Sound/Feeling in Ear

    Beside tinnitus, I get a "knocking" sound, more of a feeling, it's been happening more frequently the past few days. It happens in one ear or the other. Maybe it's that bone thing I've read about, at least I hope so. It is not painful, but it is noticeable does case some anxiety. My hearing...
  9. Luman

    Spikes from Anxiety?

    My tinnitus has stabilized somewhat, but I had a bad spike yesterday and to some degree, it's still with me today. Has anybody else found that anxiety, stress, etc., which I'd been having, causes spikes?
  10. Luman

    Tinnitology and Dr. Abraham Shulman

    The term Tinnitology was coined by tinnitus research pioneer Professor Abraham Shulman, MD, who is profiled in the article below, as well as in a new article in the Spring 2018 Tinnitus Today magazine. The PDF version of the latest article is available online from the American Tinnitus...
  11. Luman

    Found Out My Dental Hygienist Has Tinnitus

    I went for my 2X a year dental cleaning/exam today, and asked the hygienist not to use the ultrasonic power scaler, and she agreed to do it manually. She said that she has tinnitus in one ear, and assumes that she got it from being exposed to the sounds of the equipment in the dental offices...
  12. Luman

    Tinnitus Today Magazine Spring 2018

    The Spring Issue of the ATA's quarterly magazine, Tinnitus Today, is now online for a limited time period. The printed version will be sent to ATA members, in a couple of weeks. The topic this month is primarily about habituation, but there are many other features and articles included. If...
  13. Luman

    Earmuffs and Eyeglasses?

    Do earmuffs work and fit correctly while wearing eyeglasses? Ideally, I'd like to get a pair that are not bulky and large. They would not have to be rated for extremely loud situations, I'd like a pair to wear on the subway, or that can be put on quickly in the street. I currently use...
  14. Luman

    Went to a New Therapist, Turns Out He Has Tinnitus

    I went to a therapist today, my first visit with him, for help with some issues that he specializes in. I mentioned that I have tinnitus, and he said he's had it for some 35 years. Last October I went to an ENT, and he told me that he has it, as well. It's nice to know such people who have...
  15. Luman

    Online Hearing Test

    I just took an online hearing test, and scored 86%. It said that my hearing is fine and I would not benefit from a hearing aid. Adjust your volume so that it isn't too loud, before beginning the test. I had no problem, there's no extreme high or low pitched sounds that will cause a spike or...
  16. Luman

    Jury Duty and Tinnitus

    How would you feel, if you had to sit on a jury for a week or more, perhaps sequestered in a hotel, with raging tinnitus? Would you ask your doctor for a note to be excused? Before I had tinnitus, I served on juries, grand juries, and eventually was diagnosed with something that got me...
  17. Luman

    Intermittent Tinnitus

    I have only recently realized that my type of tinnitus actually has a name, intermittent tinnitus which, as the term implies, is not constant. Most days, I have symptoms to some degree, which vary in volume from mild to upper medium, but I do get days where there's no symptoms, although I still...
  18. Luman

    Nocturnal Intense Tinnitus Woke Me from Sleep

    I've woken up twice this week after sleeping for a few hours, with a highly intense, loud tinnitus, which seemed 10X worse than when I'm awake, and felt pain in my brain as well, which fortunately did not last very long. The first time was very scary, but it subsided and I managed to use a...
  19. Luman

    Is This Related to Hyperacusis?

    I wake up in the morning to various degrees of sound, bilateral, which recently started going away in one to three hours after getting up, as it did today, and I actually feel like I have no tinnitus symptoms at all during this time at home, in quiet. This is quite an improvement, compared to...
  20. Luman

    Air Raid Sirens for Religious Purposes in NYC

    There are several ultra-orthodox Synagogues in Brooklyn that use extremely loud air raid sirens to alert their members of the impending Shabbat, and other religious holidays. They ring it twice every Friday, for 90 seconds, 15 minutes before sundown, and then again at sundown for 90 seconds...
  21. Luman

    Hot Compresses

    I have found that by applying hot washcloths to my ears, and pushing my finger, from behind the cloth, right up against the ear opening, I can usually get relief for a short period, sometimes even total silence when the tinnitus was low to begin with, even after removing the cloth. It only...
  22. Luman

    Knocking on Eardrum

    Last night, out of the blue, I heard three knocks in my left ear, like somebody was knocking on a door, then it stopped. It wasn't particularly loud, or even alarming, just very strange. I have been trying to drain my Eustachian tubes, and hear crackling sometimes, as well as feel movement...
  23. Luman

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction: "Crackling" Sounds?

    I have come to realize that my tinnitus is accompanied by, or caused by EDT. I used some Flonase today, sprayed perpendicular, and later did a little of the nose blowing technique, which you're supposed to do once an hour. Neither of my ears has actually popped yet, but feel like they're trying...
  24. Luman

    Pillows with Holes for Ear

    I am a side sleeper and experience pain in my ears, including soreness on the outside, which I hope can be relieved by a specialty pillow with a hole in it. For all I know, my tinnitus might even improve if my ears aren't under as much pressure at night. Does anybody have any experience with...
  25. Luman

    Benzo Dosage Strategy

    I've had tinnitus since July 2017, it got worse in August, then normalized a bit. There are times, usually late in the evening, once or twice a week, for an hour or two when it is either unnoticeable or silent. I obtained a Rx for Clonazepam from my MD (a general practitioner) on Monday, two...
  26. Luman

    Advice Please: Use of Earplugs Outside All the Time?

    I'm new to Tinnitus, two months, and also have moderate Hyperacusis. I live in a borough of NYC, visit Manhattan every week or two, and the streets are also noisy where I live as well. Should I wear ear protection whenever I go outside, until I either habituate or these conditions cease? I...
  27. Luman

    Is Head Tinnitus More Serious Than Ear(s)?

    I'm new to this and really don't know much. I cannot hear tinnitus in my ears, it's in my head. However, some people seem to have worse symptoms than I do, in their ears. Is one more serious than the other, or is this just impossible to answer? Sorry if I sound negative, just not...
  28. Luman

    Advice Please: Yoga Classes, Bad Idea?

    In 2016 and 2017 I took two semesters of Hatha Yoga at a local community college, the classes are continuing ed, not part of an accredited curriculum. The classes are 90 minutes, and if you can't do all of the exercises, nobody is judgmental. Now, since the tinnitus started, in the...
  29. Luman

    Upset and Have a Question About Sleep and Tinnitus

    Hi I'm relatively new to this. When I wake up I get the "morning roar", but this happens even if I wake up after an hour or two to go to the bathroom, but I can usually get back to sleep, thankfully. I spent most of the day doing various things, and T wasn't gone but manageable to some...
  30. Luman

    A Startling Revelation Regarding Possible Past Habituation

    I'm new, or so I thought, to tinnitus, it started in July, after I cleaned some badly impacted earwax out. I went to an ENT doctor after doing this and he said there was no wax, although I was hearing noise. The hearing test results weren't bad, loss of high frequencies which could be age...
  31. Luman

    Tinnitus Symptoms: Horizontal vs Vertical Body Position

    Today I noticed that my ears felt much better while lying down, after waking up. It almost seemed like the tinnitus was in partial remission, but I didn't believe this would last because it was too quiet. Sure enough, when I got up, after a few minutes, I had muffling and the high...
  32. Luman

    Is It Bad for Those with Tinnitus to Sleep with Foam Earplugs?

    I'm a newbie, have tinnitus under 2 months. I'm able to sleep OK with foam earplugs pushed part of the way in my ear canal. Are there any risks in dong this, as far as tinnitus goes? I'm also wondering if it will have a negative, positive or neutral effect on my efforts to habituate. I...
  33. Luman

    LectroFan White Noise/Fan Modeling Machine

    I recently I got a new noise-generating device called the LectroFan, which I am extremely happy with. It has ten types of fan sounds, and ten white noise sounds. I do not understand the technology, and am not qualified to explain how it works, but they do not use looping, so anybody who is...
  34. Luman

    New Member, Tinnitus Since July 2017

    Hi, this is my first posting here, sorry if it's very long. Due to noisy neighbors and outside sounds, I've used earplugs to sleep for years, which results in blockage by wax. In the past I either removed it with OTC products like Debrox, or let a doctor do it in the office. This past June...