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  1. Santiago Biagi

    I Feel Like I'm Losing My Life

    My hyperacusis has been remarkably better. Pretty much non-existent. But my tinnitus has been really present. I've lost my ability to manage situations, I drift away or escape from meetings or the university. I’ve always have that low ever-present high pitches in sound. I can’t focus on...
  2. Santiago Biagi

    Some Advice Needed. Never Been So Humbled.

    I thought I was doing OK. I’m 8 months in, I am still bothered by it most nights or in quiet environments. Or even on my office when it’s quiet, which sucks for productivity. My hyperacusis had gone to zero, but I still get some pain if there’s a sudden loud noise on my right ear, or with soft...
  3. Santiago Biagi

    7 Months After

    Hyperacusis is gone, I can now Stand My Loud friends without pain. Tinnitus is variable, I had some quiet days, only noticing it when on quite places or on bed. Today is a bit higher. It seems my hearing is better, I don’t feel my ear plugged. Just wanted to update, I’m going to a tinnitus...
  4. Santiago Biagi

    Burning My Hand Has Shut Down My Tinnitus?

    Hy guys, yesterday I got a burn due to burning oil in my hand, hurts like hell. Checked with doc, but no medication taken till now. Today I woke up with no tinnitus, not even when plugging ears. What is going on??? Tinnitus was mild/moderate for the last 1 month. Waited till this hour to report...
  5. Santiago Biagi

    What's Going on with My Hearing?

    So I've had tinnitus for almost two months. Started after noise exposure in loud nightclub. The nearest ear to the speaker was the right one and was the one that got major fullness at the beginning. I had severe hyperacusis which faded to zero. Tinnitus in both ears (different tone and pattern)...
  6. Santiago Biagi

    Hey, Exposure at Loud Night Club

    Hy! So I don't usually go out a a lot. 10 days ago we went out to a Night Club and danced near the speaker for 2 hours, I also had drunk. My right ear (which was near the speaker) felt muffled for 2 days and then the ringing started. It is still there but it doesn't bother me as the first days...