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  • Users: dazraf
  • Content: Threads
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  1. dazraf

    Neti Pot Experiences

    People with ETD, I'm reading mixed stories about using a Neti Pot. How was your experience? Can you please supply more information if you answer the poll.
  2. dazraf

    Getting Conflicted Diagnosis from Different Doctors

    Hey Guys, I went to see a private ENT and he basically said that reason for my Tinnitus is because I have ETD. He put me on some nasal steroids but they didn't work. He then suggested to put a grommet in my ear to equalise the pressure and clear out anything thats blocking it. (He also suggested...
  3. dazraf

    Tinnitus Worse After Audiology Test / Hearing Aids?

    Hey Guys, I noticed over the past few months that I developed tinnitus. I used to listen to loud music at the gym. Anyway it was quite minor and only noticeable in very silent situations when I concentrated on it. Doctor recommended a hearing test. Conclusion was that I had damaged my ears and...