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  • Users: Ciaran88
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Ciaran88

    Tinnitus Only Present Around High-Pitch Sound — What Kind of TRT Should I Have and What to Expect?

    In quiet environments or in noisy environments without much high pitch sound my tinnitus has now more or less resolved. This is two weeks after it started, and I increasingly. Elusive I had a normal moment of "fleeting tinnitus" that my brain latch onto and made into the two week hell I have...
  2. Ciaran88

    Starting to Think My Tinnitus Is Mostly Psychosomatic?

    I have always suffered health anxiety and being a doctor myself has made that extra hard. Often knowing a little (ie. not being a specialist) is worse than nothing at all, because you're trained to know when to worry more than you are when not to worry. So we pick up on red flags. I tend not to...
  3. Ciaran88

    Appears I Have TMJ Related Tinnitus

    My tinnitus began 2 weeks ago suddenly. High pitch, varying frequency, varying volume. Worse with sound and greatly modified by neck and jaw movements. Sometimes in the last week it has actually disappeared for 5-10 minutes but it is usually brought back by movement or loud sounds. First ENT...
  4. Ciaran88

    Now with a Diagnosis: Chronic Allergic Rhinitis

    I posted recently about a sudden onset high pitch continuous tinnitus. I have health anxiety and basically had a melt down afraid I was stuck with this quite loud and very distracting tinnitus forever. I saw a GP who saw a lot of wax in the right ear, syringed it and took a cursory glance...
  5. Ciaran88

    29-Year-Old Male, Tinnitus Started 4 Days Ago, No Known Cause

    Hi guys, So I think everyone from time to time experiences a little ringing in their ear with maybe some ear pressure and after a few seconds you ignore it and it goes away. Well I have been very anxious lately and noticed a ringing in my ears a few days ago but rather than ignoring it, I...