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  • Users: dpdx
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  1. dpdx

    1 Year After Ear Tests... cVEMP/Caloric

    So I got tinnitus from being at a concert and using headphones, tinnitus was primarily in my left ear. My tinnitus was mild around a 3-4 out of 10. I had mild Tinnitus from October 10 - January 15, 2018. I also had hyperacusis which went away. Hearing exams were 100% normal. My ENT thought I...
  2. dpdx

    Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Have Worsened AGAIN (After Spending an Hour at a 90 dB Restaurant)

    Tinnitus and hyperacusis have worsened again. As you all know I got a second acoustic trauma which resulted in inner hair cell damage by the two ear tests CVEMP and Caloric Test. The hearing exam (most recent) revealed mild hearing loss in noisy areas in both ears, audiogram showed dips on 3...
  3. dpdx

    Swollen Lymph Node and Hyperacusis

    Hi, I have a swollen lymph node in front of my right ear, size of a pencil eraser, it moves when I talk and chew. Went to the doc and he said it's benign and it was caused by inflamed mucuous membranes. This appeared in January around the same time as those tests. I am wondering whether the...
  4. dpdx

    Favorite TV Shows?

    10. Law and Order 09. Criminal Minds 08. The Wire 07. The Walking Dead 06. Breaking Bad 05. Game of Thrones 04. Criminal Minds 03. Family Guy 02. VIKINGS 01. X Files
  5. dpdx

    Can a Car Muffler/Exhaust Damage Hearing? Acoustic Trauma #3

    So I live at these nice townhomes and was walking outside on the sidewalk when someone turned their car on. I was behind the car and my ear was facing the car muffler/exhaust. I didn't even see the car as I was deep in thought about Tinnitus and Hyperacusis. It was loud as hell and since he...
  6. dpdx

    Favorite Horror Movies

    Besides Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, what is/are your favorite horror movie/s? Mine are Insidious 1, 2 Poltergeist Evil Dead Friday the 13th Nightmare on Elm Street Jacob's Ladder Dead Silence The Conjuring 1 Annabelle 2 Lights Out
  7. dpdx

    Advice for Newbies

    This is my advice for all the newbies so they know how to handle this terrible affliction. Please feel free to add your advice for all the newcomers dealing with Tinnitus and Hyperacusis. 1) Don't panic, tinnitus will reduce, it always does, usually it fades 1-10 months. After 11+ months it...
  8. dpdx

    1 Year Anniversary Next Month...

    So next month is my 1 year anniversary with this horrible thing called tinnitus. It's scary to think that I lost 1 year of my life to this condition and might lose more. I am so young and I just graduated college last year. I was very healthy and very optimistic about life. I made a list of all...
  9. dpdx

    This Is Why We Need a Cure: Mother Who Suffered Tinnitus Took Her Own Life, Inquest Hears Tinnitus ruins the lives of many people (myself included), it dosent choose to whom it will happen . It ranges from mild, moderate, severe, and extreme. For people who have mild...
  10. dpdx

    Do Ears Heal?

    I feel like ears do not heal, just like eyes, or the brain. Once you damage them that is over!! I understand a broken bone, bruise, cut, surgery of some sort, etc etc..but I feel like once you mess up the Ears you are pretty much screwed. I think the severity of tinnitus depends on...
  11. dpdx

    Classical Music

    Topic about Classical Music. It was always my dream to go to Vienna and watch a classical music performance. Now with tinnitus it is not possible :( Anyways here are some of my favorite classical songs.
  12. dpdx

    Can TMJ Cause Hyperacusis?

    I know TMJ can cause tinnitus but can it cause Hyperacusis, Balance Issues, or Hearing Loss??
  13. dpdx

    Rick Steves

    I love this show. How amazing would be to have his job :)
  14. dpdx

    Eurovision 2018

  15. dpdx

    Happiest Countries in the World

  16. dpdx

    Is My Hearing Getting Worse?

    I just listened to some song and noticed that on a certain part of the song like the hearing dips on the left ear and comes back to normal, it is like reduced quite a lot in volume and then it comes back up in a second or so. Leaving only the right ear to hear this part of song and the left ear...
  17. dpdx

    Your Top 10 Favorite Languages (Beautiful Languages)

    What are you favorite languages or What are the most beautiful languages in your opinion? Mine are Turkish- I really like Turkish, studied in my college, loved the sound of the language, it is a very interesting language, the structure of the language (phonology, syntax,etc) is quite...
  18. dpdx

    Top 10 Most Beautiful Countries in Europe

    What are your TOP 10 Most Beautiful Countries in Europe? Mine are as follows 10.United Kingdom 9. Switzerland 8. Germany 7. France 6. Austria 5. Italy 4. Czech Republic 3. Spain 2. Greece 1. Croatia Honorable mentions: Sweden, Norway, Ireland, Iceland, Poland, Portugal.
  19. dpdx

    Can Tinnitus Cause Headaches?

    I have a new tone that developed last month next to the high pitched dentist drill, it is a sound of a train stopping on the tracks over and over again. I noticed that I've been getting headaches weekly now, this tone comes and goes, it is moderate but very intrusive, I can hear it over...
  20. dpdx

    Being a Loner May Be Good for Your Health
  21. dpdx

    Severe Tinnitus

    After everything that has happened since that caloric test until now (fire alarm twice, haircut, being next to a muffler of a car when walking across parking lot) I got Severe Tinnitus. I am having a hard time typing this as it is so loud. I can hear it over everything just not my shower. I...
  22. dpdx

    Fire Alarm 2/21

    So a fire alarm went off in my bedroom, I had no earplugs but managed to run out and put some on quickly. I was exposed to the alarm for 10 seconds though, it was loud in pitch. It came on suddenly when i was watching a movie on Netflix. Tinnitus has spiked up and it sounds like a high...
  23. dpdx

    Can Car Engine Cause Damage?

    Earlier this week I was next to a car that started (Toyota Camry 12), I wonder if its engine/muffler can damage my ears, I didn't wear ear protection while being outside.
  24. dpdx

    Ear Fullness / Ear Muffled

    My left ear feels full/muffled for two days now, can someone tell me what this is about? I never had this before.
  25. dpdx

    TOP LIST (Countdown)

  26. dpdx

    Tests/Procedures to Avoid

    Please avoid these tests as they can make Tinnitus or Hyperacusis worse. 1) Tympanometry 2) Acoustic Reflex 3) Electrocoleography 4) Caloric Test 5) Syringing Ear Wax Removal 6) Microsuction 7) cVEMP/VEMP
  27. dpdx

    Caloric Test

    So I did the caloric test where they test your balance, since the ear controls the balance. I advise people not to do this as it made me have hyperacusis on both ears and develop tinnitus on the right ear. I also have clicking/popping sounds on both ears, especially the right one and have a...
  28. dpdx

    Drugs That Make Your Tinnitus Worse

    Attached is a list of drugs that makes your tinnitus worse or drugs that can cause tinnitus. Stay away from gentamicin, it is a powerful antibiotic that causes tinnitus and can damage your vestibular system.
  29. dpdx

    Massive Spike

    Hi Everyone, I got tinnitus on 9/23/2017 and it was mild, could only hear it in a quiet place. There would be frequent spikes when I didnt wear earplugs or when a sudden Nosie would occur. The spikes would be nasty and they would cover every sound. Here is a list of places I got a spike 1)...
  30. dpdx

    Tinnitus Video Stories

  31. dpdx

    MRI Tomorrow

    I have MRI tomorrow and I am afraid of the loudness and also the toxic metal called GADOLINIUM. Has anyone had an MRI with contrast?
  32. dpdx

    Foreign Languages

    My favorite hobby of all time. I want to learn German and Czech, eventually Italian too. I know three languages (Greek, Serbian/Croatian,and English).
  33. dpdx

    World Music

    Here you can post music from around the world.
  34. dpdx

    What Is This? When I Speak My Head Starts to Vibrate?

    When I speak my head starts to vibrate? I am very scared. I didn't have this before :(
  35. dpdx

    New Here (3 Weeks In)

    Hello, I got tinnitus from sitting next to a speaker at a festival, the music was very loud, it was so loud that I took breaks in between because my ear started to hurt. Even before this festival I would listen to my ipod with volume beyond the half mark. I think the festival was literally...