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  • Users: Sound Wave
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  1. Sound Wave

    Back Here After Two Years — My Story

    Hi all It can get better, even though it was almost IMPOSSIBLE to think so, when I got tinnitus and fell down into the spiral of anxiety and despair. I guess I have habituated... I rarely think about or notice tinnitus during the days. I hear it when I am listening music with closed headphones...
  2. Sound Wave

    Mindfulness Meditation Trumps Placebo in Pain Reduction

    "New evidence has been found that mindfulness meditation reduces pain more effectively than placebo. The study used a two-pronged approach -- pain ratings and brain imaging -- to determine whether mindfulness meditation is merely a placebo effect. Seventy-five healthy, pain-free participants...
  3. Sound Wave

    Inside the World's Quietest Room

    Let's avoid this room... :)
  4. Sound Wave

    The Military Will Test a New Terrifyingly Loud Noise Gun

    Sad news this one...
  5. Sound Wave

    New Scientist: Train Your Brain for Better Hearing

    This looks interesting. Anybody have a link to the full article / paste it here?
  6. Sound Wave

    Mercedes Is Using Loud Static to Protect Fancy Ears in Crashes

  7. Sound Wave

    Just Got Sciatica Back and Leg Pain...

    Not fun. Not fun at all. Constant deep nerve pain in the buttock area, that radiates into the entire leg. VERY painful during the night when laying down, which makes sleep practically impossible. Pain killers don't seem to help. So why I am posting about this into a T forum? First, this is...
  8. Sound Wave


    Has anyone tried this? Sounds like worth a try to many of us. "SuperBetter helps you achieve your health goals — or recover from an illness or injury — by increasing your personal resilience. Resilience means staying curious, optimistic and motivated even in the face of the toughest...
  9. Sound Wave

    The Ultimate Sleep Sanctuary: Kokoon EEG Headphones

    This should interest us. I just might back this one...
  10. Sound Wave

    Kinesio Taping for Tinnitus

    This treatment might interest those who have trigger point, neck and shoulder issues that relate to their T. Kinesio taping is becoming more and more popular treatment in physiotherapy for various muscle and fascia disorders. Treating T with kinesio taping is interesting, but I personally don't...
  11. Sound Wave

    How to Struggle. Well.

    Saw this in Medium top 5 articles
  12. Sound Wave

    Brain Repair May Be Boosted by Curry Spice

    So, shall we start to eat more curry and experiment the link to T?... :)
  13. Sound Wave

    SoundBlazer — Parametric Speaker for Masking?

    Just saw this. I wonder could we beam masking sounds directly 'into our head'? Ping @Steve our audio guru for thoughts :)
  14. Sound Wave

    Link Between Adult ADHD and Tinnitus

    This is a great article about the rise of ADHD by New York Times. It says for example: "The adults with A.D.H.D. had significantly fewer D2 and D3 receptors (two specific subtypes of dopamine receptors) in their reward circuits than did healthy controls" ...and interestingly, these two D2 and...
  15. Sound Wave

    Mindfulness and Listening to Music / Sounds?

    Hi Jennifer. What is your opinion on listening to music / sounds when practicing mindfulness or meditation? I personally can't (yet) sit in silence without being distracted by my tinnitus.
  16. Sound Wave

    A New Type of Brain Cell Has Been Discovered

    I wonder if these new hyperactive brain cells are behind tinnitus...? :)
  17. Sound Wave

    The Placebo Effect Doesn’t Apply Just to Pills

    This New York Times article is relevant to this thread and very intersting. Regarding T, if something gets rid of it, I personally would welcome it whole heartedly, whether it's placebo or not... :)...
  18. Sound Wave

    How to Live in the Presence

    I read this recently and thought this is worth sharing here. As we know, constant listening and thinking of T combined with gloomy thoughts of the future is hell. It is also the opposite of living in presence, i.e. being mindful of the presence. So, how to live with presence should be a life...
  19. Sound Wave

    Poll: The Longest Tinnitus Spike You Have Had?

    If we define a spike in tinnitus as a temporary increase in tinnitus volume, which eventually settles down again, what has been the longest spike you have had? (I am asking because I have a spike going on for a third week now).
  20. Sound Wave

    How to Be Happy

    Saw this via Twitter and I think it's worth sharing. Good ideas, hints and tips here.
  21. Sound Wave

    F**k It! — A Book for the "F**k Tinnitus" Attitude

    Many here have told their habituation stories have started with 'F**k tinnitus' turning point attitude in their mind. This reminded me of a book I read recently. It's called F**k it and here's it's description. It's a good book and can probably help many of us here. :) - - - Saying F**k It is...
  22. Sound Wave

    We Can Soon See Our Tinnitus in Our Brains

    Good short TED talk about seeing into the brain in real time
  23. Sound Wave

    Short Stays in Darkness Can Boost Hearing, Study Shows

    So this begs the question, that has anybody with T tried this? I am serious. :) If this study is right, which makes sense at least to me, this could be a trial for somebody who is dedicated enough. Just stay in darkness for some days and see if your brain starts to remap -> hearing improves ->...
  24. Sound Wave

    Phillips Golden Ears Challenge

    Training program for Philips sound engineers, which you can also try now online. Quite interesting especially for serious music listeners and audiophiles.
  25. Sound Wave

    Fullness Feeling in the Ear and Tinnitus?

    Hello Dr Nagler. First, I truly appreciate your effort to help us here. Now to the question - why many people with tinnitus feel fullness in the ear? This puzzles me, because at least my fullness feels 'very physical', i.e. there is something abnormal 'physically / mechanically' somewhere in my...
  26. Sound Wave

    Small Move, Big Change

    I recently bought this book and today realized this approach could also help with T habituation. It's about making small 'microresolutions' in your daily life in order to achieve a larger change you are looking for. For example, a goal to reduce weight is very hard to achieve for many. The...
  27. Sound Wave

    Any Audiophiles Here?

    I am one. Or at least I used to be one. I think I got my T from headphone listening, which sucks and it put my hobby into pause. I am now noticing myself returning to sites like Head-Fi etc, where I by the way use the same alias Sound Wave. I have three setups. If there are other audiophiles...
  28. Sound Wave

    Therapeutic Effect of Sildenafil (Viagra) on Blast-Induced Tinnitus and Auditory Impairment

    This is quite a strange approach imho, since ED drugs with sildenafil like Viagra have also been linked to sudden hearing loss and T in humans...? Abstract Blast-induced tinnitus, along with associated auditory impairment and traumatic brain injury...
  29. Sound Wave

    From Perception to Pleasure: Music and Its Neural Substrates

    Found this study while reading Head-Fi and InnerFidelity and thought it might interest some of us in this community... Abstract Music has existed in human societies since prehistory, perhaps because it allows expression and regulation of...
  30. Sound Wave

    Lucid Dreaming and Tinnitus

    I just read this interesting article about lucid dreaming and it sparked an idea that could one try to control / change T during lucid dreaming. Any lucid dreamers here amongst us? :)
  31. Sound Wave

    Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo and Tinnitus

    I visited a famous Finnish tinnitus doctor yesterday. She has written her PhD thesis about somatic tinnitus and trigger point injections. Here's a link to her thesis and a video of the injection method. The first thing she examined was if I had Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV). (I...
  32. Sound Wave

    DIY Brain Hacking & Tinnitus (tDCS)

    This form of biohacking is indeed growing. Are there any DIYers here who experiment with tDCS and their tinnitus? Reddit seems to have tDCS & tinnitus experimentes...
  33. Sound Wave

    Headache Takes Away Tinnitus — Anybody Else?

    I have now exepriences this two times. Headache which starts to radiate from the back of my head on the T side to above the eyes and I also feel/hear loud 'whooshing' / 'rattling' sounds inside my head like if blood was flowing or something. Hard to describe. When this happened for the first...
  34. Sound Wave

    Electronic Headband Prevents Migraines With Tiny Jolts

    I wonder could this help with T together with sound therapy...?
  35. Sound Wave

    New and Stressed with Tinnitus — READ THIS FIRST

    Many discussion forums have 'sticky' discussion threads that are always on the top and considered the most useful for new members and top discussion topics. I haven't seen one here and I propose we create one with this topic - what to do in the very first days when you experience tinnitus. I...
  36. Sound Wave

    Forward Head Posture and Tinnitus

    I have had T now for about three months. Left side, high-pitched hissing which sometimes fluctuates. It is worse during the night. I have a history of bruxism and neck/shoulder pain and they all seem related to my T. For example trigger point self massage to my left sternocleidomastoid (SCM)...