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  • Users: nuno1976
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  1. nuno1976

    Correlation Between Tinnitus and Eye Floaters?

    Is there any evidence stating a correlation between tinnitus and eye floaters? I had my first episode of floaters this Saturday. I am 42 years old with some myopia. There are several threads on Tinnitus Talk regarding people suffering from both floaters and tinnitus. I wonder if it is just a...
  2. nuno1976

    Hearing Protection for MRI Exam?

    Hello, I will have an MRI for my TMJ in about a month and I need to take all the precautions to protect my hearing. I already know the MRI machine will be a 1.5 Tesla. My question is, what hearing protection should I use during the exam? I am looking to buy a customized ear protection, the...
  3. nuno1976

    Can Noise-Induced Hearing Loss Cause Pulsatile Tinnitus?

    Hello, A stupid question... does anyone with noise-induced hearing loss has Pulsatile Tinnitus? On my mind, Pulsatile Tinnitus should always be justified by some kind of venous cause, Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension or muscular issue but not by hair cell damage. Am I wrong?
  4. nuno1976

    Mobile App to Keep Track of My Tinnitus?

    Hello, I am looking for a mobile app, to keep a record on the way I sense my Tinnitus. Something that will pop up, every 4 hours and let me choose a level (from 1-10). Do you know any app like that? Best Regards, Nuno
  5. nuno1976

    Trigger Points Dry Needling

    Hello, I have a mild Tonal Tinnitus for about 2 years, that I believe is resulting from some hearing loss on high-frequencies. This T is not a big problem, since is very mild and I am quit used to it. However, 9 months ago a terrible Pulsatile Tinnitus joined the party (just after a exostosis...
  6. nuno1976

    Connection Between Symptoms and Tinnitus Root Cause

    Hello, Anyone can help me fill this table? Does it make sense the way I have it? What you all think? What additional symptoms would you add to the table in order to help distinguish the Tinnitus root cause? Thank
  7. nuno1976

    Going for a Night Splint for TMJ

    Hello, Next week I have an appointment in order to test a dental split for TMJ issues. The doctor think it could help my Tinnitus since I have some signs of night bruxism. There are any particular questions or considerations I should take in consideration? Thank you.
  8. nuno1976

    Applying Pressure on My Cheek Reduces 80% of My Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hello, If I apply a little pressure on my check, my pulsatile tinnitus reduces something like 80%. This is illustrated in the picture. I get the same effect if I clench the teeth on the same side. Being very practical there is some kind of apparel I can use to automatically apply this...
  9. nuno1976

    Ginkgo Biloba for Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Hello, After 4 months of suffering from pulsatile tinnitus, I entered on the supplements and medicines road. My first try is Ginkgo Biloba Strangely just after 2 days, my tinnitus seems louder, which I really doubt has any relation with Ginkgo, since Ginkgo it should take some time to build up...
  10. nuno1976

    I Can Stop My Tinnitus Putting Pressure on My Teeth

    Hi all, Already described my case here: But I just wanted to share, something that seems to be quite rare. If I close my teeth the way you see it on the picture, i.e. doing extra pressure on the right side...
  11. nuno1976

    Help with What I Think Is Pulsatile Tinnitus

    Good morning to all forum members. I'm 40 years old, and I started with sporadic episodes of Tinnitus. Always a slight Tinnitus, coming and going. For some weeks disappeared, to always return. In addition, I had a very pronounced exostosis in the right ear, according to my ENT, the ear canal...