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  • Users: Don Tinny
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  1. Don Tinny

    Existential Crisis — Thoughts of Death

    Hi all. Long story short. I'm 37 years old. Despite tinnitus, I was doing quite well two weeks ago, but things became darker when my father-in-law died at 71. Now I think about death all the time. I even stopped dreaming about a "cure" for my tinnitus, because "I will die anyways". "Why is...
  2. Don Tinny

    35 Years Old — I'm Starting to Feel Like an Old Man

    Well... that's the point. I know that loud intrusive tinnitus is probably a big influence here, and maybe some hormonal imbalance, but I am starting to think that I am getting old. When I was 20 years old I took some Sipalki-Do (old Korean martial art) classes during 6 months or so. Now I was...
  3. Don Tinny

    Spending Time at Sea (The Atlantic Ocean) / Sea Sounds Seem to Quieten My Tinnitus

    Spending time at sea "improves" my tinnitus. This vacation I woke up with a very bad tinnitus most days, but when I stayed many minutes at the sea it calmed down for the rest of the day. I can't achieve this with any other sound. Even if I search for "sound of the sea" on YouTube the effect is...
  4. Don Tinny

    More Fluctuating Tinnitus Days and New Eye Floaters — Worried About Holidays

    I thought I was going to habituate to my severe tinnitus and its fluctuations but having a moderate day seems more difficult now. I think I lost some hearing or something like that. Now I never have more than one good day in a row. Maybe it´s my pre-holidays stress. But I don´t know... Some...
  5. Don Tinny

    Your Favourite Cars?

    What are your favourite cars? I like 2 Italian sport models. These are dream cars, of course not affordable for me. I know that Italian cars aren´t the most reliable, but I love their design. Alfa Romeo 8C. In black, Competizione version, V8 engine. Maserati Gran Turismo
  6. Don Tinny

    Do You Think Cell Towers and Large Antennas Are a Little Creepy?

    Am I megalophobic? But I don´t experience this kind of "fear" with other large things. It happens specially at night, usually with self-supported structures. Sun light make the towers appear more friendly. Maybe it´s not about cancer. They seem unstable and I prefer to stay away if I can...
  7. Don Tinny

    5-Year-Old Daughter Wants a Guitar — What Should I Do?

    I fear she might develop tinnitus later in life. So I don't know if it's good to buy a little guitar for her. If she really likes to play, then she will like concerts. Sometimes I think that when she grows up there will be a cure or treatments (10 or 15 years from now), but I am not sure. Any...
  8. Don Tinny

    2 Years Since the Worsening of My Tinnitus

    2 years ago I thought that going to a rock concert with earplugs was 100% safe. It was one of the biggest mistakes of my life. The entire first year I expected my tinnitus to improve, as it had happened the previous time. "Maybe in two years I'll be better." I was only reading about treatments...
  9. Don Tinny

    What Happens in the Brain During Residual Inhibition?

    I notice that the days I have the most severe tinnitus, those days when more sounds appear, I can mask the tinnitus with some trebly sound (running water, keys, grocery bags) and then experience a few seconds in which the tinnitus seems to calm down. What happens neurologically during those...
  10. Don Tinny

    Do I Spend Too Much Time Here?

    How often do you read this forum? I think I'm getting a bit "addicted" since I started reading the Reserch News and Treatments forums. And things are going slowly unfortunately. Sometimes I would like to visit here every 2 weeks, and maybe I would find more interesting news. But anxiety is not...
  11. Don Tinny

    Don't Give Money to Scammers

    Do yourself a favor, do not give money to the scammers. We have to wait for the developments that are in progress. Some scammers get money from our condition knowing that their "treatments" do not work. The worst thing is that they underestimate any possible advance of science. I mentioned in a...
  12. Don Tinny

    Music Induced Tinnitus: What Band Gave or Worsened Your Tinnitus?

    My worsening / resurgence came after a Gene Simmons concert. I guess most will be rock bands, due to the high-pitched sound of the distortion. The acoustics of these bands is not usually the best either (they play anywhere). Maybe the musical genre matters, not just the volume.
  13. Don Tinny

    Maybe My Tinnitus Is a Little Better

    I do not even know if I want to think about it. I know it fluctuates and there are severe days to live. But I must admit that I am having more good days per week. I was a few days on the coast and my tinnitus could be masked by the sound of the sea, something impossible 1 year ago. I do not...
  14. Don Tinny

    Can You Really Create Awareness About Tinnitus in Your Family or with Your Friends?

    I have noticed that I talk about the topic but I cannot generate fear about noise or concerts. I think they probably assume that I have some kind of disease or mental issue. No one changed their behavior in relation to noise after my incident. Except one of my sisters who has mild / moderate...
  15. Don Tinny

    Shape of the Ear Canal and Hearing Damage

    A few months ago I read a note to an ENT that said something like "The shape of the auditory canal in some people may be less curved and predispose to hearing damage." Apparently some have a more curved ear canal and this protects the organ naturally. Did you ever read anything about that?
  16. Don Tinny

    How to Avoid Blaming Others?

    Although I am guilty of the resurgence and aggravation of my symptoms, I can not stop blaming the people who encouraged me to go to the show. This happens especially with my couple. She told me that I had already bought the ticket and I should not waste the opportunity to go. To this day I can...
  17. Don Tinny

    Can We Sue Concert Organizers for Noise-Induced Hearing Damage? Has Anyone Won a Trial?

    Is it possible to sue a concert organizer? Has anyone who got tinnitus from a concert won a trial? I understand that the damage is cumulative and that the problem may fluctuate in intensity over time. But I am sure that, if life were fair, they should pay us hundreds of thousands of dollars...
  18. Don Tinny

    Fluctuations Drive Me Crazy. I Think Tinnitus Is Fading for Good and Then It Comes Back.

    Fluctuations drive me crazy. I think it's fading for good and then it comes back. I have to admit that after 1 year of my noise induced loud tinnitus (resurgence) I am experiencing stronger and maybe more good days but my bad severe days are still there. This Monday was like “wow, it is...
  19. Don Tinny

    It Seems to Be Softer in Quiet Places. Why?

    Yesterday I went to a big supermarket and my tinnitus became bad. Wide ambient noise, music, the wind, the car engine...My left ear does not like sound anymore. It reacts and boost my ringing. When I have a "good" day I try to stay at home. Doing some little things at home seems to be a good...
  20. Don Tinny

    Clonazepam on Vacation. Any Risk?

    Hi! You know my tinnitus came back to a bad level after a second trauma 78 days ago. Super severe days are almost gone now, it fluctuates but I think it will never return to the point before the shitty Gene Simmons concert (with shitty Ear Peace HD earplugs). Im still living the good days / bad...
  21. Don Tinny

    Can a Child Develop Tinnitus Flying on a Plane?

    Hello My tinnitus resurgence makes me feel very depressed but my psychologist says I should keep thinking about travelling and good things. Very, very difficult but my family deserves a normal life. Anyway I am concerned thinking my daughter could be prone to this merciless condition. So I...
  22. Don Tinny

    I Ruined My Recovery :(

    Hello. I am from Argentina, 32 years old. Sorry about poor english. I came here to give you an advice. Your tinnitus CAN get a lot better (not habituation, real a lot better in volume reduction), but dont ruin your recovery going to loud places, EVEN with "protection". I had T since chilhood...