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  • Users: Seawater7
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Seawater7

    Loud Exposure (Fireworks), Please Help

    So I was walking outside last night when I heard a loud firework go off from behind my neighbors house, I was walking in the street so the distance must have been about 80ft from the firework that appeared over their house, and not very high up. I heard the consumer legal fireworks here can be...
  2. Seawater7

    Airbag Deployment Causing Tinnitus?

    I am wondering if anyone here got tinnitus from airbags going off. I am worried about an accident and making the tinnitus permanently louder if I were to be in an accident. I have even considered disabling the airbags, i know that is probably vert stupid considering airbags could save my life...
  3. Seawater7

    Sleeping with Tinnitus, Advice Please

    My tinnitus recently spiked from a loud car exhaust about 60 ft away, I still have some anxiety about how loud it was, but my tinnitus increased so much that I can't sleep deeply now. I realized also that I don't sleep well in general with tinnitus as I used to love to silence. I have tried...
  4. Seawater7

    Can 140 dB at 60 ft Away Cause Hearing Damage?

    Can 140 decibels at 60 feet away cause hearing damage? I was about this far away from a sports car with a huge muffler, as it revved and spun around the corner, my tinnitus has went up about twice as loud, and I am terrified that it caused some hearing damage. Has anyone here heard of damage...
  5. Seawater7

    Why Does Tinnitus Spike?

    My tinnitus gets louder when I hear a unexpected loud noise for a short time. When I call the audiologist to see if the noise could have caused hearing damage they say, are your ears ringing. It makes it seem like everytime that happens my ears are ringing louder because of hearing damage, my...
  6. Seawater7

    Exposure to Loud Sounds — How Many Decibels Sound Drops Per Foot?

    Can anyone tell me how many decibles drop per foot? I was exposed to a very loud muffler at about 30 ft. And now my tinnitus is louder then it has been in years.