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    I Still Don't Understand How Loud Noise Can Cause Tinnitus, Yet Not Necessarily Hearing Loss?

    So at 85 dB 8 hours you can get hearing damage. Most of us agree that standard is high for people with damaged ears and we say 4 hours can cause hearing damage. It seems like some people that went to a noisy bar for a couple of hours. Maybe the music hovering around 85 db has had spikes. So...

    Went to a Concert Last Night — My Left Ear Is Relentless Today

    I had 21 dB musician custom made ear plug in my left ear. My right ear I had a 14 dB NRR in my right ear (I lost my other custom molded ear plug) Anyways when I walked in the pavilion I didn't have ear plugs in. The mids were a bit too pronounced and bright sounding. I put them in and...