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  • Users: Adriel93
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Adriel93

    Ears Feel Clogged and Sensitive to Noises When Eating Cheese

    Lately I’ve noticed that my ears feel clogged, and sensitive to noises when I eat a large amount of cheese.. Does anyone get this??
  2. Adriel93

    Pain in Temples and Face When Hyperacusis Is Bad

    Anybody else feeling pain in the temples, around the eye, cheek and jaw when you hear external noises?
  3. Adriel93

    Has Anybody’s Hyperacusis Disappeared 100%?

    Has anyone had their hyperacusis 100% disappear, and how long did it take to go away?
  4. Adriel93

    Hyperacusis Worse in the Winter?

    Does anybody’s hyperacusis get worse in the winter?
  5. Adriel93

    Why Do We Have Good and Bad Days with Hyperacusis?

    Does anybody know why we have good and bad days with hyperacusis? There’s days when I don’t notice my hyperacusis at all, then there’s days when it’s real painful.
  6. Adriel93

    Relief of Hyperacusis or TTTS from Neck Massage?

    Has anyone had any hyperacusis or TTTS relief from massage therapy? I believe that my hyperacusis is caused by neck being misaligned, and neck and ear muscles being inflamed.
  7. Adriel93

    Chewing Gum and TTTS/Hyperacusis

    This past I’ve been feeling like my TTTS and Hyperacusis were getting better until Thursday. I was chewing gum all day and my symptoms got worse throughout the weekend. My ears felt sore and full, my Hyperacusis got a bit worse and my jaw was also hurting. Is gum known to make symptoms worse?
  8. Adriel93

    Is My Hyperacusis Getting Better?

    After going to Acupuncture, I’ve noticed that voices don’t bother me as much as they did, I’ve also noticed that I can listen to music louder than usual in the car. And also my TTTS isn’t bothering me at all, only when it’s super quite and there’s people talking. For the people that got better...
  9. Adriel93

    Does Your Hyperacusis Come and Go?

    There are days when my hyperacusis doesn’t bother me at all and I start to feel like it’s going away, then I start to get the symptoms back out of nowhere. Does this mean that I’m getting better? I’ve had hyperacusis since February.
  10. Adriel93

    Chiropractor and Hyperacusis

    Has anyone found relief from going to a chiropractor??? According to a chiropractor here in Chicago, my spine is out of line by my neck area, and he told me this is what can be causing my tinnitus & hyperacusis. Today is my first day but I don’t really have my hopes up.
  11. Adriel93

    Hyperacusis for 4 Months — Can It Still Get Better Without Treating It?

    This June it’ll be 4 months with since I got hyperacusis. Is it still possible to go away on its own without treating it? I feel like it’s gotten better but I’m sill afraid that I’m stuck with it forever or that it might get worse.
  12. Adriel93

    Flying with Tinnitus & Hyperacusis

    In August I’ll be flying from Chicago to Puerto Rico (4hr flight) and I’m afraid that flying will make my tinnitus & hyperacusis worse. My hyperacusis has gotten a lot better and I hardly ever notice it but I’m scared that it’ll set me back. And I also have ETD. Does anybody fly with tinnitus &...
  13. Adriel93

    Hyperacusis Recovering Process

    Does hyperacusis get better little by little or does it suddenly disappear? Lately I feel like my hyperacusis has gotten a lot better, but I also don’t want to get my hopes up. A lot of the noises that used to bother me, are not bothering me as much.
  14. Adriel93

    Impacted Wisdom Tooth and TTTS

    Is it possible that my impacted wisdom tooth is what’s causing my hyperacusis & TTTS??? I’m afraid to take out my wisdom tooth because I don’t want to make things worse with my tinnitus & hyperacusis. I’ve also been getting pain in the face and headaches. Has anyone been through this??
  15. Adriel93

    Anyone Cured from TTTS?

    It feels like I’ve been having muscle spasms in my ear, whenever I hear a loud sound. Has anyone gotten cured from this?
  16. Adriel93

    Fullness in Ear and Sensitive to Noise — Do I Have Hyperacusis?

    for some reason these past few days I’ve been sensitive to sound in the ear that’s full. Everyday it switches from ear to the other ear.i also have ETD and really low tinnitus. Does this mean I have Hyperacusis??? Can anyone relate?? I’ve also been waking up with my nose stuffy and my for head...
  17. Adriel93

    New to Hyperacusis

    Can you get hyperacusis, even if you have low tinnitus? My ears feels full and loud noises has been bothering my ears. I’m hoping it goes away after the fullness goes away. Also how long does hyperacusis usually last? I heard it’s temporary.
  18. Adriel93

    I’m Iffy About Taking My Bottom Wisdom Tooth Out

    My bottom right wisdom tooth has been bothering me lately. My dentist recommended me to take it out but I’m afraid that it’ll make my tinnitus worse.
  19. Adriel93

    China Tinnitus Drug Market Research Report Released with Growth, Latest Trends & Forecasts till 2022 How do you guys feel about this?
  20. Adriel93

    Anyone Have Tinnitus Due to Allergies?

    Today was the 4th time that I’ve visited my ENT because I’ve been getting spikes in my tinnitus, and also fullness/pain. He keeps telling me everything is due to my allergies and my ETD. Does anyone else have this issue?
  21. Adriel93

    Can Reactive Tinnitus Be Temporary?

    Has anybody’s Reactive Tinnitus ever been yemporary ?? My tinnitus became reactive after a few months but it was only reacting to vents and running water. Now it reacts to TV.
  22. Adriel93

    Do I Have Hyperacusis?

    For the past few days my ears feel full and my tinnitus got a bit louder, but I also noticed that when my ears have been sensitive to certain noises like my siblings yelling at home or when I hear people washing dishes. Can this be the beginning on Hyperacusis? I forgot to mention my ears don’t...
  23. Adriel93

    Tinnitus & Cold Weather

    Does anybody’s tinnitus gets reactive when spending the day outside in cold weather?? I live in the Chicago area. I’m 24 years old and I’ve had tinnitus for about a year and half. My ENT told me that my Allergies is what’s causing my tinnitus. My indoor allergies are a lot worse than my out...