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  1. Frankie Nazzaro

    My Left Ear Has Tinnitus and Hyperacusis, My Right Ear Is Popping

    I got tinnitus and hyperacusis in my left ear from noise induced trauma 2 weeks ago. While the symptoms seem to be slowly and slightly getting better, i noticed that my right hear sometimes starts popping on its own. It happens mostly when I'm waking up in the middle of the night from anxiety...
  2. Frankie Nazzaro

    Tinnitus, Hyperacusis and Slight Hearing Loss from Gunshot

    Hi all, I'm a 21 year old musician who has suffered his worst nightmare. One irresponsible slip up after years of having stellar hearing, and my dreams are crushed. I accidentally set off a shotgun at an indoor shooting range without ear protection on. I'm begging not to be mocked for my...