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  • Users: kelpiemsp
  • Content: Threads
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  1. K

    Pilot Study of Deep Brain Stimulation (DBS) in Area LC for Chronic Tinnitus

    Looks like we may be moving towards the possibility of tinnitus surgery? The preliminary findings showed reduction in actual tinnitus loudness for individuals with chronic tinnitus and a THI over 50. Preliminary results: Acute tinnitus loudness...
  2. K

    New Product — Helmet Angel — for Cyclists with Tinnitus!

    As an avid cyclist I am always looking for ways to protect my ears safely while biking. I have used Cat-Ears and Windblox. Anyways, I just saw an article about a new product (Helmet Angel) for us bikers. Has anyone tried it? It looks good IMHO...
  3. K

    Quiet / Non-Mechanical Dentist

    Found a small artisan dentist. Isn't looking to grow his practice, just likes to maintain it. During my first cleaning today there was NO mechanized instruments used. Pretty sweet. He cleaned my teeth with hand tools and wiped the spit and grit with a cloth. The only sound was the scraping of...
  4. K

    Best Friend's Daughter Has Tinnitus at 5

    Just got back from a visiting a close friend. They learned their daughter (5 years old) has around 40 dB of hearing loss and has trouble hearing around the “swooshing”. I asked if she was bothered by it... and her mom who is a Sensory and Perception PhD (mainly visual but some auditory) said...
  5. K

    Defective Ear Plugs Sold to US Military

    Yikes. 3M knowingly sold defective ear plugs to the US Military... Do you trust yours?
  6. K


    So I just got the results back of my TMJ MRI and I think I may know what is causing my tinnitus. It seems I have stage III internal derangement on my left side (Displaced Disc Without Reduction, chronic closed lock) and stage II internal derangement on my right side (Displaced Disc With...
  7. K

    Quieter Unplugged but Louder Plugged?

    So lately my tinnitus seems quieter as I go about my day, but when I plug my ear it seems louder than ever. Anyone else have this phenomenon?
  8. K

    TMJ Splint Causes Spike?

    So, over the last month my tinnitus has been getting slowly better and slowly improving. My ear fullness in both ears is there non stop. But alas, one problem at a time. Anyways, in this time frame, I also lost my TMJ splint. My child hid it in the crockpot. I found it and started wearing it...
  9. K

    Best Hearing Protection for My Situation

    I am trying to find the best hearing protection for my situation. I am curious what people recommend. I do not like wearing hearing protection in general because it amplifies the sound of my tinnitus (although I do wear plugs at concerts, etc). I have had tinnitus my whole life, and always...
  10. K

    University of Minnesota Tinnitus Research with Acoustic and Body Stimulation

    I found this while researching trials in my area. I emailed them and got a prompt response with a follow up email. Seems to be similar to what Michigan has going on I think. I am...
  11. K

    Can Acoustic Trauma Cause Middle Ear Effusion? Middle Ear Effusion Causing Hyperacusis?

    So...I was, and am pretty certain my current bout with tinnitus was caused by middle ear effusion. It has been visible to non-ENT MDs, ENTs, and a PA. In fact, bilateral serous otitis media has been listed on my last five visits. But... I was rocking out pretty hard on my headphones while...
  12. K

    My Story... Here Goes Nothing...

    I am a life long T sufferer. I have habituated several times throughout my life. I grew up on a farm where I was exposed to loud noises since a very early age (read tractors, stock car races, machinery, power tools etc). I have no noticeable hearing loss. My T is around 15 khz and about 15 db at...