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  • Users: CrystalB
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  1. CrystalB

    Post Pictures of Your Pets!

    I wanted to create a positive thread! Post pictures of your babies! My puppy is named Puffs. She is a mix breed of a Maltese Shih Tzu. She keeps my mind occupied, and has helped keep my mind off of problems.
  2. CrystalB

    Can Your Own Voice Cause Tinnitus?

    I got my tinnitus one morning, 2 or 3 days after I had a ocular migraine. When I had the ocular migraine it scared me because my vision was leaving and I saw flashing lights, I panicked and screamed so loud. It finally went away after lying down. A couple of days after the episode of the...
  3. CrystalB

    Head Vibrating

    I haven’t posted in a while, but I decided to because I’ve been experiencing something odd. I am wondering if this is something that is common when it comes to tinnitus. This has happened a couple of times to me. When I am super sleepy and my tinnitus is worse than normal I will try to go to...
  4. CrystalB

    Unbearable Buzzing While Trying to Sleep

    I was wondering if anyone else experiences anything like this. It doesn’t happen every night but it does frequently enough for me to be annoyed by it. When I’m trying to fall asleep or have been asleep and try to go back to sleep I can be drifting off and my ears will start buzzing and...
  5. CrystalB

    Does Anyone Have Bad Eustachian Tube Dysfunction (ETD)?

    Does anyone have bad ETD? Where your ears feel full all the time. I was diagnosed with ETD, I had negative pressure in both ears, which showed on my hearing test. My ears will not open, I can pop and make them crackling just by opening my jaw. Right after I pop them they go back to feeling...
  6. CrystalB

    Loud Bang Sound Waking Me Up — Exploding Head Syndrome?

    Alright so I have noticed a loud bang sound that wakes me up in the middle of the night. I’ve had it happen a couple of times, it sounds like someone breaking in or turning stuff over! I’ll be dead asleep and all of a sudden I’ll hear it and it wakes me up, I’ll get up and start looking around...
  7. CrystalB

    Praising God! Went for a Physical — Doctor Felt a Lump

    So I got a big scare the other day, I had went to the doctor for a regular physical, I had a breast exam, the normal for a physical. She felt of a lump. She reassured me that it felt normal but wanted me to go in for a mammography. I got scared and worried, my Grandmother had breast cancer I...
  8. CrystalB

    Ear Drops Cured Someone's Tinnitus

    A woman that I work with told me recently that she had had tinnitus for 5 or so years. She still worked and got on with life while having tinnitus. She had gone to the doctor and no one could figure out why she had it. One day she decided to try ear drops that you buy on the shelf in a store...
  9. CrystalB

    Anyone Who Has Extremely High Pitch Tinnitus: How Do You Cope?

    So I have extremely high pitched hissing tinnitus, the pitch is high! How does anyone habituate or cope with it? I’ve always thought if it was a lower pitch I could deal somewhat better but mine is very high. Almost always it’s so high it hurts my ears.
  10. CrystalB

    Eustachian Tube Dysfunction — When My Ears Are More Open and Painless, My Ringing Is MUCH Worse

    My ENT diagnosed me with Eustachian Tube Dysfunction. My ears will feel full and hurt most of the time. What is weird is that when my ears feel more open and not hurt my ringing is SO much louder and unbearable than when my ears feel so full. I’m so confused? I got to the point where I...
  11. CrystalB

    Tinnitus Spike After a Customer Screamed and Whistled?

    So I woke up this morning and I’m stressed out and worried. I work in a retail store with the public, about two days ago I was helping a customer, I was taking her cake order (I am a cake decorator) so I was close to her, out of the blue she started screaming and whistling very loud, she was...
  12. CrystalB

    Fire Alarms at Work! Need to Vent

    Just wanting to vent a little this morning. I work in a retail store, this morning I was having an okay morning, my tinnitus not bothering me as much and wasn’t as loud as it has been. I’m going on with my morning and all of a sudden the loud fire alarms start going off! I was near the front...
  13. CrystalB

    Hearing Device That Makes You Deaf and Cuts Out the Tinnitus?

    So I’m just curious. I had a hearing test back in December. During the hearing test, they put some sort of earplugs in or whatever they used in each ear --- they test one ear at a time. While they tested one ear with sounds, my other ear that they were not testing went deaf; I could not even...
  14. CrystalB

    My Husband Doesn't Understand What I'm Going Through with Tinnitus

    I have had tinnitus for 11 months. I have learned better on how to deal with it, I still for sure have hard times with it, especially at nights when trying to sleep. Anyways, my mom and brother seem to understand what I am going thru, they listen to me when I talk to them about my tinnitus...
  15. CrystalB

    Hearing Test on YouTube

    So I just did this hearing test on YouTube and it went to really high frequencies. It said most people cannot hear it, especially if you have high frequency hearing loss. I had my air conditioner going and I heard all of them besides maybe one. Anyways, the extremely high-pitch frequency...
  16. CrystalB

    How to Help ETD without Nose Sprays?

    Wondering if anyone has any information on how you can help or cure ETD without having to use nose sprays? I have had tinnitus for 10 months, and I got diagnosed with ETD, I don’t know if my tinnitus came from that or not but I had been putting on nose spray a few months back, I used it every...
  17. CrystalB

    Surgery for ETD — Has It Helped Anyone?

    I have been diagnosed with ETD, I have had tinnitus for 9 months and some days are more manageable than others. Today is a bad day, I live in the mountains, going up and down the mountains make my ears hurt and pop, I usually try to pop my ears or be aware of them when I do travel up or down...
  18. CrystalB

    Nose Spray — Mometasone Furoate — How Long Can I Continue Using It?

    I am wondering if anyone has ever used a nose spray called Mometasone Furoate? I was prescribed it for my allergies and ETD, I had been on it for maybe 3 months and stopped because I could tell just a little difference, and then started using every other day or skipping a couple of days. Now I...
  19. CrystalB

    Did This Sudden Phone Sound Make My Tinnitus Worse?

    I've had tinnitus for 10 months now, I’m learning better coping with it and I don’t panic or respond to it as bad as I used to, with time I’m trying to get better. I’ve accepted the fact that it is not going away. I don’t know why I got it, it just happened one morning in November and hasn’t...
  20. CrystalB

    Trying to Habituate to My Tinnitus — Fluctuation Makes It Difficult

    I have been diagnosed with ETD, I have had it for 9 months and I feel as though my tinnitus is not going away. I’ve been on nose spray for 3 months straight and it’s not gone yet so now I’m tapering off of the nose spray, I’m afraid my body will get too used to it. I’m trying to habituate to...
  21. CrystalB

    Surgery — Hole in Ear to Relieve Pressure — Experiences?

    So I have been diagnosed with ETD from my last hearing test back in December. I went to my ENT appointment this week and he said my hearing test showed negative pressure in both ears. I have had tinnitus for 9 months now, and it’s not going away! I also have ear fullness, cracking and popping...
  22. CrystalB

    Ear Fullness

    So I have been diagnosed with ETD, I have constant high pitch ringing and fullness. When my ears feel the fullest the ringing is not as loud, but when my ears seems to open up and not feel full my ringing becomes louder and seems like it gets even more high pitch (nails on a chalkboard high...
  23. CrystalB

    Different Tinnitus Sounds

    I have different tinnitus sounds that are taking a toll on me, really hard to ignore. In my left ear I have a low pitch hum that is constant and sometimes it goes high pitch. In my right ear I have static with a super high pitch electrical sound. I have all of that noise all at once! It’s loud...
  24. CrystalB

    Painful Tinnitus

    Can ETD cause super loud tinnitus for 8 months? I know it can cause fullness, my ears most of the time are full but it seems like when my ears open up my tinnitus gets louder, which is strange. I had a hearing test back in December and my ENT told me I had pressure and diagnosed me with ETD...
  25. CrystalB

    Loud Tinnitus

    I’ve had tinnitus for 8 months now, don’t know how I got it, it happened one morning, some things happened prior earlier before my tinnitus happened, I’ve been going in circles debating on what could had caused it! But it’s a mystery that is unsolved. Anyways, I’ve been dignoised with ETD from a...
  26. CrystalB

    What Does Your Tinnitus Sound Like?

    My tinnitus is in both ears, my right seems like it’s the worse one. I have an extremely high pitch hiss and static, I can hear it over basically everything, sometimes it sounds like a high pitch electrical ring, and most of the time it’s all of those at once! What does everyone else’s sound like?
  27. CrystalB

    Noise-Induced Tinnitus

    I am wondering, if you get noise-induced tinnitus from a loud sound and it damages your ears, would you get hearing loss associated with that?
  28. CrystalB

    How Long Would It Take to Get Noise-Induced Tinnitus After a Loud Sound?

    If you have noise induced tinnitus, after the loud sound or whatever caused your damage, did you get tinnitus right after it? Or did it take days?
  29. CrystalB

    Do Piercings Affect Tinnitus?

    I have had tinnitus for 7 months now, don’t know the complete cause of it, may never know but as time goes on I am dealing with it better everyday. First few months have been extremely hard, the hardest thing I’ve just about ever had to deal with. Some days are worse than others, but it’s...
  30. CrystalB

    Tinnitus and Weather

    I know this may seem like a really weird question! Does anyone’s tinnitus seem to get worse during bad weather, such as rain, cold weather etc?
  31. CrystalB

    Different Tinnitus Sounds in Each Ear

    I’m just curious if anyone has experienced different sounds of tinnitus in each ear? Most of the time I have one sound coming from one ear and the other ear it’s a different sound at the same time! My right ear sound like a very high pitch ring with high pitched static, my left ear sounds more...
  32. CrystalB

    I Need Some Support!

    I usually try to stay positive! But I woke up and my tinnitus is super loud, sometimes my volume varies, I don’t know why but it does. This morning I woke up to get ready for work at 3:30 am, and I don’t know how I’ll make it thru the day. I told my husband I’m about ready to give up, I’m so...
  33. CrystalB

    Becoming Pregnant with Tinnitus

    So I am just curious if there are any ladies out here who have become pregnant with Tinnitus? I know some have got pregnant and then discovered they got tinnitus due to pregnancy, but what about the women who had tinnitus before being pregnant, did it make the tinnitus worse or it stayed the...
  34. CrystalB

    Why Do Doctors Not Know What Causes Tinnitus?

    So I’m just curious as to why doctors have no clue what causes tinnitus! I know there has to be a reason you are hearing what you are, rather it is your brain that is causing it or your ears. If it’s the brain they should be able to see the signals messing up with a MRI or something, if it’s...
  35. CrystalB

    Update on My Tinnitus (Eustachian Tube Dysfunction)

    So I have recently gone back to my ENT today for a follow up appointment. I have had tinnitus for 6 months, I’ve had all the testing done as of MRI and hearing test. My MRI is normal and so is my hearing. He told me today that he looked into my hearing test and seen where my right ear had...
  36. CrystalB

    Tinnitus Caused by Stress?

    Can tinnitus be caused by stress? I have no idea what caused mine, I woke up one morning with my tinnitus. Few things had went on in my life before the tinnitus. I had my First eye migraine back in August of last year. I was so scared had no idea what was happening, so I panicked. The next day...
  37. CrystalB

    Flonase and Tinnitus

    I have had tinnitus for 6 months! Don’t know what caused it, it just happened one morning. It’s a very loud high pitch squeal, ring. Static and a hum sometimes a clicking. I have had a CAT scan and an MRI with contrast all comes back normal. Also have had a hearing test which was perfect. I...
  38. CrystalB

    Fluid in Ears and Tinnitus

    So I recently went back to my regular doctor and of course she looked in my ears and saw fluid in both ears again! Since my tinnitus has started my ears pop a lot more than they ever have especially my left one, just moving my jaw makes it pop and crack. Both ears fill full. I have bad...
  39. CrystalB

    MRI and Tinnitus

    So I am wondering if an MRI with contrast should show a lot of your ears. I’ve had tinnitus for 6 months and I have noticed my ears filling full and popping a lot more than normal since my tinnitus started, my left ear cracks all the time and my right ear always pops so hard just by blowing my...
  40. CrystalB

    Painful Tinnitus

    I’ve had tinnitus for 5 months going on 6. I’ve noticed that sometimes my ears hurt when my tinnitus interferes with sounds, or it gets so high pitch it hurts my ears, I don’t know how it isn’t doing any damage to my ears. I’ll be laying in bed and it’s so loud and high pitch it just hurts. I...
  41. CrystalB

    Working with Tinnitus

    Just curious as to how many people with tinnitus works a job?
  42. CrystalB

    Tinnitus Getting Worse Throughout the Day

    I have noticed since I’ve had my tinnitus for 5 months that it gets worse as the day goes on. When I go to bed my tinnitus is so loud it feels like my head is vibrating! It's just about unbearable, but there is nothing I can do so I just got to bare with it and fall off to sleep. As I wake up...
  43. CrystalB

    Can Tinnitus Come and Go?

    So I’ve had Tinnitus for 5 months. Last August I woke up with ringing in the ears, went to a doctor, she said I had fluid in my ear and prescribed nose spray. I used it everyday for a while and the Tinnitus went away. I don’t know for how long It had lasted, it went away somewhere between When...
  44. CrystalB

    Tinnitus Moves from Ear to Ear?

    so, I am curious, I have noticed most of the time my tinnitus is in both ears, the worst in my right which is extremely loud. Here recently I have noticed my noise shifting from my left to my right, sometimes my sound is only in my right and then it moves to only the left and then to both, is...
  45. CrystalB

    Using Earbuds

    I’ve had tinnitus for 5 months. I’ve been using earplugs almost all the time, especially at work. It does make my tinnitus much louder when I use them, but I’ve noticed when something is really loud it doesn’t go good with my tinnitus. I saw where someone wrote not to use earplugs for a long...
  46. CrystalB

    Tinnitus Appears Out of the Blue

    hey! I have had Tinnitus for 5 months now, the cause is unknown. Mine happened November 22/2017 it happened out of no where, and has been bad ever since. I went to the ER and they had done a cat scan, turned out good! So I went home thinking it would eventually go away. Never went away, in...