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  • Users: Marias21
  • Content: Threads
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  1. M

    It's Confirmed: I Have Allergies

    as you guys know ive been with T since January we know for a fact that is my allergies causing this and i want to see a specialist so i can start on allergies shots ASAP so i finely got a appointment for today near my house and i went down there i was late 10 minute because i...
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    100 ºF Heat Wave Made My ETD Worse

    yesterday i went out to to get something to eat down the street and when i came back i was with my ear felling full like back in January ( a littel lest ) i was only gone for 20 minutes out of my house and when i woke up my ear felt find but today i fell it still full why is...
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    6 months today

    well today for me marks the 6 months of Having T my Doctor says when my EDT go so will my T bu ive cam to the conclusion that my T is here to stay its mild and it dont interfere with my everyday life i just hear it when im at home but i wish it would stop still Sudafed Help it go...
  4. M

    Types of roles I can play in movies / tv shows without tinnitus getting worse

    as the time come for me to start my acting school I was wondering what is safe for me to do I already inform my agent that I'm hearing sensitive ( ok a small white lie but i was doing it to not go into a really loud Place where i can develop Noise induce T) so i wondering if it would...
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    Independence Day — Fourth of July — Fireworks, Tinnitus and Hearing Damage

    I'm dreading this time. I used to love going out and seeing fireworks last year with my family but this year they scare the living light out of me. 2 days ago my next door neighbor was setting off fireworks near my house and they were loud, really loud. I thought at first someone was...
  6. M

    Should I Be Concerned That My Acting School Is Near an Airport?

    my acting school is in Inglewood CA close to LAX and i when in for a try out today to see if i liked it i did when i join i will have to be there all day form 10-2 but i notice something the planes where flying over head kind of loud every 3-10 min some where louder then other...
  7. M

    Box Fan Makes My Tinnitus Go Loud

    I recently got a box fan for my room because summer is here and it soon hot my t has been low for the most part but ever since I got my fan my t get loud until I turn it off I also noticed it when ever I trun the ac on. I'm not sure why maby its lifting more pollen in the air
  8. M

    Fleeting Tinnitus for 3 Days

    Hi doctor I've been having fleeding t for the last 3 days randomly and I don't know why on both ears ) I was low on Nasonex and I had a refill yesterday but I got it my good ear ( the one with out t ) when I was wating for my buss home today can being low on Nasonex bring this on...
  9. M

    Allergic tinnitus

    Hi this my first time with t due to my allergies so far thr last 3 month is I've notice improvements here and there I notice that sometimes when I stay in my t gose away and only when I go out my t is there sometime when I get home and I take a shower my t get low is there a...
  10. M

    Kids Ear Phones

    I've been looking on line for some safe ear phone and I have stumble a pond kids ear phones that don't go over 80 db I wanted to know if it wolud be safe also for a adult to use them I manly want them to blocked train noise since I ride The train every morning and on my way on...
  11. M

    Allergy Shots — Has Anyone Tried Them?

    Im thinking about getting allergies shots to reduce my symptoms because this has been the worst i have ever been i usually get Eczema and itching but this congestion and T has been a Hell for me has any one tryed them
  12. M

    How Long Can I Stay in a Store That Plays Loud Music Without Causing Damage?

    just wondering because I still want to shop in my favored store at the but am worried about posable damage
  13. M

    Can I Wear Earmuffs All Day While I'm Out

    im always outside and where i live and where i visit my family there alot of traffic and it scar me that i might get T because i expose myself to too much city traffic noise i cant avoided it its it safe for me to wear ear muff all day every day when i go out to block the noise
  14. M

    Am I Being too Sensitive When It Comes to Any Type of Noise?

    my husband has express that i have been acting to sensitive when it come to any type of noise he said that it bother him that he cant play the radio in the car like before I had T ( even tho my T is form congestion I still worried ) or i come home mad that my favorite...
  15. M

    Safe antibiotics?

    Can anyone give me a list of safe antibiotics? It seams my body has built a resistance to amoxicillin. My ear infection is not getting better and the pain is getting worse.
  16. M

    I Think I Have Real Tinnitus Now

    for the pass 5 days ive been taking my antibiotics for my ear and mt T was improving so much almost to the point of being gone but this morning i woke up with a loud T ive been taking augmentin is this the reason for my T im not going to take it anymore and im going to my...
  17. M

    Is Amox TR-K CLV 500-125 mg Safe to Take?

    my Dr proscribe this for my middle ear infection ( that the reason my T was so loud the pass 3 night ) but im so worried to take this is this safe
  18. M

    Sudafed Makes My Tinnitus Go Away?

    I've been taking Sudafed for 3 days now and I notice that my t go away for a few hours ( last night from 9 pm to 4am) if this is permanent can Sudafed do this
  19. M

    Can Ibuprofen Cause Symptoms of Eustachian Tube Dysfunction?

    i just realize that on the 10 of jan 7 days before my symptoms started i took a 600 ml pill for my back i always for many years have token that same dose for 3 days at a moth for my cycles with no prob for the pass 14 years
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    Last Night I Couldn't Sleep at All, I Can't Go On

    Last night was really bad I colud not sleep at all the noice was so loud I have desided that this not the life I want I want my old life back where I colud sleep whede I was not worried happy I dont want to put my dear husband night after night of not sleeping waking our cat...
  21. M

    Can this be tinnitus?

    Hi for the last 3 weeks I have fullness in my left ear with pain and ringing at the biggining it dint bother me and I colud sleep but last week it was really loud and I colud not sleep I whent to the er to unclog my ear it did nothing. so I thought it's was my sinsinuses got a over...