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  1. Maithe Marshall

    3 and a Half Months of Tinnitus and Just Became Strong

    So everyone here knows me and ..yes my tinnitus has not gone away.. It sucks but l have learned to just deal with it? I can't hear it with sounds it in open rooms. It's weird? My tinnitus is very sounds weird to I can't really describe it well. But one thing I can say it's the...
  2. Maithe Marshall

    ETD, hearing self swallow, tinnitus.

    All my ear issues began in February (17th) I remember the day still. My ear issues began after a flight. My first sign before I had t, was a thumping sensation in my ear it never followed a heart beat or anything it would be like thump thump thump......stop.... Thumpthumpthump. I went to the...
  3. Maithe Marshall

    Tinnitus has been changing a lot this week. Why?

    My tinnitus has change to high to low low hissing. Sometimes a high c... Why is this?
  4. Maithe Marshall


    This morning I woke up to a really really odd thing. I put my finger in my left ear and after that I heard a weird sound and felt it in my ear I could literally feel it.. It went away after a few seconds. Now whenever the dogs bark ( they are Really LOUD) my ears are sensitive to it and I...
  5. Maithe Marshall

    Went to john hopkins. Got some answers and bam now I caught a cold.

    Hello everyone! I haven't been on much since I've got back to virginia. Went to john hopkins and was told no more fluid, but that everything I describe sounds like ETD, I'm going to be on a nose spray for about 8 weeks before other treatment will be used ( tubes, incision) Now I caught a...
  6. Maithe Marshall

    Scared... in the Train Back to VA... Need Some Advice

    Sorry for posting so often this week. I've had some nervousness in the last few days and today it's bad. I don't know if I'm freaking myself out or should stop searching stuff on the internet.. I searched "hearing myself swallow" And boom something called pultaous Eustachian tube came up and...
  7. Maithe Marshall

    Awesome... The Thumping Sensation Is Back... And I'm Scared.

    Okay so before all this crap happened to me..after my flight from VA to NM the next day I felt a "thumping sensation" in my ear my like my eardrum moving around. The first night I went to the hospital and was told I had infmamation than second time I was told I have "fluid" than the thumping...
  8. Maithe Marshall

    Should I believe this idiot ENT or the several drs I've seen?

    Okay so over the course of 4 weeks I've had several drs tell me "you have so much fluid" "you have pus and fluid" I got on antibiotics still have fluid. Today this retard ENT THAT I F**ing HATE! He told me today he saw noting... Did a test and said it was normal.. I do not believe him what so...
  9. Maithe Marshall

    Can tinnitus cause hearing loss?

    I had a hearing test done about 5 weeks ago and no hearing loss. But I've been seeing people post about hearing loss at different frequency.. Does that mean tinnitus can cause some form of hearing loss? Or am I just freaking myself out? Now I'm stressed about losing hearing..
  10. Maithe Marshall

    Freaking Out... Tinnitus Changed Sound in Left Ear

    It went to a weird high pitch that sounds like it's literally coming from my ear it did die down a bit. I'm out at the store literally about to start crying and breaking down I'm so scared why does t change sounds? Why is this fucking hell happening to me what the hell did I do to deserve this...
  11. Maithe Marshall

    Really Upset. Feeling Hopeless.

    Okay so everyone here knows that this all started after a flight from virginia to New Mexico..where I had what felt like my ear drum moving around. Been to the er 6 times in 4 weeks..was told 1st time I had inflammation, second time lots of fluid and 3rd time nothing but that I have ETD. Went to...
  12. Maithe Marshall

    Tubes in Ear/Incision in Eardrum?

    Went back to the dr yesterday because of bad aches and pains in my year last night. I was thinking the infection came back but it didn't. Dr said I have so much fluid eardrums are bulging.. Nothing seems to be working in my favor sadly to get this damn fluid out of my ear! Tried steroids 12 days...
  13. Maithe Marshall

    Why Do My Ears Feel Really Full Like There's Pressure or Water in Them?

    Does anyone with t have this? I know I have been told I have fluid in my ears and one dr told me that my ear drum looked "sucked" in ( ETD) Sometimes my ears ache..but the drs told my ears don't look infected ( I'm still on antibiotics for another 3 days) Also changes in T sound.. I feel...
  14. Maithe Marshall

    Will Working Out Lifting Weights Worsen Tinnitus?

    Okay so before I ever got T or this ear infection I worked out everyday with 1 days rest or 2 days rest at most. I'm big if weight lifting and cardio. I do heavy weight lifting... I don't want to let that go.. I've been nervous that this will worsen my t. Am I just over worried about everything...
  15. Maithe Marshall

    Lots of fluid in my ear and it's bulging. Any good advice for getting fluid out?

    Went to urgent care again today because my ears are hurting and feeling all pressured. The dr could still see where my infection has gotten better but it's still there..but she said that there is so much fluid in my right ear that it's bulging :/ and my left has a lot of fluid but not as much as...
  16. Maithe Marshall

    Is Sudafed Safe to Take? Will It Trigger Tinnitus? Make It Worse? Is It Toxic to the Ears?

    Just wondering because I want to take some since I am slightly congested.
  17. Maithe Marshall

    Worried About Antibiotic (Biaxin / Clarithromycin)

    I am taking biaxin...a generic name for something I think called clarithromycin? Something around those lines... Should I stop taking it? I'm really nervous about this.
  18. Maithe Marshall

    Tinnitus Is Changing in Pitch. Having Panic Attacks. I Really Want to Die.

    I know have a buzz sound that is driving me Into horrific mood..I'm home alone and crying so much.. I hate this why or how can it change how can I go on like this forever..
  19. Maithe Marshall

    Tinnitus went from ring to buzzy..I want to die

    It keeps changing in pitch, sound this is really scaring me.. My head feels all buzzy ( like in my ears) I'm home alone and having panic attacks and crying my eyes out..I cannot focus or even rest...
  20. Maithe Marshall

    Nervous :/

    I keep getting hitting these highs and lows.. One moment I feel like I will be okay that the infection has caused my T. I mean why would it come on so suddenly? I have no damaged hearing loss or anything. Than I keep reading stuff online where it could be a viral or bacterial ear infection...
  21. Maithe Marshall

    Went to Urgent Care Today. Help Me Out With Some Advice.

    I went to Urgent care ( horrible I had to wait 4 hours literally.) And when the dr looked in my ears he said I had a infection ( bad) in both ears but right ear is worse then left..he said that the ringing must be coming from this. I am now on a antibiotic Biaxin is the generic name I...
  22. Maithe Marshall

    In Serious Need of Comfort

    My husband has had to take a few days off to comfort me from work ( he's in the military so it was really hard for him to even get days off) he's back at work today. I'm not coping well with this sudden T. I honestly want to die..I want to die.. 8 days ago I was the happiest girl alive how...
  23. Maithe Marshall

    I could use some helpful advice. I'm suffering.

    How all of this began for me is strange.. They say tinnitus is a symptom of a underlying "cause." I flew fromVirginia to New Mexico about 2 weeks ago..that's when all my ear issues began. A day after flying I noticed I had a pulse feeling in my right ear, felt like my ear drum was moving or...