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  1. Natester1986

    How Many Here Have Deafness to Frequencies Above 10 kHz? (I'm Deaf to Anything Past 13 kHz)

    I'm not sure when I became deaf to those really really high frequencies (impossible for me to hear anything past 13000 Hz). Might have been the case since I was a child. My guess is due to ototoxicity. Anyone else here have deafness to those frequencies?
  2. Natester1986

    Another Question, Can Tinnitus Get So Bad That It's Almost Deafening? (without Hearing Loss)

    Hopefully my tinnitus doesn't get that bad although it's really loud.
  3. Natester1986

    Is It Severe Tinnitus When You Hear the Tinnitus Very Clearly Over Most Noises?

    I'm new to this forum (found it via Google search yesterday). My tinnitus is pretty bad (I can hear it all the time although it's not deafening). It worsened on Wednesday evening of last week and especially since Monday. I still function well (hasn't really affected my life as I've gotten...