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  • Users: Mal
  • Content: Threads
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  1. Mal

    Flavours of Tinnitus

    Dear Dr. Nagler, I have learned through time, that people with tinnitus experience it in a lot of different ways. Sometimes they are so different, that one might think, that the "tinnitus" symptome covers a huge palette of different underlying diseases/malfunctionings in our health. I know this...
  2. Mal

    Tinnitus Reaction Just After Masking

    Dear people, I have two different tinnitus in my head. I just realised, that they react completely opposite, when I end masking. This made me curious to how you people experience it. To this extend I became creative in MSPaint to illustrate my two very different experiences with T. Do you...
  3. Mal

    Pre-Departure Potential

    Hi people, Please skip this reading, if you are prone to become affected by depressive posts, because this is one of them (I'm sorry, it's the consequence of being dead honest, and I need to be that for my question). I have now given it almost two years since onset, and I have every day had to...
  4. Mal

    Am I the Only One with Two Distinct Types of Tinnitus?

    Hi all, I'm a sufferer for little over a year now. I got tinnitus from a cinema sitting close to a loud (broken?) speaker during an action movie. Basically after that I had a whole 'concert/jet engine' inside my head. My hearing has a spiky 30db drop @ 6khz as a consequence also. I have been...