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  • Users: spedgas
  • Content: Threads
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  1. S

    Regenerative Brain Cell Therapy Procedure to Inhibit Hyperactivity

    OHSU second in the country to perform regenerative brain cell therapy procedure I work at the hospital this procedure will be performed at. I worked as an OR nurse for 18 years with the doctor quoted in this article. For over a decade of that I saw him improve and innovate DBS for Parkinson's...
  2. S

    After Some Improvement I'm Back to Day 1 Intensity — Unable to Cope

    I've managed to stay off the support section for a long time, but I just can't anymore. After a year I was starting to have some stretches of time that things seemed okay. The volume seemed lower and I was noticing it less. A few days ago something changed. I did nothing to cause it. My ears...
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    Rosuvastatin and Hearing Loss/Tinnitus I’m starting rosuvastatin so I of course looked up any ototoxic effects. I actually found a study that claims it helps hearing and subjective tinnitus. I didn’t expect to see this. In other places this med is listed as being...
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    MacKenzie Bezos to Donate Half of Her $37 Billion to Charity

    I saw this headline today and I'm hoping some of this money makes its way to tinnitus research. I know it's unlikely, but this is the type of whale we need. I may spend some time trying to figure out how to get this suggestion to her. Hopefully somebody with access to her struggles with...
  5. S

    BTA Increases Estimate of People Living with Tinnitus

    Headline today says the British Tinnitus Association (BTA) is increasing their estimate of people with tinnitus from 1 in 10 to more than 1 in 8. I don't like hearing that more people suffer with this, but maybe it will open some eyes that this is an underserved condition. I hope this encourages...
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    Disappointing Monthly Events Flyer at Work

    I work at a major university hospital and saw this posted yesterday. This place is well known for wide ranging research projects. Somehow Tinnitus Week didn’t make the cut among these monthly causes.
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    Absolutely Consumed by Causality

    I’m a few days away from hitting four months with tinnitus and I’m absolutely consumed by what caused it. It’s been such a whirlwind that I can’t keep events straight. Things I thought weren’t important now seem like big deals. I’m seriously sweating the hints I missed and things I did in the...
  8. S

    Looking for Advice on TMJ Splint Therapy for Tinnitus

    I'm nearing three months with tinnitus and I'm convinced its origin is my TMJ/D. I've had severe bruxism for years. I went to four TMJ clinicians and got the same diagnosis from each. Each provider then gave me a different treatment recommendation as well. After lots of stressful thinking I...
  9. S

    Do I Have Hyperacusis? I Don't Know What's Happening

    I'm about seven weeks into tinnitus. I have a single high pitched ring right in the center of my head. The odd thing is that it is nearly impossible to mask. I don't find sounds physically uncomfortable, but the volume of the tinnitus seems to get louder when sounds get louder. The bathroom...
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    Really Struggling to Find Any Hope, Answers

    I've been trying hard not to write a post like this one. I don't think they help anybody. However, I don't think I can avoid it any longer. I don't even know what I'm looking for by writing this, but here goes. Maybe it will help to get the frustration out. I'm miserable. I'm only 5-6 weeks in...
  11. S

    Is Location of Tinnitus Sound Indicative of Anything (Ears vs Head)?

    My tinnitus sound is and has always been placed right in the center of my head. I've never been able to assign it to one ear or the other. Is there anything to be read into here? Causality or anything?
  12. S

    Prednisone Horror Stories and Worries — Seeking Advice

    Today my ENT gave me a 10 day cycle of Prednisone. My tinnitus started four weeks ago. I have a normal audiogram. I was diagnosed today with TMD and will be starting treatment. I've always suspected my tinnitus has a somatic cause, but who knows. My ENT tells me there's a slim chance the...
  13. S

    Can Antidepressants Reduce Neural Plasticity?

    My tinnitus started about a month ago. I’m not handling it well. My ENT is not filling me with confidence that this is something he can help me manage. I’ve spent most of the last month depressed and occasionally suicidal. He prescribed me nortriptyline. I’ve only been taking it for a week...