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  • Users: weab00
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  1. weab00

    My Hyperacusis Is Cured & I Barely Have Tinnitus Anymore

    Y'all probably know my story around here. Suffered alone in a room not being able to go outside because of crippling hyperacusis. I'm all good now and I think psychedelics positively rewired my brain and formed new neural connections. I'm a professional musician now, with extra caution...
  2. weab00

    Wisdom Teeth Extraction with Hyperacusis

    I have two lower wisdom teeth that are growing in sideways. In about a year I'll need to get them removed from my mouth. The problem is that I have pain hyperacusis, reactive tinnitus, and very weak ears in general, and I'm certain that the drill will considerably set me back. I've considered...
  3. weab00

    Middle Ear Damage from Noxious Noise

    Can noxious noise damage the middle ear? I mainly hear about how inner cochlear damage causes hyperacusis pain, but surely there's something wrong with the mid ear as well. Whenever I yawn or burp my tensor tympani feels unnaturally stretched out and flappy. So even if regenerative medicine or...
  4. weab00

    High-Pitched Computer Sounds Irritating Tinnitus

    I have hyperacusis and as a result my tinnitus is very reactive. I've noticed that if I use my custom built PC for more than an hour I get these weird whirring sounds for the next 10 minutes in my head. I'm pretty sure it's the high pitched squeal of the electronics that is causing spiking and...
  5. weab00

    Diagnosing Pulsatile Tinnitus without an MRI?

    @Greg Sacramento To sum up my myriad of issues, I whiplashed the right side of my neck in a martial arts class about two years ago. Following that, I used headphones at a very high volume for long periods of time. 6 months after the neck trauma, I developed tinnitus; I suspect it was from a...
  6. weab00

    Nortriptyline for Hyperacusis Nerve Pain

    After hearing about @musicblue's success with managing pain hyperacusis on Nortiptyline, I am extremely interested in taking this AD. Only thing is that I'm paranoid about potential ototoxicity and other adverse effects. Anyone else here ever taken Nortriptyline specifically for chronic...
  7. weab00

    Pain Hyperacusis Recovery Rate?

    The success stories for hyperacusis seem few and far between. Those that do wind up recovering to a sufficient degree to resume their normal life seem to only have some less severe form of loudness hyperacusis. This makes me think that noxacusis is a more severe form of the condition with more...
  8. weab00

    Supersonic Hearing Caused by Hyperacusis?

    Does anyone else have extremely "good" hearing because of hyperacusis amplification? Not in a good way at all, it's quite torturous. Basically, I can loudly hear things that normal people can't like a buzzing noise that comes from electronics and outlets, buzzing from lights, an overlay of...
  9. weab00

    What I Learned from My Audiologist Appointment

    - Extended audiograms up to 16 kHz are pointless and my hearing is perfect. That’s only dog hearing and humans can’t hear that high. - I have no cochlear damage because they’d be able tell through the audiogram. - Audiologist suggested an MRI. - Expose myself to normal everyday noises...
  10. weab00

    Does Pain Automatically Mean a Hyperacusis Setback?

    I have noxacusis. It prevents me from living most of my life. Despite my best efforts to isolate/protect, my ears continue to get worse. Sometimes after going out with plugs I get a stabbing sensation deep in my ear. Does pain mean a guaranteed setback/spike, or is it normal with hyperacusis...
  11. weab00

    Having Hyperacusis While Owning a Dog

    I've had pain hyperacusis for 5 weeks. I own a yellow lab whose barks can go up to 80-90 dB. Every time she barks in the same room as me, I feel like I get setback. Pain, distortions, and fluctuating tinnitus occur. It happened again today and I'm really frustrated because my ears were feeling...
  12. weab00

    Resources to Learn More About Tinnitus and Hyperacusis?

    I spend most of my time on Tinnitus Talk in the research section of the website. I have a very basic understanding of the anatomy of the ear but would like to be able to better understand and participate in the advanced, technical discussion about the treatments. I suffer from both, so it'd...
  13. weab00

    Problem with Increased Sensitivity to Ambient Noises After I Got Noxacusis: "Broken EQ" System

    Ever since I got noxacusis, sounds that I would have normally completely tuned out are right in my ear. For example, the crickets, cicadas, and birds feel like they're loudly chirping directly into my ear when I lay in bed. Sometimes my ear tunes into a specific cricket or cicada that I can...
  14. weab00

    Is Hyperacusis Linked with Visual Snow?

    I've had tinnitus for a year and a half, hyperacusis for a month, and since yesterday my vision is somewhat more staticky and I get floaters in my vision, especially in sunlight. What's weird is that after my hyperacusis started I started getting pain underneath/around my eyeballs. I know...
  15. weab00

    Is It Safe to Take Beta-Blockers with Hyperacusis?

    I have mild essential tremor and am considering going on 20 mg of propranolol a day to reduce shaking. However, I also have noise-induced tinnitus and hyperacusis and am concerned that taking beta-blockers will make the hypersensitivity worse because it's an ototoxic drug. Anyone else on...
  16. weab00

    Struggling with Acceptance: Losing a Passion Because of Hyperacusis/Reactive Tinnitus

    I've posted similar topics on the forums before but I honestly don't know where to turn to. 1.5 years ago I got tinnitus from loud headphone use. I was anxiety-ridden, saw an audiologist who told me to deal with it, and eventually habituated after 6-7 months. Last month I took a plane to go on...
  17. weab00

    Pulsatile Tinnitus Caused by Neck Whiplash: Is It Curable?

    I whiplashed my neck doing a kick in a martial arts class about 2 years ago. The first few weeks I couldn’t even turn my head sideways. It healed for a few months until it stopped and to this day I get regular pain and soreness in the affected area of the neck. I’ve also started getting random...
  18. weab00

    Doctors for Hyperacusis/Dysacusis/Noxacusis in the Boston Area?

    I need to see a doctor for my hyperacusis, sound distortions, and stabs of pain, in the Boston area but am not sure where to go. The last audiologist (for tinnitus) I went to gave me a basic audiogram, checked for wax buildup, and told me to live with my tinnitus (offered some sort of...
  19. weab00

    How Are Tinnitus and Hyperacusis Not Supposed to Ruin Your Life?

    I’ve had tinnitus for 1.5 years and recently had a dramatic worsening where I got noxacusis and sound distortions. I’ve had to give up my martial arts class with loud music, headphones, concerts (my dad is a musician and I can no longer see him perform), the movies, 4th of July and other loud...
  20. weab00

    Worsened Hyperacusis, Sound Distortions, Reactive Tinnitus, Ear Pain: Should I Do All Online School?

    I’m going into my junior year of high school and recently my hyperacusis has gotten much much worse and now it’s constant sound distortions, reactive tinnitus, occasional warmth and stabs of pain in and around the ear, etc. Would I be better off doing the hybrid model of 2 days in school 3...
  21. weab00

    Are There Any Success Stories for Moderate-Severe Dysacusis?

    I’ve had tinnitus for a year and a half and habituated after about 6 months. However, in the past month, I have seemed to have spontaneously gotten noxacusis, which I’m guessing is from cumulative ear damage. As a music lover, the worst part about it is the dysacusis, as it makes songs sound...
  22. weab00

    Should I Treat Hyperacusis with Sound Enrichment Therapy If It’s Causing Me Ear Pain?

    Some people on the forums say not to sleep in silence as it makes your tinnitus louder over time and sound enrichment is good for treating hyperacusis. So I’m anxious about sleeping in silence now. However, even low volume ambient rain gives me stabbing pains behind my ears and produces noise...
  23. weab00

    Want Professional Help for Hyperacusis — Parents Think I'm Crazy: How to Proceed?

    I'm 16 and I got tinnitus a year and a half ago after several regretful years of loud headphone music. In the past month or so my hyperacusis has gotten pretty bad, and most sounds produce somewhat painful noise distortions. Listening to music is impossible because the high-end sounds like a...
  24. weab00

    Is Hearing Ringing in Reaction to Certain External Sounds Hyperacusis?

    I have tinnitus from going to live concerts without ear protection and listening to headphones at a loud volume. Stupidly, I continued using headphones up until about last week when I realized that it was only going to get worse if I continued. However, when I did use headphones the mid-high...
  25. weab00

    Parents Won’t Take Me to a Doctor: Ear Ringing for 8 Days

    I’m 15 and have had ringing in my left ear for the past 8 days. My parents took me to the doctors where I saw a nurse practitioner, but all she did was run basic tests and said I checked out fine. OK... not really what I wanted and I was pissed throughout the whole thing. Now my parents won’t...
  26. weab00

    Is My Tinnitus Permanent? What Do I Do? I Can't Enjoy Anything

    Last Monday I was lying in bed when my left ear started ringing loudly. I went to sleep, and the next morning the high pitched ringing was still there, but much quieter, kind of like a CRT TV. The day before my ears rang loudly for 60 seconds and then stopped. I usually use over the ear...