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  • Users: Blodorn
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  1. Blodorn

    Sudden Hearing Distortion Out of Nowhere — TMJ?

    Hi everyone! It's been a while! I come back here because I need help again. Something really weird is happening actually. So it's been almost 6 month I've had tinnitus, but it's not my concern anymore, I live with it. Also, I want to say that I did not experience acoustic trauma, I don't have...
  2. Blodorn

    My Story Revisited: I'm Convinced I Never Had Acoustic Trauma, After All

    Hello! I need to write my thoughts guys. It's nice therapy! Thank you for reading me! And sorry for my English. Did my best to not make too much mistakes. I don't write enough in English! But it is a good training haha! My original story...
  3. Blodorn

    Tinnitus to Silence Event: 4 Success Stories (Video)

    Hi! I'd like to share with you these four videos recorded at the "Tinnitus to Silence" event. Maybe it could help some of us to get better, I don't know. :) Don't forget to put subtitles on as the sound quality is kind of poor. Julian Cowan Hill - "Julian starts the Tinnitus to Silence Event...
  4. Blodorn

    Broken Ear or Hyperacusis (Distortion)? Most External Noises Sound Distorted

    A month and a half after my acoustic trauma, I now have new symptoms. My tinnitus is very quiet now and it's not my primary concern anymore. But now I notice a distortion in most of the external noises (TV, shower, fridge, car etc...) like "beeeep, beep... beep beep beep" Can someone explain...
  5. Blodorn

    Why Does My Tinnitus Never Stabilize? Constanty Changing — Having Trouble Habituating

    Hi guys! It's been a month and a half now and I must say that this is a really special journey. Each day my tinnitus changes. One day it's quieter, another day loud, some day electrical, another day pure tone, some day in one ear, other days in both ears, sometimes in my brain + 1 ear, other...
  6. Blodorn

    Extremely Low Pitched Tinnitus with Ear Pain and Fullness. Infection?

    Hi! A new tinnitus tone has come into my life tonight. I need your help to find the cause. This tinnitus is an extremely low hum and it sounds as if a computer was on. Also my left ear and my left nostril both feel full. My left ear hurts a bit. Any ideas? Help :( This sucks because my...
  7. Blodorn

    Massive Improvement from Acoustic Trauma

    Cause of Tinnitus and Hyperacusis: Acoustic trauma + Extreme anxiety Age: 23 Date of trauma: June 3rd, 2019 Hi! Just wanted to share what made me better. Well, the first week my tinnitus was kind of loud but not loud enough to make me crazy or keep me awake so I guess my hearing wasn't too...
  8. Blodorn

    No Tinnitus When I Plug My Ears with My Fingers

    Hi guys, Today I noticed that when I plug my ears with my fingers, I can only hear the sound of blood circulating. When I unplug my ears, the tinnitus takes a few seconds to come back. Any idea? That's kind of weird and strange but at least it gives me some rest.
  9. Blodorn

    "Mon Petit Nitus" — My Tinnitus Journey Diary!

    WARNING: This diary has been created by a French fellow, please excuse his chaotic English :ROFL: ("Mon Petit Nitus" means "My Little Nitus" in French. That's how I decided to call my new friend because "Petit Nitus" sounds like tinnitus in english! (Tinnitus is Acouphène in French!) Hello...
  10. Blodorn

    Is Going to a Dentist and a Wedding Too Much One Month After Acoustic Trauma?

    Hello! I had a potential acoustic trauma 3 weeks ago, haven't taken any medicine, only allowed my ears rest. I have tinnitus and mild hyperacusis in my right ear. Well, one week from now, I'm invited to a wedding and then I have an appointment with my dentist a couple days after. Is it too...
  11. Blodorn

    Unilateral Hyperacusis Appearing 3 Weeks After Tinnitus/Acoustic Trauma?

    Hi! 3 weeks ago I suspect I had noise induced trauma, but no other symptoms except for tinnitus that started 3 hours after the noise exposure. I didn't attempt anything to cure the trauma since I had no pain and my tinnitus is mild, I can sleep with it no problem. To be honest, I didn't think...
  12. Blodorn

    Hi Everyone, Here Comes a French Fellow!

    Hello everyone, I just discovered this forum so I wanted to be part of this great community. I'm Jimmy, 23 years old, no medical background, French and living in France so my English isn't native and I hope everybody will eventually understand me, sorry if my English is chaotic. :) So my story...